Control and Logistic Group
Control and Logistic group have conducted research and implementation on Control, Optimization and Industrial systems for four decades. The current activities are mainly focused on the following themes:
- Stable control of nonlinear systems with neural network compensated sliding model strategy
- Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control of pitch angle regulation in wind turbans using robust disturbance observer
- Fault tolerant control for throttle angle with friction disturbance using adaptive sliding mode method
- State of charge estimation for lithium-ion battery pack of electric vehicles using adaptive extended Kalman Filter
- Intelligent control and thermal management of lithium-ion battery pack with neural-fuzzy observers
- Local neural network adaptation and application to complex chemical processes
- Intelligent planning and control of multi-robot systems
- Data-driven modelling for complex systems
- Multi-objective optimisation for engineering problems
The group has successfully completed a number of projects funded by UK research councils or collaborated with industries. Current projects include:
- State of change estimation and thermal management and control for lithium-ion battery pack of electric vehicles
- Multi-objective optimisation and rout and signal management for northwest railway transportation
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Contact the Control and Logistic group
If you’d like to ask a question or find out more information about this Group, please contact the team using the details below:
Contact: Dingli Yu
Telephone: 0151 231 2033
School of Engineering
Liverpool John Moores University
Byrom Street
L3 3AF