Partner institution students
LJMU Library provides services and resources to collaborative partner students; access may vary depending on the type of partnership arrangement.
More details about the services on offer and how you can access our resources are included below.
If you have a question about collaborative partner access, please get in touch with the Academic Engagement Manager.
Electronic resources
Which electronic resources can collaborative partner college students access?
Partner College Students access to library resources varies from collaborative partner to collaborative partner and is dependent on resource. Collaborative partner students may get an error message or be asked to pay when trying to access some resources. This is due to the licence restrictions placed upon us by publishers and service providers. The Library sets and checks access permission levels on a regular basis. Access to resources for collaborative students will be enabled automatically where possible and disabled where it’s not possible for us to grant access to partners.
For further advice Contact your Librarian via HelpMe.
Access permitted for students in UK and international collaborative partner institutions
UK Award only Partners
- Cambridge University Press E-journals and E-books
- Cite Them Right
- E-book Central Partners
- Ebooks supplied via VLeBooks (Askews and Holts Library Services)
- Emerald E-journals
- IHS E-resources
- Ingenta
- Metapress
- ProQuest One Partners
- Skills for Study
- Taylor and Francis E-journals
- Wiley E-journals
International (Transnational Education)
- Annual Reviews
- Cambridge University Press E-journals and E-books
- Cite Them Right
- E-book Central Partners
- Ebooks supplied via VLeBooks (Askews and Holts Library Services)
- Emerald E-journals
- Ingenta
- Metapress
- OUP (Oxford University Press) Journals
- Portland Press
- ProQuest One Partners
- RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry)
- ScienceDirect
- Skills for Study
- Springer Nature
- Taylor and Francis E-journals
- Wiley E-journals
Additional licences purchased for specific partner institutions
SLIIT: Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology
- Westlaw
- HeinOnline
Links and files
Partner institution staff opens a new windowWhy can't I access this eBook?
Please note: Partner access to ebooks varies from partner to partner and resource to resource. Staff and Students from Collaborative Partners may not have access to all library resources.
Technology sometimes throws us a curve ball, but we've found that trying the following will often help you to access the resource:
- Check your account details. Retry with your username in the format username@LJMU.ac.uk and your usual password.
- Clear cookies and cache from your browser. See FAQ: How do I clear my web browser cookies?
- Try a different browser. We sometimes experience compatibility problems between certain platforms and browsers.
- Google the exact error message. You will often find the solution online.
- Be aware that we rarely purchase all of the eBooks on a particular platform. If it's not listed in Discover, we probably don't have access (but you can contact us to double-check).
- Check your eReader software. eBooks in ePub format require Adobe Digital Editions. This is not the same as Adobe Reader, which is used to open PDFs.
- Is the eBook PDF trying to open in a browser's own PDF viewer (e.g. Chrome)? Try changing the browser settings to use Adobe Reader instead.
Why do I need to “look for an institutional log-in”?
LJMU uses Open Athens as a secure authentication route to allow users to click through from the Library Discover search through to full text online.
Open Athens works on and off campus to ensure users can access electronic resources at their preferred place of study.
If you are using Discover, you will often not need to look for an institutional log in option, as you should log straight into the resource. However, there may be occasions when the service is not connecting correctly, or you may have accessed the resource by a route other than the links in Discover. This means that you will need to log in through your institution to allow the publisher to recognise you.
Open Athens or similar “sign-in” can seem like an extra step but the publishers (and LJMU) want to ensure only those studying or working for LJMU can access the content and connect as seamlessly as possible.
Please note: Collaborative partner access to library resources varies from partner to partner and resource to resource. Collaborative Staff and Students (Collaborative Partners) may not have access to all library resources.
Links and files
How do I access eBooks? opens a new windowAccess and borrowing
As a student at a collaborative partner what access and borrowing rights do I have?
Staff and students from our partners can visit any LJMU Library. You will need an LJMU ID card for access.
Borrowing rights are the same as for LJMU students and staff. Further details can be found at Borrowing books.
Librarian support
As a student at a collaborative partner what support can I get from a librarian?
Our team of Academic Engagement Librarians provide expertise and can offer online training in how to search for, and reference materials relevant to your assignments. Self-directed materials are available at Library Skills.
The Librarians provide a range of Subject Resource guides relevant to each subject and also guidance on how to use our vast range of electronic resources, many of which are licenced for use by partners.
IT and other services
As a student at a collaborative partner what access do I have to IT and other services at LJMU?
Staff and students from our partners with an LJMU username and password can access PCs, wireless networks, printers copiers and scanners in the libraries. Charges will apply for printing and copying.
Some services are not available to partner staff and students including in-person academic study skills, the purchase of resources, inter-library loans and membership of reciprocal borrowing schemes such as SCONUL Access. Any requests for these services should be directed to the collaborative partner.