Curriculum Enhancement Internships 2022-23

Aligning with priorities in the Learning and Teaching Strategy 2023-2030, this year’s Curriculum Enhancement Internship projects focused on either:

Education for sustainable development: how the curriculum and academic practice helps students to develop the insight, skills, attitudes and values necessary to shape a sustainable future.

Education for wellbeing: the extent to which the learning environment supports students’ wellbeing and success and promotes the development of their resilience and academic self-esteem.

As can be seen from the project reports, the themes generated a variety of responses reflecting the full extent of the student journey from induction through to graduation, employment and postgraduate study. Projects were undertaken in collaboration between academic staff, students and professional service teams indicative of the role that all parts of the University have to play in enhancing the student and apprentice experience. Many of the projects have already presented progress and outcomes at the Students at the Heart Conference, 2023. Information on those presentations is available in the proceedings.

Project reports are provided here. For further detail on any of the projects please contact the Project Leader (contact details available in the report) or Liz Clifford.

Education for Sustainable Development

Education for Wellbeing