Liverpool Screen School Research Seminar
A series of talks exploring media, culture and identity
Delivered by high-profile academics and practitioners, Liverpool Screen School Research Seminar is an interdisciplinary series of talks that explores the content, operation and impact of the media (both traditional and new). Speakers also explore the role of culture and identity in shaping public policy at local, national and international levels, as well as research methods in creative disciplines.
A key aim of this series is to enhance dialogue and research collaboration among academic staff and postgraduate students, primarily, but not exclusively, within Liverpool Screen School. Academics and students from other universities are also very welcome to attend the Liverpool Screen School Research Seminar.
Past events
All Liverpool Screen School Research Seminar events take place in Liverpool at LJMU’s Redmonds Building.
Redmonds Building
Brownlow Hill
L3 5UG
Contact us
Get in touch with Liverpool Screen School Research Seminar
If you'd like to find out more about the Liverpool Screen School Research Seminar, please get in touch with Lydia Papadimitriou using the following contact details.
Call: 0151 231 4858