Image of Prof Rachel McLean

Prof Rachel McLean

Liverpool Screen School

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

Professor Rachel McLean is Director of both Liverpool Screen School and Liverpool School of Art & Design. Rachel’s own career path reflects the eclectic range of disciplines that she leads in her current role/s. After graduating with a first degree in English Literature, she worked as a curator in the British Library’s Western Manuscripts department, and in HE Libraries before completing a PhD in electronic commerce (sponsored by United Utilities). Lecturing posts in Business, Information Systems, Digital Marketing and Creative Technology at various universities brought Rachel to her current role, in which she draws on creativity to drive forward initiatives and to inform strategic planning.

Rachel’s extensive and varied research portfolio includes international publications on application of technology in business and society, information systems, research methods and creative prototyping.

Rachel holds a number of prestigious external roles including; Member of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) Business Enterprise Board, Chair of the LCRCA Digital & Creative Cluster Board, Member of the ESRC Review College, REF 2021 panel member for UoA 34 Communication, Cultural and Media Studies, Library and Information Management. In 2016, Rachel was elected as President of the UK Academy of Information Systems (UKAIS), becoming the first woman to hold this post since the Academy was founded 25 years ago. She is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA).


2004, University of Salford, United Kingdom, PhD
1990, University College London, United Kingdom, MSc Information Management
1987, PNL, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) English

Academic appointments

Lead for LJMU on Music Futures AHRC Creative Clusters Programme, Faculty of Society and Culture, Liverpool John Moores University, 2025 - present
Peer Review College Member, UKRI ESRC, 2024 - present
Director of Liverpool School of Art and Creative Industries, Faculty of Society and Culture, Liverpool John Moores University, 2024 - present
Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of Arts, professional and Social Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2023 - 2024
REF2021 Panel Member for UoA 34 Communication, Cultural and Media Studies, Library and Information Management, HEFCE, 2019 - 2021
Professor of Digital Media, Liverpool Screen School, Liverpool John Moores University, 2016 - present
Director of Liverpool Screen School, Liverpool John Moores University, 2014 - present
Associate Dean Research, APSS, Liverpool John Moores University, 2013 - 2015

Highlighted publications

Fenton A, Proctor C, McLean R, Quan-Haas A. 2023. Social media, S-Commerce and social capital: A netnography of football fans and organizations International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 20 :63-68 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Oates BJ, Griffiths M, McLean R. 2022. Researching Information Systems and Computing SAGE 9781529786910

McLean R. 2016. Creatively prototyping the future high street Production Planning and Control, 27 :477-489 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Books (authored)

McLean R, Griffiths M, Oates BJ. 2025. Researching Information Systems and Computing Sage. London

Oates BJ, Griffiths M, McLean R. 2022. Researching Information Systems and Computing SAGE 9781529786910

McLean R. 2012. Customer Knowledge, Empowerment & The Internet: An exploration of customer experiences of shopping online. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 978-3659269172

Journal article

Fenton A, Proctor C, McLean R, Quan-Haas A. 2023. Social media, S-Commerce and social capital: A netnography of football fans and organizations International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 20 :63-68 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Kayas O, McLean R, Hines T, Wight G. 2018. Resisting government rendered surveillance in a local authority Public Management Review, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McLean R. 2016. Creatively prototyping the future high street Production Planning and Control, 27 :477-489 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

McLean R, Griffiths M, Fletcher G, Greenhill A. 2016. The Social Supply Chain and the Future High Street Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 21 :78-91 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McLean R, Griffiths M. 2015. Unleashing Corporate Communications Via Social media: A UK Study of Brand Management and Communications with Customers Journal of Customer Behaviour, 14 :147-162 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Greenhill A, Holmes K. 2014. Creating Communities: The Use of Technology in Craft and DIY Communities of Practice Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 4

McLean R, Bell F, Griffiths M, Greenhill A, Fletcher G. 2013. Science Fiction Prototypes: technology narratives between futures Futures, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Holmes K, McLean R, Green G. 2012. Crafting a future online: A study of how independent craftspeople adopt social media and web technologies Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 14 :142-154 DOI Publisher Url

McLean R, Oliver PG, Wainwright DW. 2010. The myths of empowerment through information communication technologies: An exploration of the music industries and fan bases Management Decision, 48 :1365-1377 DOI Publisher Url

McLean R, Hilditch J, Green G. 2010. The music industry in the twenty-first century: challenges and innovation Management Decision, 48 :9-10 Publisher Url

McLean R, Wainwright D. 2009. Social Networks, Football Fans, Fantasy and Reality: How Corporate and Media interests are invading our Lifeworld Journal of Information Communication and Ethics in Society, 7 :54-71 DOI Publisher Url

Cushman M, Mclean R. 2008. Exclusion, inclusion and changing the face of information systems research Information Technology & People, 21 :213-221 DOI Publisher Url

Avila-Porro D, Light B, McLean R. 2008. Web-mediated market interactions and enterprise software Cutter IT Journal, 21 :29-33

Kayas OG, McLean R, Hines T, Wright GH. 2008. The panoptic gaze: Analysing the interaction between enterprise resource planning technology and organisational culture International Journal of Information Management, 28 :446-452 DOI Publisher Url

McLean R. 2008. Pixel chix and digi guys: Exploring the experiences of the "Digital citizen" in two contexts International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 4 :1-21 DOI Publisher Url

McLean R. 2006. A tale of two e-citizens: A consideration of engagement in the e-society in two contexts Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2006,

McLean R. 2006. Cafe Culture: The Use of Knowledge Cafes as an Innovative Learning / Teaching Method Learning and Teaching in Action, 5

McLean R, Blackie NM. 2005. SERF or sovereign? e-commerce and the promise of consumer empowerment Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Information Systems, Information Systems in a Rapidly Changing Economy, ECIS 2005, :13

McLean R, Kayas O, Henderson A. 2005. Use of the Internet by Health Professionals and Consumer Support Groups: a case analysis. Comunications Communications of the IIMA, 5 :107-113 DOI Publisher Url

McLean R, Blackie NM. 2004. Customer and Company Voices in eCommerce: A Qualitative Analysis Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 7 :243-249 DOI Publisher Url

McLean R. 2003. Perspectival Reviews Management Learning, 34 :487-490 DOI Publisher Url

McLean R, Bell F, Fletcher G, Greenhill A, Griffiths M. Making MadLab: A creative space for innovation and creating prototypes Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Forthcoming., DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kayas O, McLean R, Ameen N. Unlocking the black box of algorithmic management: A systematic review and future research agenda European Management Journal,


McLean R. 2009. Serf or Sovereign: the myth of the e-Commerce PowerShift Whitworth B. Handbook of Research on Socio-Technical Design and Social Networking Systems Information Science Reference 978-1605662640

McLean R, Richardson H. 2009. The Customer Rules and Other e-ShoppingMyths Computer Supported Cooperative Work :173-193 Springer London 9781848002067 DOI Publisher Url

McLean R. 2009. The Myth of the e-Commerce Serf to Sovereign Powershift Handbook of Research on Socio-Technical Design and Social Networking Systems :731-747 IGI Global DOI Publisher Url

McLean R, Blackie NM. 2008. E-Commerce as Knowledge Management Knowledge Management :2768-2787 IGI Global DOI Publisher Url

McLean R, Blackie NM. 2008. E-Commerce as Knowledge Management Electronic Commerce :1618-1637 IGI Global DOI Publisher Url

McLean R, Blackie NM. 2005. E-Commerce as Knowledge Management Contemporary Research in E-Marketing, Volume 1 :69-92 IGI Global DOI Publisher Url

Conference publication

McLean R, Greenhill A, Fletcher G, Griffiths M. Designing your future with Science Fiction: From Shopping Mall to Tailored Shopping Experience SCIFI-IT'2017 Conference Proceedings, SCIFI-IT'2017

Kayas O, McLean R, Hines T, Wright GH. The Panoptic Gaze: Analysing the Interaction between Enterprise Resource Planning Technology and Organisational Culture 13th United Kingdom Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS)

McLean R, Kayas O, Henderson A. Use of the Internet by Health Professionals and Health Consumer Support Groups: A Case Study 10th United Kingdom Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS)

Kayas OG, McLean R. The antecedents and outcomes of algorithmic management United Kingdom Academy for Information Systems

Highlighted activities

Membership of professional bodies:

UKAIS President Elect (first woman to be elected to this role), UK Academy of Information Systems, 2014

Research Grants Awarded:

New Dynamics of Ageing Preparatory Networks Programme. Jointly funded by the ESRC, EPSRC, MRC, AHRC, BBSRC., Experiences and Uses of Technology in Older Age RES-351-25-000100, Judith Sixsmith. Mike Cushman, Grant value (£): 25000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2006

Other Professional Activity:

Panel member for REF2021 UoA 34 Communication, Cultural and Media Studies, Library and Information Management..

Professional activities

Research Grants Awarded:

Richard Koeck, AHRC Creative Clusters, MusicFutures, Grant value (£): 6.5 million, Duration of research project: 5 years. 2025

Office for Students, Short Courses Challenge, Sarah Haynes LJMU. Zoe Wallace Agent Academy, Grant value (£): 121,339, Duration of research project: 4 months. 2021

LJMU QR Funding, Blue Light (Emergency) Services and Social Media (BLESSM), Stephanie Janes, LJMU Research Assistant., Grant value (£): 9,000, Duration of research project: 5 months. 2016

JISC, Broadcasting Hubs, Grant value (£): 13,000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2015

Innovate UK, Developing & Marketing Sustainable Building Services, Dr Andy Ross, Diane Marsh, Dr Fiona Borthwick, Grant value (£): £248,041, Duration of research project: 36 months. 2014

New Dynamics of Ageing Preparatory Networks Programme. Jointly funded by the ESRC, EPSRC, MRC, AHRC, BBSRC., Experiences and Uses of Technology in Older Age RES-351-25-000100, Judith Sixsmith. Mike Cushman, Grant value (£): 25000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2006

Arts Council England and Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA), Using Smart Materials in Community Regeneration and Employability Activities, Kate Homes and Bolton@Home, Grant value (£): 16,500, Duration of research project: 12 months.

Other Professional Activity:

Chair of Digital & Creative Cluster Board for the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority.. 2024

Member of the ESRC Peer Review College. 2024

Co-Investigator on £3 million bid to AHRC CoSTAR Lot 2 call. Bidding team shortlisted to attend for interview. Partners include University of Liverpool, LCC, AdLib,. 2023

Panel member for REF2021 UoA 34 Communication, Cultural and Media Studies, Library and Information Management..

External committees:

Business Enterprise Board, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, Board Member and Chair of the Digital and Creative Cluster Board, 2024

Conference organisation:

UKAIS Annual Conference, Conference Chair 2016 - 2018. I chair this annually.. 2018

International Conference on Information Systems, Track Chair on Social Media and Digital Collaborations track, 2015

UKAIS Doctoral Consortium, Co Chair, 2007

Membership of professional bodies:

President of UKAIS, UKAIS (First woman in 25 years of the existence of UKAIS). 2016

Ordinary member, Chartered Institute of Management. 2015

UKAIS President Elect (first woman to be elected to this role), UK Academy of Information Systems, 2014

Fellow, Higher Education Academy. 2003


Fellow, HEA, 2007
