The Football Exchange Women's Network

Connecting LJMU staff, students and alumni working in the football industry

The Football Exchange Women’s Network (FExWN) is part of LJMU’s Football Exchange (FEx) and aims to connect women working across the world in the football industry by offering opportunities for curriculum placements, peer support, general networking, guest speaker/lectures, and the potential for research collaboration or further study. Core membership is open to any LJMU staff, students and alumni currently working in football. 

You can register your interest in joining the collective by sending an email to

About the FExWN

Lead: Dr Fran Champ

An award-winning team

The work of our world-leading women has been recognised on a National and International stage and several of our football practitioners and researchers have gained prestigious awards from the sporting organisations and accreditation bodies inclusive of: Aspetar, the Gatorade Sports Science Institution, British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) and Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP).

Our expertise

The Football Exchange Women’s Network works with a wide range of clients, from clubs and governing bodies through to commercial enterprises and community schemes in the following areas:

Faq Items

It is our ambition within the Football Exchange (FEx) to ensure that the development of world-leading female practitioners remains our prominent focus for years to come. Therefore, I am very proud to be the founder and ambassador of the Football Exchange Women’s Network on behalf of the FEx. This is just the beginning of our journey together, and I am excited to see what the future holds

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