
How your donation helps

Your gift makes a world of difference to our students.

Your contributions to our annual fund provides valuable support throughout the University for many projects and initiatives. The funds help us to support graduates prepare for life and the world of work and become valuable contributors to society.

With your donation we are able to:

  • support students in their studies – this can be through providing financial support or other assistance they might need
  • enhance academic programmes – we can offer the best possible learning experience and support to our students
  • provide modern facilities – ensure students and academics are using the latest equipment that replicates ‘world of work’ environments
  • provide funding towards capital projects – for example the purchase of new buildings, fitting out buildings with new equipment or refurbishments  
  • give back to the community – we are able to participate in important projects and schemes that make a real difference to people in our region.

If you wish you can direct your gift to a specific project that you feel passionate about.

Get in touch with us to make a difference

Colette Quail

Telephone: +44 (0) 151 231 3292
Mobile: 07929 999 493

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