e-Health Systems Research Group
The eHealth systems research group undertakes research into a diverse range of subjects addressing real world problems in areas of health, medicine, wellbeing and biology. Expertise is drawn from across the University with members from School of Computer Science and Mathematics. The eHealth research group, led by Dr Gabriela Czanner, has over 30 years of research expertise with a significant component of real-world applications in technology development to support healthcare practice and medicine.
Our technological expertise is aligned into six research themes:
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Data Mining, Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Diseases
- Statistics, Evidence, Risk Analysis, Epidemiology, Design of Clinical and Laboratory Studies
- Bioinformatics, Mathematical Modelling, Mathematical Biology, Dynamic Systems
- Computational Neuroscience, Visual Coding, Visual Learning, fMRI, Vision, Contextual Modulation
- Model-based Software Engineering, Parallel/Distributed Processing of Big Data, Safety Assurance, Robotic Systems, Databases
- Image Processing, Computer Vision, AR/VR, AI in Games, Visualisation, Wearable/Mobile Sensors, Digital Signal Processing
External collaborators of eHealth Systems Research Group
Collaborations are important to the group. Consequently, researchers from the Group have formed national and international partnerships, including:
- Harvard/MIT (USA)
- Royal Liverpool University Hospital and St Paul Eye’s Unit (UK)
- Slovak University of Technology (Slovakia)
- Ulster University (NI), Lancaster University (UK)
- Aravind Eye Care Hospital (India)
- University of York (UK)
- Dalian University of Technology (China)
- Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (Indonesia)
- University of Kurdistan Hewler
- IfADo Leibniz-Institut für Arbeitsforschung an der TU Dortmund (Germany)
- Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
- Polytechnic university of Sulaimanyah (Iraq)
- Institute for Mathematics Stochastic (Göttingen, Germany)
- Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne (Australia)
Our eHealth Systems members
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Research Impact of eHealth Systems Research Group
The group undertakes research and collaboration in a variety of areas and has an excellent track record of obtaining external funding from EPSRC, GCRF, British Foundation for Prevention of Blindness (BCPB), NIHR, Dunhill Medical Trust, Wellcome Trust, HEFCE, Royal Academy of Engineering, Innovate UK, Knowledge Transfer Partnership, North West Regional Innovation Fund and Bupa.
For instance, one project that has been funded by EPSRC [Grant Ref: EP/R014094/1] was working on an innovative idea to help transform early detection of diabetic eye disease China. This international research project entitled “Development of New Low Cost Point of Care Diagnostic Technologies for Diabetic Retinopathy in China” was jointly funded by The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) through the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). This has been a collaboration of the School of Computer Science and Mathematics at Liverpool John Moores University, The University of Liverpool, Royal Liverpool University Hospital and Peking University People's Hospital. In another project, the members of the group are conducting research with Aravind Eye Hospital (India), Ulster University and Lancaster University, funded by British Council for Prevention of Blindness (BCPB). We are looking at the use of portable retinal camera and develop AI to detect glaucoma.
Highlighted publications of the eHealth Systems Research Group
We name here several notable publications, in our six research themes:
Faq Items
Contact the e-Health Systems Research Group
If you’d like to ask a question or find out more about information about this Group, please contact the team using the details below.
Contact: Dr Gabriela Czanner
Email: g.czanner@ljmu.ac.uk
Phone: +44 (0) 151 231 8038
School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Liverpool John Moores University
Byrom Street
L3 3AF