Image of Dr Peter Blundell

Dr Peter Blundell

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

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#TherapistsConnect Website


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My Profile


I am a Senior Lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University teaching students on the MA in Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice which focuses on person-centred and experiential theory and practice, for which I am module lead for Person-Centred/Experiential Theory, Personal Development: Self in Relationship, and the Independent Research and Dissertation modules. As a person-centred and experiential counsellor/psychotherapist, I am committed to principled non-directivity as a key aspect of my therapeutic work, and this informs much of my teaching and writing.

In addition to being a therapist, I am also a qualified social worker having worked in services for disabled children for most of my career I now work independently. I now occasionally complete some guest lectures on LJMU’s social work programme.

I have a variety of research interests and enjoy collaborative research and writing. I am keen to support others in publishing their work and continuously support students to get their work into print. The main area of interest for me is researching boundaries in professional practice, reflexivity as a practitioner and issues of power and anti-oppressive practice.

I am interested in collaborative ways of working in counselling, social work, and research spaces. In this regard, I have helped establish multiple communities of practice which endeavour to create safer spaces for members to explore issues of practice development and collaborative learning. For example, I coordinate an international network of therapists (called #TherapistsConnect), which seeks to develop connection, conversation, and collaboration between therapists in creative and innovative ways. I am also on the steering group for the Breaking the Boundaries Collective which seeks to foster relationship-based practice in health and social care settings. I am a contributor to the Person-Centred Practice Community which aims to foster discussion between person-centred practitioners.

I am a PhD supervisor and external examiner for projects concerning counselling, psychotherapy, and social work, and I am happy to be contacted regarding future projects in these areas.


2022, University of Derby, United Kingdom, Post Graduate Certificate in Clinical Supervision (PGCCS)
2020, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP)
2017, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, PhD - Boundaries in Counselling
2013, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, MA - Social Work
2009, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, BA - Psychology with Sociology


2020, Liverpool John Moores University, Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice

Academic appointments

Research Supervisor, Keele University, 2023 - present
Lecturer, MSc in Contemporary Person-Centred Psychotherapy, Metanoia, 2021 - 2023
Critical Friend, Newman University, 2020 - 2023
Senior Lecturer, MA in Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Practice, School of Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - present
