Sources of employment support and advice

The following organisations offer a range of advice, support and guidance on recruitment and employment issues including sharing information about your disability or health condition with prospective employers:

ADHD Foundation

The ADHD Foundation is a national charity, based in Liverpool, which supports individuals with ADHD, Autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia (DCD), Tourette’s syndrome, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and any related physical and psychological health concerns. They offer events, training and useful online resources.

Blind in Business

Blind in Business offer advice and support for blind and visually impaired students and graduates. Blind in Business offer bespoke training and help with your job search, interview practice sessions and support on getting adjustments during the recruitment process.

British Dyslexia Association

The British Dyslexia Association provides dyslexia information for those in or seeking employment, including advice on getting an assessment, looking for work and workplace adjustments.

Careers with Disabilities

Careers with Disabilities is a one-stop resource for disabled people and employers, providing detailed information about your rights, grants and schemes available to you, job application tips, and a jobs board.


Deafscope is a deaf community directory bringing together deaf-friendly and owned businesses, places, services, professionals and events.

Disability Rights UK

Disability Rights UK offer support and advice (including factsheets) on a range of work issues including education, benefits and careers.


Employ-ability offers support, advice and guidance on the recruitment process including application advice and interview support. Also provide personalised adjustments advice and can advocate on your behalf to employers. Works directly with many employers including Google, Goldman Sachs, NHS and Barclays to provide insight days and networking, as well as internships and graduate opportunities.

Equal Approach

Equal Approach are a specialist provider of diversity and inclusion solutions, with a focus on attraction, recruitment, retention and promotion of diverse talent. Its jobs board Reach connects you with inclusive organisations committed to diversity.

Equality and Human Rights Commission

The Equality and Human Rights Commission provide information on disability-related legislation and your rights, plus advice on a range of subjects, including workplace adjustments.

Exceptional Individuals

Exceptional Individuals are a specialist recruitment service providing recruitment and employment support for individuals with dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD and autism. Offer CV support, free job coaching, online workshops and a neurodiverse jobs board.

Fair Employment Charter

A Fair Employment Charter for Liverpool City Region has been established which celebrates fair employment practices where they are in place and aims to drive-up standards elsewhere. The intention is to recognise good quality and effective practice in fair employment and build the broader case amongst other employers for them to consider changing their practices. Fair Employment Charter provides a list of organisations who are committed to the ‘Aspiring Level’ accreditations.

MyPlus Students' Club

MyPlus Students' Club provides students with disabilities with advice and support to navigate the recruitment process and achieve your career potential. Search for jobs and internships with disability confident employers and browse resources and blog articles on applying with a disability, sharing information and requesting adjustments.

National Autistic Society (NAS)

The National Autistic Society offer help and advice for autistic people with job-seeking and CV writing. They offer a free online module on finding employment and you can also download their interactive Finding Work handbook, which covers choosing a suitable role, applications and interviews, finding work experience and preparing for the workplace. 

Papworth Trust

The Papworth Trust provide support for disabled people, including a programme called JETS (job entry target support) and action planning with a personal work coach.



Scope are a charity working towards equality for disabled people. They offer one-to-one sessions with a specialist careers adviser for those aged 16 to 25 via their Career Pathways programme, as well as online work and careers advice.

Shaw Trust

The Shaw Trust Working to support those with complex needs into the workplace.

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