Replacing ID cards
Find out how and when to get a replacement LJMU card from the Library.
Replacement cards
I have lost my student card, how do I get another one?
Pre-order a replacement ID card
- Visit My LJMU
- Select My Services
- Select Request ID card replacement
- Receive a text or email to confirm barcode has been updated
- Visit Aldham or Avril Robarts Library during staffed hours
- See details of Semester and Vacation staffed hours below
When can I have a replacement card made during Semester time?
When can I have a replacement card made during Vacation time?
Replacement ID cards that have not been pre-ordered
If you have not pre-ordered a replacement ID card we can produce one for you at Aldham and Avril Robarts Libraries Monday to Friday 9am to 4.45pm only.
Replacement of faulty ID cards
If your card is faulty visit Aldham or Avril Robarts Library during staffed hours. See details of Semester and Vacation staffed hours below.
When can I have a replacement card made during Semester time?
When can I have a replacement card made during Vacation time?
Please note an old card cannot be reactivated once you have been issued with a replacement card.
All replacement ID cards are issued free of charge.
My student card is faulty, what should I do?
Take your faulty card to either Aldham or Avril Libraries and it will be replaced free of charge. For the hours when this service is available please see below.
When can I have a replacement card made during Semester time?
When can I have a replacement card made during Vacation time?
When can I have a replacement card made during Semester time?
Pre-ordered replacement or faulty cards
If you have pre-ordered a replacement ID card via My Services in my.ljmu.ac.uk or if your card is faulty it can be produced for you at Aldham Robarts Library and Avril Robarts Library:
- Monday to Friday 9am to 11pm
- Saturday and Sunday 10am to 8pm
If you have not pre-ordered a replacement card
If you have not pre-ordered a replacement ID card via My Services in my.ljmu.ac.uk, a card can be produced for you at Aldham Robarts Library and Avril Robarts Library:
- Monday to Friday 9am to 4.45pm
Please note an old card cannot be reactivated once you have been issued with a replacement card.
When can I have a replacement card made during Vacation time?
Pre-ordered replacement or faulty cards
If you have pre-ordered a replacement ID card via My Services in my.ljmu.ac.uk or if your card is faulty it can be produced for you at:
Aldham Robarts Library
- Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
- Saturday 10am to 4pm
Avril Robarts Library
- Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm
- Saturday 10am to 4pm
If you have not pre-ordered a replacement card
If you have not pre-ordered a replacement ID card via My Services in my.ljmu.ac.uk, a card can be produced for you at Aldham Robarts Library and Avril Robarts Library:
- Monday to Friday 9am to 4.45pm
Please note an old card cannot be reactivated once you have been issued with a replacement card.