Image of Dr Emma Roberts

Dr Emma Roberts

Liverpool School of Art and Design

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

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Dr. Emma Roberts is Associate Dean for Global Engagement for the Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies at Liverpool John Moores University. In addition, she is Reader in History of Art and Design and also Programme Leader and Lecturer in BA (Hons) History of Art and Museum Studies and for the Foundation Year in History of Art and Museum Studies. She completed a Ph.D. on Barbara Hepworth in 1997 (University of Liverpool). Roberts has lectured on all aspects of History of Art and Design for twenty years, and has written five academic books- 'Art and the Sea' (2022), 'Jamaica Making: The Theresa Roberts Art Collection' (2022), 'Who Do You Think You Are? The Asia Triennial Manchester, 2018' (2019), 'The Public Sculpture of Cheshire & Merseyside' (2012) and 'The Liverpool Academy: A History and Index' (1997) - as well as a number of journal articles and conference papers, and has also curated exhibitions. Published chapters or journal articles include: 'The Superliner and Liminal Space' in: 'Tourists' Atlantics' (2021), ‘Liberating Form: Barbara Hepworth’s United Nations Memorial’ in 'Sculpture' (2001); ‘Neglected Catalysts. The Function of Drawings and Paintings in Barbara Hepworth’s Oeuvre’ in 'Apollo' (2003); ‘Barbara Hepworth within an International Context’ in Tate’s 'Barbara Hepworth Reconsidered' (2003) and ‘Representation and Reputation: Barbara Hepworth’s Relationships with her American and British Dealers’ (2013) in 'Tate Papers On-Line'. Her 2010 book was nominated in April 2013 for the ‘William M. B. Berger British Art History Prize’ for the best British Art History publication. Her research is disseminated widely outside the academic arena, including by: being interviewed for BBC Radio 4; being a regular Visiting Lecturer at London’s Victoria and Albert Museum; presenting lectures to cultural cruise line passengers and other groups and associations due to being represented by several entertainment agencies. The focus of Roberts’ research lies in three areas: public sculpture; maritime history and design and utopian, ‘New Urbanist’ architecture and environments.




1997, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, Ph.D.
1993, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) First Class


2013, Higher Education Academy, UK, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Academic appointments

Reader in History of Art and Design, History of Art and Museum Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - present
Associate Dean for Global Engagement (Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies), Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - present
Programme Leader: BA (Hons) History of Art, History of Art, Liverpool John Moores University, 1996 - present
