Research and expertise - work with LJMU
Find business solutions through our research expertise
Our internationally acclaimed academics specialise in a diverse range of fields and can use their expertise to find real-world solutions to your business issues.
To discuss your requirements please contact us – we will put you in touch with the right team.
Our areas of expertise
Browse through the links below for a flavour of the range and breadth of research undertaken at Liverpool John Moores University.
For more detail about our research expertise, please take a look at our research areas.
Contact us
For general enquiries or to discuss how your organisation can connect with the University’s research expertise please contact us using the details below:
- Telephone: 08085 876543
- Email: ris@ljmu.ac.uk
Faq Items
The Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI) at Liverpool John Moores University is one of the world's leading authorities in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Running unique BSc and MPhys courses in conjunction with the University of Liverpool, the work of ARI encompasses a comprehensive programme of observational and theoretical research, telescope operation and instrument development, academic learning and outreach activities.
The Institute developed Spaceport in conjunction with Merseytravel and led the development of the ASTRONET Infrastructure Roadmap for the future of European astronomy on behalf of STFC and other European funding agencies. ARI staff regularly serve on national and international committees and the panels of the Research Councils and other bodies.
The ARI carries out world-leading astronomical research using data gathered from premier observing facilities across the globe, coupled with predictions from supercomputer simulations. The Institute's key areas of interest are star formation and stellar populations, galaxy formation and evolution, time-domain astrophysics and astronomical instrumentation.
Awards for ARI include the Queen's Anniversary Prize for outstanding achievements in Higher and Further Education.
Visit the Astrophysics Research Institute
Health and social care
Our breadth of experience in the health and social care field means that we have an expert understanding of organisational, professional, practitioner and service user needs across the sector.
Some specific areas of expertise include:
- Nursing adults, children and people with mental health needs; acute and out of hospital care
- Counselling and psychotherapies
- Midwifery
- Emergency and paramedic care
- Social work and social care
- Youth and community work
- Public health
- Environmental health
- Work with children, young people and their families
- Research and policy development
- Service development and enhancement
- Inter-professional and inter-agency working
- Working in the international context
- Development, application and use of informatics within healthcare, social care and related disciplines (both NHS and non-NHS social care settings.)
Visit the School of Nursing and Advanced Practice and the School of Public and Allied Health.
Criminalisation and social exclusion
Our Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion makes its resources and skills available on local, regional, national and international levels for policymakers, practitioners, user communities and other ‘stakeholders’ in criminal justice, social policy and related fields.
Areas of specialist expertise include:
- Prisons
- Drugs
- Policing
- Gender
- Race
- Social exclusion
- Youth justice
- Housing
- Sport and criminology
- Biblical studies
- Popular culture
Visit the Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion
Computer technology and protection
Building on the world-class reputation of the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, our (PROTECT) Research Centre for Critical Infrastructure Computer Technology and Protection is dedicated to undertaking innovative high quality research in collaboration with partners across the world. The Centre offers services and opportunities to companies working in the area of critical infrastructures.
These services include:
- Commercial training packages
- Consultancy
- Software licensing
- Student work placements
Visit the Research Centre for Critical Infrastructure Computer Technology and Protection
Engineering: general, electrical, mechanical and materials
Our ERDF-funded outreach project brings together the staff and technical equipment from our internationally-renowned General Engineering Research Institute (GERI). The project is a dedicated facility for engineering research and provides expertise in measurement, sensing, materials processing, advanced manufacturing and biomedical engineering. The Institute works with SMEs as core partners.
Our Electrical Electronic Engineering Research Centre has two core research groups, Microelectronics and Electric Machines and Drives. The Centre is recognised internationally for work in a range of areas, from 3D electronic devices to wind power-based electricity generation.
Visit the General Engineering Research Institute
Built environment and sustainable technologies
Research at our Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies (BEST) Research Institute ranges from applied research which is closely linked to medium-term industry requirements, to niche and unique research aimed at addressing the longer-term needs of industry.
Some of our major partners include United Utilities and Jaguar. Recognised nationally and internationally, 52% of the institute's research is classified as world leading or internationally excellent, in subjects including:
- Advanced technologies for renewable energies
- Generation of multi bio-fuel from waste
- Water and waste water treatments
- Non-invasive sensors for monitoring water quality in real time
- Project management and construction
- Wave and flood effects on buildings
- Wireless sensors for building and structure health monitoring
- Climate change effect on rainfall patterns
- Materials and pavement engineering
- Near zero carbon building and bespoke carbon reduction analysis
- Supply chain management
- Building augmented reality and energy solutions
- Environment pollution reduction
Visit the Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies Research Institute
Logistics, offshore and marine
The Liverpool Logistics, Offshore and Marine (LOOM) Research Institute is a world-leading research unit in marine, offshore and transport studies. LOOM has a fantastic range of first-rate facilities, including a 360-degree ship simulator and a wide range of transport modelling and safety decision making software.
Areas of specialist research include:
- 3D simulation of logistics movements
- Evolutionary algorithms and optimisation
- Formal ship safety assessment
- Human and organisational error studies
- Logistics supply chain studies
- Marine and offshore system design
- Navigation studies
- Offshore safety analysis
- Simulation studies of marine systems
- Maritime logistics studies
- Offshore structural assessment
- Port safety assessment
- Port studies
- Simulator based research
- Security studies
- Simulation and optimisation of port operations
- Quality modelling
- Appraisal of marine regulation performance
- Transport modelling
Visit the Liverpool Maritime Academy, the Liverpool Logistics, Offshore and Marine (LOOM)
Low carbon
Please see the following webpages for more information:
Visit the School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment.
Physical activity, cardiovascular, football and sports science
The Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences (RISES) is the home of cutting-edge research activity relating to Sport and Exercise Sciences.
Specialist areas of expertise include Biomechanics, Brain and Behaviour, Cardiovascular Health Sciences, Exercise Metabolism and Adaptation, Psychology and Development, Football Exchange, and Physical Activity Exchange.
RISES has recently benefited from investment in recruiting world-leading academics and early career researchers, plus a £35 million investment in state-of-the-art laboratory facilities.
Visit the Research Institute for Sports and Exercise Sciences
Brain and behaviour
Our Research Centre in Brain and Behaviour pools together the best minds in psychology, neuroscience and related fields.
Our team of internationally-recognised scientists with a shared interest in motor behaviour and learning have a clear aim to translate and disseminate findings to impact policy and practice in applied settings.
Visit the Research Centre in Brain and Behaviour
Cultural history, urban affairs and environments
Our researchers have a strong background as leading lights in urban policy research, influencing national and international policy development and assisting policy-makers and communities in the city, region and in the UK on matters such as the recession and the credit crunch.
Research in English at Liverpool John Moores University is focused through the Research Institute for Literature and Cultural History.
The Exhibition Research Lab is the first academic centre devoted to the study of exhibitions. Its mission is to support research in this overlooked area of study by organising exhibitions, lectures and other public events.
Visit the School of Humanities and Social Science.
The Centre for Educational Research (CERE) carries out research and evaluation across all sectors of education and in activities concerned with learning outside the traditional boundaries of institutions such as schools and universities. With a growing body of funded research projects and internationally recognised researchers, CERE believes that partnership working is central to development and change.
Visit the Centre for Educational Research
LJMU achievements and impact
We are proud that our work and partnerships enhance somebody’s life. We achieve this in so many ways - through our academic excellence and with our world-leading or impactful research.
Visit our LJMU Achievements and impact pages to see the many remarkable ways we raise people up and support communities.