Curriculum Enhancement Internships 2021/22: Building Learning Communities

Funding was made available to support a number of Curriculum Enhancement Student Internship projects during 2021/2022. Disruption to students’ university experiences caused by the pandemic reinforced the importance of considering how students interact and engage with staff and their peers. Hence, the guiding theme for project applications for this year was the development of learning communities and how projects might develop, apply, or refine approaches that enable students to learn through and from interaction, connection and collaboration with staff and other learners. The intention was that project outputs should aim to help students gain confidence and become more effective as learners and communicators, develop resilience and foster a sense of belonging with the course and institution.

As can be seen from the summaries below, the notion of learning communities inspired a diversity of approaches to be taken, with the community being located within subject areas, across discipline boundaries, as well as external to the institution. Some projects sought to develop resources and pilot methods to enable students to learn through greater interaction with each other and the learning materials. Other projects brought students together from different subject areas to learn from each other and create materials for a specific audience. Taking the lead from LJMU’s institutional values, which include a commitment to growing and supporting our wider community, a third group of projects were focused on developing partnerships with groups external to the University.

For further detail on any of the projects please contact the Project Leader or Liz Clifford.

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