Sports, societies and lifestyle

Join a club, society or sports group

Getting involved in sports, clubs and societies at Liverpool John Moores University is a great way to challenge yourself, meet people who share your interests, and feel more connected to the University community.

Sports teams, academic or social societies are run by Liverpool John Moores Students' Union (the body representing all 20,000 students at Liverpool John Moores University).

Here are just some of the ways you could benefit from getting involved:

  • Learn new skills
  • Become more active
  • Improve your self-confidence
  • Share your unique talents
  • Gain lifelong friends
  • Make your CV stand out
  • Alleviate stress
  • Engage with the community
  • Gain leadership skills
  • Build character
  • Enhance your academic studies
  • Improve teamwork skills

Find out more about our sports teams and clubs and societies at LJMU.

“I never expected to be playing American Football at university but by being involved in the club I have had a brilliant time.”

– Cameron Taylor
BA (Hons) Criminology and President of the American Football Society

Becoming a Sport Scholar at LJMU

One of the leading initiatives in the UK, the LJMU Sports Scholarship scheme helps talented students fulfill both their sporting and academic potential. Find out more about the Sport Scholarships programme and whether you are eligible to apply.

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