PESSPA membership

Core membership is open to all LJMU staff, students and PE teachers or coaches working in schools. If you would like any further information about the event or network itself, please email

Meet our Members

Name: Ceriann Magill
Current Job Title: Senior Lecturer Physical Education
Professional Accreditations: Qualified Teachers Status (QTS Secondary: Physical Education and Life Sciences); Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA); Member of the Association for Physical Education (AfPE); British Educational Research Association (BERA Sig PESP); International Association for Physical Education (AIESEP)

Network Strand: Programme Related Professional Learning and Network Lead

Career background: Ceriann Magill is an academic member of staff (with teaching duties). Ceri teaches on the BA (Hons) Physical Education Programme. On this course, she has responsibility for the delivery of physiology, scientific principles and personal and professional development modules. Ceri is currently working towards her PhD that is central to the development of physical education teaching efficacy in undergraduate students. Her other research interests focus around teaching and learning. Ceri is a member of the psychology and development research group in the school of sport and exercise sciences. Ceri is an experienced physical education teacher and has worked in secondary schools as head of department and school sport co-ordinator prior to Liverpool John Moores University.

Aspirations for PESSPA: To enable all members to learn, share and enhance practice though a professional and contextualised learning community.

Name: Dr Katie Fitton Davies
Current Job Title: Senior Lecturer in Physical Education and Movement Science
Professional Accreditations: Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA); Professional member of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES); Member of the International Motor Development Research Consortium (I-MDRC).

Network Strand: Research Projects

Career background: Katie Fitton Davies is an academic member of staff (with teaching duties). Katie teaches on the BA (Hons) Physical Education Programme and is module leader on Introduction to Skill Acquisition and Skill Acquisition 2. Katie received her BSc in Psychology and MSc in Sport and Exercise Psychology from Bangor University and completed her PhD at Liverpool John Moores University. Katie was appointed Research Fellow of Physical Activity and Exercise Interventions at the Centre of Sport, Exercise, and Life Sciences in Coventry University where she supported and developed school-based interventions before coming to LJMU as Senior Lecturer. Her research interests primarily revolve around motivation and movement and is a member of the Psychology and Development research group in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences.

Aspirations for PESSPA: To help bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Name: Colin Lewis
Current Job Title: Senior Lecturer in Physical Education and Sports Coaching
Professional Accreditations: Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA)

Network Strand: Research Projects and Programme Related Professional Learning

Career background: Colin Lewis is an academic member of staff (with teaching duties). Colin teaches on the BA (Hons) Physical Education Programme and is module leader on Applied Pedagogy 3. In addition, he also teaches on the BSc Sports Coaching programme. Colin received his BA (Hons) in Sports Coaching from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) and his MSc in Sport and Exercise Science from Manchester Metropolitan University. He then completed his PhD at LJMU. Colin initially worked at a Football Clubs’ in the Community department before he was appointed as a postdoctoral researcher at LJMU, subsequently then becoming a Senior Lecturer. His research interests primarily revolve around gender-based violence and inequality in sport and Physical Education, care, physical literacy and disability sport.

Aspirations for PESSPA: To help develop a community of practice

Name: Anna-Marie Brown
Current Job Title: Head of Department – Sport & Physical Activity, Campus Services
Professional Accreditations: Postgrad Dip Sport & Recreation Management (University of Sheffield); previous institutions employed in positions of Sports Development and Facilities Management. Bradford University, University of London, London South Bank University, NEWI now Glyndwr University, Wrexham.

Network Strand: LJMU Sport: Events, Facilities and Community Sport

Career background: Anna-Marie Brown is a professional services member of staff. Anna-Marie has previous experience of partnering schools with FE and HE Academy developments and the use of sport as a vehicle to motivate recruitment and development of undergraduates and postgraduates of the future. With the development of a new Sports Strategy at the University Anna-Marie is interested in pathways in sport from school to HE in partnership with schools, NGBs and enterprise. Anna-Marie line managers the sports facilities staff at LJMU and is happy to discuss potential opportunities for placement and employability strands.

Aspirations for PESSPA: To enable LJMU to continue to be a preferred HE partner in the provision of all levels of the sporting continuum.

Name: Kelly Massey
Current Job Title: Lecturer of Physical Education
Professional Accreditations: Qualified Teachers Status (QTS Secondary: Physical Education); Fellowship of Advanced Higher Education; Member of the Association for Physical Education (AfPE); UK:Anti-Doping Educator

Network Strand: Programme Related Professional Learning

Career background: Miss Kelly Massey is a Senior Lecture within the School of Sports and Exercise Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University. She forms part of the Physical Education team that was nominated by the students for the Amazing Course Team award at the 2020 Amazing Teaching Awards and was awarded the Rising Star Award in 2021. Kelly gained her undergraduate degree in Sports and Exercise Science at LJMU and is currently completing her Doctoral Degree in Elite Athlete Identity Transitions with particular focus on Athlete Mothers.

Kelly is a former International 400m athlete for Great Britain and Northern Ireland and has Olympic, World, Commonwealth and European medals to her name. Alongside Athletics, she taught Physical Education and Dance at secondary school level within Greater Manchester.

Kelly remains active within the elite sport environment through her research and as a UK: Anti-doping educator, Coach and Athlete Mentor for both British Athletics and England Athletics. Kelly is also a Member of the Board of Trustees for England Athletics, a Safeguarding Panellist for England Boxing and an Ambassador for multiple sporting organisations including Greater Sport.

Aspirations for PESSPA: To provide a platform for collaboration, problem solving, learning and celebration in all things Physical Education.

Name: Professor Lynne Boddy
Current Job Title: Professor of Physical Activity and Health
Professional Accreditations: BASES Accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist, CSci

Network Strand: Research Projects

Career background: Lynne is Professor of Physical Activity and Health, and Physical Activity Exchange Lead based within the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences. Lynne is a BASES accredited researcher and Chartered Scientist. Lynne is involved in a number of research programmes within the Physical Activity Exchange including population level fitness and physical activity surveillance studies, physical activity measurement studies, projects investigating the links between fitness, physical activity and disease risk, physical activity interventions and work investigating and promoting physical activity in special populations.

Aspirations for PESSPA: To create a network to build meaningful relationships and opportunities between schools, their pupils and staff and LJMU.

Name: Vicci Boyd
Current Job Title: Senior Lecturer (Sport Coaching) and School Employability Lead
Professional Accreditations: BSc, MA, PG Cert, FHEA

Network Strand: Programme Related Professional Learning

Career background: Vicci Boyd is a Senior Lecturer and Employability Coordinator within the School of Sports and Exercise Science at Liverpool John Moores University, with teaching duties on the Sporting Coaching BSc. She has previously worked as a Regional Talent and development coach in athletics and worked as the National Training Manager for a Youth Fitness Company. Vicci also has experience carrying out consultancy work for a number of sporting National Governing Bodies, running seminars and conferences on Youth Fitness, working with schools promoting sport and physical activity.

Aspirations for PESSPA: To create and maintain a useful and impactful network where knowledge and opportunities can be shared and maximised.

Name: Lawrence Foweather
Current Job Title: Reader in Physical Activity and Health
Professional Accreditations: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA); Member of the British Association for Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES)

Network Strand: Research Projects

Career background: Lawrence is a Reader in Physical Activity and Health and teaches physical activity, sedentary behaviour and health on the BSc Sport and Exercise Sciences programme. He jointly leads the Children, Young People and Families interest group within the Institute for Health Research and is a member of the Physical Activity Exchange within the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences. His ongoing research interests include understanding factors and developing interventions to promote physical activity, sport participation and health, whilst his work has a particular focus on children, young people and families, as well as physical literacy and sport for health / social change strands. Other research interests include assessment, measuring impact and programme evaluation. Lawrence also has some prior experience of multi-skills coaching in children and young people in school settings.

Aspirations for PESSPA: 1) To raise awareness of opportunities for children, parent/carers, teachers, and senior leaders in educational settings to get involved with current LJMU research projects to enhance PE, school sport and physical activity; 2) To share our research and evaluation findings with network members to positively impact practice

Name: Colum Cronin
Current Job Title: Senior Lecturer Sport Coaching

Network Strand: CPD

Career Background: Dr Colum Cronin is a Senior Lecturer in Physical Education and Sport Coaching at Liverpool John Moores University. Here, Colum conducts research, which predominantly explores how coaches can develop caring relationships with athletes. He is the co-author of the book, Care in Sport Coaching, published by Routledge. Colum's other research interests include disability sport coaching and coach education. He is an associate editor of the academic journal Sports Coaching Review, and was recently awarded the AIESEP (International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education) Young Scholar of the Year Award (2019). He has worked with a number of sporting organisations such as the English Football Association and UK Coaching. He is available on social media @columcronin and on email

Aspirations for PESSPA: To support professional development in PE, School Sport and Physical activity (PESSPA), and see practitioners and academics work together to support evidenced based practice in PE, School Sport and Physical Activity.

Name: Ian Beattie

Current Job Title: Senior Lecturer in Sport Development with Physical Education

Professional Accreditations: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA); Member of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES); Member of the Physical Activity Exchange within the Research Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences (RISES).

Network Strand: Research

Career background: Ian Beattie is a Senior Lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University. He teaches on several courses with his main subject focus being on sport/physical activity and health & wellbeing.

Ian is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, an alumnus of the BA (Hons) Sport Development with PE course and has an MSc in Sociology of Sport and Exercise from the University of Chester.

In 2020 Ian was appointed to the Prevention Board - Physical Activity Subgroup, Cheshire & Merseyside Health & Care Partnership.

Aspirations for PESSPA: Through the four theme areas I hope to be part of a network that shares and grows provision for PE, school sport and physical activity to improve the lives of young people.

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