How to apply

Application information for exchange and study abroad students

Before you can apply to LJMU you must be approved by your home institution and they need to notify us of your nomination. We will then send you a link to our online application form. Please note that our incoming exchange application and registration process is electronic only, and you will not need to send us any documents by post. However, we will send you automated information and requests during the application/registration process to the email address you use for your application.

Please note:
You will only enrol on modules, receive your timetable and get your student card once you arrive in Liverpool for orientation.

Deadlines and timeframes

Semester 1

Nomination deadline for partners: 15 April
Student applications open: 1 May
Student applications close: 1 July
Orientation/induction: Mid-September
Semester start: 3rd and 4th week in September
Semester end (including exams): 2nd and 3rd week in January

Semester 2

Nomination deadline for partners: 15 October
Student applications open: 1 November
Student applications close: 1 December
Orientation/induction: Mid-January
Semester start: 3rd and 4th week in January
Semester end (including exams): 2nd and 3rd week in May

When LJMU receive your nomination, we will send you a formal offer by email that includes information on how to register. Once you complete the Exchange student application form and sent in a copy of your passport and any other requested information if you require a Study Visa rather than a Visitor Visa (Read further visa information for exchange study abroad students). This creates your student account and student ID number, allowing you to apply for our accommodation.

Please note:
Confirmation of your student number may go into your email quarantine or junk file.

As we come closer to your arrival you will be asked to complete various tasks and we therefore ask that you check your email regularly.

Fact sheet

View the student exchange fact sheet for 2024/2025.

Contact us


Visit us in the Student Life building Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm (term time only)

Instagram: @LJMUGlobalOpps

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