Women's Physiology and Nutrition Symposium 2025 programme

Session 1
Introduction and keynote

9 to 9.15am: Welcome - Professor Graeme Close (Head of RISES)

9.15 to 9.30am: Introduction - Dr Kelsie Johnson (Event Organiser)

9.30 to 10.15am: Keynote - Professor Julie Greeves OBE

10.15 to 10.45am: Coffee Break and Poster session 1

Session 2
Do we actually need to control for menstrual cycle in our research?

Chair: Dr Carl Langnan Evans

10.45 to 11.15am: Speaker 1 - Madison Taylor (PhDc)

11.15 to 11.45am: Speaker 2 - Dr Samantha Moss

12 to 12.15pm: ECR 1 - To be confirmed

12.15 to 12.30pm: ECR 2 - To be confirmed

12.30 to 1.45pm: Lunch

Session 3: Parallel Sessions
Applied insights from researchers in Applied practice and science


  1. Dr Sam Moss
  2. Dr Jules Strauss

1.45 to 2.30pm:

  1. Does RED-S actually exist? - Dr Jose Areta, Prof Neil Walsh and Dr Carl Langan-Evans
  2. The Untapped Fuelling Potential of Female Endurance Athletes: Understanding Current Nutrition Behaviours and Perceptions – Harvey Fortis (PhDc)
  3. Fuelling to finish fast: lessons from the field and lab for elite female marathon carbohydrate intake - Prof James Morton and Dr Jamie Pugh

2.30 to 2.45pm: ECR 3: TBC

2.45 to 3pm: ECR 4: TBC

3 to 3.30pm: Coffee break and Poster session 2

Session 4: Coach Athlete Panel
The future of research in females: Where does the research need to go next?

Chair: Dr Jamie Pugh and Harvey Fortis (PhDc)

3.30 to 4.30pm: Panel Speakers TBC

4.30 to 4.45pm: Closes and Prizes

5 to 6pm: Drinks reception