Dr Kyoko Yamaguchi
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: K.Yamaguchi@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2593
The University of Tokyo, Japan, PhD, Anthropology in Biological Sciences
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer in Human Genetics, Liverpool John Moores University, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, 2018 - present
Lecturer in Human Genetics, School of Natural Sciences and Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - 2018
Cain FE, Yamaguchi K. 2024. Effect of iris pigmentation of blue and brown eyed individuals with European ancestry on ability to see in low light conditions after a short-term dark adaption period Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DOI Publisher Url
Yamaguchi K. 2023. 4-23 体色関係 (Coat and body colour) Primate Society of Japan . 霊長類学の百科事典 (Encyclopedia of Primatology) 9784621308042
Yamaguchi K. 2021. 24.3 melanin-concentrating hormone (メラニン凝集ホルモン) Inoue I, Imanishi T, Kawamura S, Saito N, Satta Y, Tajima A. Encyclopaedia of Human Genome (ヒトゲノム事典 ) Ishiki Shuppan 9784910389127
Internet publication
Buck L, Yamaguchi K. 2023. Most humans haven’t evolved to cope with the cold, yet we dominate northern climates – here’s why Publisher Url
Conference publication
Yamaguchi K, Koganebuchi K, Sato T, Kannon T, Tsujiguchi H, Hosomichi K, Tajima A, Yamamoto K, Ishida H, Nakamura H, Kimura R. 2020. Genome-wide analysis on adult cephalic morphology in Okinawa and Ishikawa, Japan AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 89th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists (AAPA) 171 :313-313 Author Url
Kimura R, Watanabe C, Miyazato E, Yamaguchi K, Sato T, Ito T, Kawaguchi A, Yamamoto K, Ishida H. FST-QST comparison for testing neutrality of the facial morphology differentiation between Ryukyuans and mainland Japanese Anthropological Science, T 3 :202-202
Kimura R, Watanabe C, Miyazato E, Yamaguchi K, Sato T, Ito T, Kawaguchi A, Ishira H, Yamaguchi T, Yamamoto K, Kouchi M, Mochimaru M. Individual variation in facial size and its influencing factors Anthropological Science, 3 :211-211
Cain FE, Yamaguchi K. Effect of iris pigmentation on ability to see in low light conditions after a short-term dark adaption period among individuals with European ancestry in the U.K. 2024 Human Biology Association Annual Meeting
Journal article
Scelza B, Prall S, Blumenfield T, Crittenden A, Gurven M, Kline M, Koster J, Kushnick G, Mattison S, Pillworth E, Shenk M, Starweather K, Stieglitz J, Sum C-Y, Yamaguchi K, McElreath R. 2020. Patterns of Paternal Investment Predict Cross-Cultural Variation in Jealous Response Nature Human Behaviour, 4 :20-26 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Moromizato K, Kimura R, Fukase H, Yamaguchi K, Ishida H. 2016. Whole-body patterns of the range of joint motion in young adults: masculine type and feminine type Journal of Physical Anthropology, 35 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yamauchi T, Kimura R, Kawaguchi A, Sato T, Yamaguchi K, Toma T, Miyamoto K, Fukase H, Yamaguchi T, Ishida H. 2016. A comparative study of craniofacial measurements between Ryukyuan and mainland Japanese females using lateral cephalometric images Anthropological Science, 124 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Suzuki S, Sunagawa M, Shindo M, Kimura R, Yamaguchi K, Sato T, Yoneda M, Nagaoka T, Saiki K, Wakebe T, Hirata K, Tsurumoto T, Ishida H. 2015. Degenerative changes in the appendicular joints of ancient human populations from the Japan Islands Quaternary International, 405 :147-159 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sato T, Nakagome S, Watanabe C, Yamaguchi K, Kawaguchi A, Koganebuchi K, Haneji K, Yamaguchi T, Hanihara T, Yamamoto K, Ishida H, Mano S, Kimura R, Oota H. 2014. Genome-wide SNP analysis reveals population structure and demographic history of the ryukyu islanders in the southern part of the Japanese archipelago. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 31 :2929-2940 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Miyazato E, Yamaguchi K, Fukase H, Ishida H, Kimura R. 2014. Comparative analysis of facial morphology between Okinawa Islanders and mainland Japanese using three-dimensional images. Am J Hum Biol, 26 :538-548 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yamaguchi K, Watanabe C, Kawaguchi A, Sato T, Naka I, Shindo M, Moromizato K, Aoki K, Ishida H, Kimura R. 2012. Association of melanocortin 1 receptor gene (MC1R) polymorphisms with skin reflectance and freckles in Japanese. Journal of Human Genetics, 57 :700-708 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yamaguchi K, Holman DJ. 2010. Longitudinal analysis of permanent tooth emergence in Japanese children ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 118 :141-149 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Holman DJ, Yamaguchi K. 2005. Longitudinal analysis of deciduous tooth emergence: IV. Covariate effects in Japanese children AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 126 :352-358 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Research Grants Awarded:
JSPS, Reconstruction of human facial morphology: Predicting soft tissue morphology from skeletal and DNA information, Grant value (£): 26,405.00. 2025
LJMU Thematic Doctoral Programme, The characterization of the genetic basis of human facial feature variation., Prof Caroline Wilkinson, LJMU; Sara Shrimpton, LJMU; Prof Ryosuke Kimura, University of the Ryukyus, Japan, Grant value (£): 353916, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2023
BES Mobility Fund and Research Capability Fund, LJMU, Pilot study for identifying genetic polymorphisms associated with human facial morphology, Grant value (£): 4565.04, Duration of research project: 2 months. 2023
Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, Research visit to University of the Ryukyus to analyse data for project to identify genetic polymorphisms associated with human facial morphology, Grant value (£): 2500. 2023
The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation Grant, Research visit to Department of Human Anatomy and Biology at University of the Ryukyu, Japan for a study to identify genetic polymorphisms that are associated with human facial morphology, Grant value (£): 2,465.86. 2023
Strategic Research Development Fund - BES Research Capability Fund by School of Biological and Environmental Science, Liverpool John Moores University, Effect of iris pigmentation on ability to see in low light conditions after a short-term dark adaption period., Grant value (£): £4998.95. 2022
Faculty of Science LJMU Early Career Researcher (ECR) Fellowship Scheme 2019-2020, Collaboration with University of the Ryukyus for genome-wide assocation study on human visible traits, Grant value (£): 3000. 2019
SMBE Carer Award, Carer award to attend SMBE 2019 in Manchester, Grant value (£): 300. 2019
Faculty of Science LJMU ECR Fellowship Scheme 2017-18 for collaboration, Data collection for genome-wide association study on human externally visible traits in Ishikawa, Japan., Grant value (£): £3,400. 2017
Faculty of Science LJMU ECR Fellowship Scheme 2018-19 for collaboration, Genome-wide association study (GWAS) on human externally visible characteristics., Grant value (£): £3,990.
Media Coverage:
Blue eyes may be better for reading in dim light than brown eyes (opens in a new tab) 2025
Republication of the article "Most humans haven't evolved to cope with the cold, yet we dominate northern climates – here's why" by Laura Buck, Kyoko Yamaguchi, January 16, 2023 in more than 20 different websites across the world
phys.org (opens in a new tab)
english.elpais.com (opens in a new tab)
allafrica.com (opens in a new tab)
Conference presentation:
Effect of iris pigmentation on ability to see in low light conditions after a short-term dark adaption period among individuals with European ancestry in the U.K., 49th Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Poster presentation. 2024
Effect of iris pigmentation on ability to see in low light conditions after a short-term dark adaption period among individuals with European ancestry in the U.K., 2024 Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Poster presentation. 2024
Genome-wide analysis on the genetic basis of human head morphology in Japanese, SMBE 2019, Poster presentation. 2019
The Prediction of the Externally Visible Characteristics of Medieval Human Remains from Poulton, UK, using Next Generation Sequencing, Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution 2018 (SMBE2018), Yokohama, Japan, Poster presentation. 2018
Reconsidering genetics of skin pigmentation in East Asia, the 4th Workshop of Biological Anthropologists, University of Oxford, Oral presentation. 2017
FST-QST comparison for testing neutrality of the facial morphology differentiation between Ryukyuans and mainland Japanese, The 70th Annual meeting of the Anthropological Society of Nippon, Nigata, Japan, Oral presentation. 2016
Comparison of 3D Facial Morpholgy between Ryukyuans and Hondo Japanese:Neutrality test by FST-QS analysis, 18th Annual Meeting of the Society of Evolutionary studies, Japan, Okayama, Japan, Oral presentation. 2016
Analysis of polymorphisms associated with skin pigmentation in Oceanic populations, The 13th International Congress of Human Genetics, Kyoto Japan, Poster presentation. 2016
Genome-wide association study on cephalic form in Japanese, the 13th International Congress of Human Genetics, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan, Poster presentation. 2016
Genetic studies on human visible traits, The 3rd Workshop of Biological Anthropologists, Institute of Archaeology, University of Oxford, Oral presentation. 2016
A genetic enrichment analysis for genes neighboring the hand morphologyassociated SNPs, The 60th Annual Meeting of The Japan Society of Human Genetics, Tokyo, Japan, Poster presentation. 2015
A search for polymorphisms associated with facial size, The 60th Annual Meeting of The Japan Society of Human Genetics, Tokyo, Japan, Oral presentation. 2015
A search for polymorphisms associated with the middle phalangeal hair of hand, The 60th Annual meeting of the Japan Society of Human Genetics, Tokyo, Japan, Poster presentation. 2015
Genome-wide association analysis of cephalic form in modern Japanese, RNMH2014 The Second International Conference on Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans: Testing Evolutionary Models of Learning, Date, Japan, Poster presentation. 2014
Genome-wide association analysis of cephalic form in modern Japanese, RNMH2014 The Second International Conference on Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans: Testing Evolutionary Models of Learning. Poster presentation, The Cultural Center in the city of Date, Date City, Hokkaido, Japan:, Poster presentation. 2014
Genome-wide analysis on cephalic morphology among Japanese, The 59th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Human Genetics, Tokyo, Japan, Oral presentation. 2014
Genome-wide search for the genetic factor of cephalic morphology in Japanese population, The 68th Annual Meeting of the Anthropological Society of Nippon, Hamamatsu, Japan, Oral presentation. 2014
Identification of genetic polymorphisms related to skin reflectance in the Japanese population, The 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropology, Calgary, Canada, Poster presentation. 2014
Identification of genetic polymorphisms related to skin reflectance in the Japanese population., The 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropology, . Calgary, Canada: Hyatt Regency Calgary and Telus Convention Center., Poster presentation. 2014
Search for genetic polymorphisms related to skin pigmentation in the Japanese population, Cell Symposium: Evolution of Modern Humans - From Bones to Genomes., Sitges, Spain, Poster presentation. 2014
Other Professional Activity:
Internal PGR examiner. 2022
Other invited event:
Invited talk entitled "The evolution and diversity of human skin pigmentation", Tokyo, Japan/ Zoom, Invited speaker for Public Symposium "Understanding Human Genetic Variation from the Evolutionary History" organised by the 75th annual meeting of Anthropological Society of Nippon. Gave a talk on the evolution and diversity of human skin pigmentation to over 330 people that include both public audience and academics. https://www.kuba.co.jp/anthropology75/open_symp.html. 2021
Open Symposium 'Understanding Human Genetic Diversity from Human Evolutionary History', Tokyo, Japan/ Online, https://www.kuba.co.jp/anthropology75/open_symp.html Invited Panel. Gave a talk on 'Evolution and diversity of human skin pigmentation' for general audience.. 2021
Invited Seminar, Burgos, Spain: CENIEH, I was invited to give a talk entitled "Search for genetic polymorphisms related to skin pigmentation in the Japanese population" at CENIEH, Burgos, Spain to the researchers who work at the institute.. 2014
Teaching qualification:
PGCert, Learning, Teaching, and Assessing. 2019
Public engagement:
Public talk or lecture, passengers of a cruise, Invited Speaker, I gave two lectures entitled "Reconstructing appearance from DNA" and "Out of Africa: the birth and divergence of Europeans and Asians" to the Japanese passengers on Sun Princess., Sun Princess, Public Lecture. 2019
Public talk or lecture, high school students, invited speaker, Asahigaoka High School, Aichi, Japan, lecture for high school students, http://www.asahigaoka-h.aichi-c.ed.jp/sgh/28_sgh/160615_hasegwakouza.pdf. 2016
Demonstration, General public who visited Manchester Museum, Presenter, Manchester Museum, Science Uncovered at Manchester Museum, https://www2.ljmu.ac.uk/NewsUpdate/viewarticle/2280/. 2015
Conference organisation:
BABAO 2017, Staff. 2017