External Engagement

The award winning public engagement interface for the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences

Have you ever wondered why Olympic sprinters can run so fast? Or why Dame Laura Kenny and Dame Sarah Storey are multiple Olympic Gold Medallists?

Well the obvious answer is they have talent and personal drive to be the best. Without these two attributes it is very difficult to be among the world's best sport performers. However, there are other contributing factors to an athlete's ability to succeed and one of those is the support team that help the athlete optimally train, compete, rest and recover from injury – they are collectively known as sport scientists.

Have you ever wondered why being physically active is so good for you?

Being physically active across the lifespan is good for our health generally and has a positive impact on bone health, weight control, mental health, blood pressure and heart and lung function to name just a few.

The School of Sport and Exercise Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University is world renowned for its innovative teaching programme, research and applied consultancy. Our external engagement activity offers us an opportunity to translate our work to a range of different audiences and subsequently meets our agreed desire to share knowledge, change behaviour and impact upon society.

The School has an enviable track record of engagement activity with schools through our outreach programme and also public events. Our multi award winning team have exhibited at local and national museums, academic conferences, schools, hospitals and community venues.

We are proud to have worked with many partners including the Wellcome Trust, Royal Society Partnership Grant scheme, The Society for Endocrinology, Doctoral Training Alliance, Big Bang, Sport Relief, Bone Research Society, LightNight Liverpool, Randox Health, Eureka Science and Discovery and Universities UK.

Liverpool John Moores University is a signatory of the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement Manifesto with the engagement team led by Professor Zoe Knowles, an award winning public engagement specialist, Engage Academy Graduate and NCCPE Public Engagement Professional. 

The School of Sport and Exercise Sciences actively supports All About Stem. We offer training and support opportunities for our staff and students to engage in STEM Ambassador activities.

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