Freedom of Information

LJMU is a public body for the purpose of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

We are accountable to the public, and our actions should be as transparent as possible. This means that members of the public can check that our efforts are undertaken to the public benefit and that our spending is fair.

Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), in most cases, we must confirm whether we hold a specific piece of information, and if asked to make it available to the public. There are a number of exemptions to the FOIA which allow us to withhold information if it is not appropriate to release it, however we will always act in the public interest.

We must respond to you within 20 working days of receipt of your request to comply with the requirements of the act.

Making Freedom of Information Request

Liverpool John Moores University is committed to promoting public understanding of its ethos, values and activities, and so far as it is possible and permitted under law, it will provide members of the public with any information held by the University.

If you would like to make a request for information held by LJMU please email:

Tips for making successful requests

  • Please be clear about what information you require. We will not start locating information until we have clarified that we understand your request.
  • Please remember that we can only provide information or data that we hold - there is no obligation under the act for us to create new data or make comments.
  • You may want to search our previous FOI disclosure logs and other Published Information to see if the answers you are looking for are already immediately available to you.
  • Open Data about who is studying at Higher Education Institutions in the UK, including LJMU is published each year by the Higher Education Statistics Authority (HESA) on the HESA website.
  • The act places a limit of £450 on the amount of money that we should spend in answering your requests. This equates to 18 hours of staff time. We can not answer a request unless we estimate that the time and costs will be less than this. If you are asking for information that will require us to look at individual case files please consider limiting the scope of the request to the minimum necessary for your aim.
  • We will not answer requests if they are made in a way that is likely to cause a disproportionate or unjustifiable level of distress, disruption or irritation.

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