Image of Dr Diahann Gallard

Dr Diahann Gallard

School of Education

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

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Dr Diahann Gallard is the Programme Leader for the Doctor of Education (EdD) professional doctorate programme in the School of Education at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU). For more details about the programme, please visit Please do get in touch with her if you would like more information about the course.

She is a Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society (BPS). She co-authored the book 'Psychology and Education' which is part of the Routledge Foundations of Education Studies series for undergraduate education studies students. Her teaching at LJMU on undergraduates programmes is about psychological theory and principles applicable to education and person-centred learning.

Diahann's research is interdisciplinary and she is involved with collaborative projects spanning education, psychology, mental health and youth justice focussing on the intersections between these fields. She was the lead editor of 'Children and Their Education in Secure Accommodation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Education, Health and Youth Justice' published by Routledge. She is currently researching the emergence of a new model of provision and intervention as secure accommodation - 'Secure Schools' - led by the Ministry of Justice.

She also has a specialist interest in educational anthrozoology, particularly the ethics of young children’s learning about, and with, animals and the values associated with the teaching of animal-related themes in early years education. Her doctoral thesis was about animal-related and animal-assisted learning in early education settings. She has written a short piece for The Conversation - see:

In addition to her teaching and research roles, she is the Registrar of the LJMU Liverpool Institute for Research in Education (previously the Centre for Educational Research) where she also leads on research ethics and integrity. More about the work of the institute can be found here:

She is a reviewer of proposals and manuscripts for various publishers for forthcoming texts and articles about psychology and education, educational anthrozoology and education doctorate programmes.

External Examining:
Diahann is the External Examiner for the Doctor of Education (EdD) programme at the University of Sheffield. She has previously held examiner posts at the University of Manchester (MEd Psychology of Education BPS accredited) and the University of York (MSc Psychology in Education BPS accredited).
