Network Strands

The network community consists of four strands. Each strand is supported by a committed and experienced team of individuals who will be able to provide opportunities, host events and share with you the range of innovative work in PE, school sport and physical activity.

LJMU Sport: Events, Facilities and Community Sport

Team LJMU’s  Community Strand incorporates supporting School Sports Programmes, providing additional bespoke facilities (trampolining etc), potential paid work opportunities and supporting Merseyside School Sports Partnerships and our Student Union Volunteering Scheme

Strand Lead: Anna-Marie Brown

Research Projects

This strand aims to engage with network members to develop and conduct timely, rigorous and impactful research and evaluation projects.

Strand Lead: Professor Lynne Boddy

Programme Related Professional Learning

This strand aims to provide and develop contextualised learning experiences for LJMU students through the support of the network members and collaborative opportunities.

Strand Lead: Ceri Magill

Continued Professional Development

To support professional development in PE, School Sport and Physical activity (PESSPA), we hold termly network meetings where members share networks on topical issues. These knowledge sharing events are free and open to all involved in PESSPA. Additionally, to support the long-term professional development of PESSPA practitioners, the university provides a pathway of research informed postgraduate study opportunities including PGDE, Masters degrees and doctoral level study. Here practitioners and academics work together to support evidenced based practice in PE, School Sport and Physical Activity

Strand Lead: Dr Colum Cronin

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