Dr Ellen Dawson
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: E.Dawson@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 6264
Ellen is a Reader in cardiovascular physiology at the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University. Ellen completed a BSc in Sport and Exercise Science at Manchester Metropolitan University, followed by an MSc in Human and Applied Physiology at Kings College London. Ellen then returned to Manchester Metropolitan University for a PhD in Exercise Induced Cardiac Fatigue from 1999-2003. She has undertaken post-doctoral fellowships at the Copenhagen Research Center in Denmark with Prof. Niels Secher and in collaboration with Prof. Bengt Saltin and The University of North Texas Health Science Center, in Fort Worth, Texas with Prof. Peter Raven.
Her current research is focussed on vascular function in health and disease. This includes responses to acute exercise, adaptation to acute injury, and improved vascular function with exercise training. The aim of the research is to understand the mechanisms underlying vascular function (both dysfunction and improved function) and its associated links with cardiovascular disease and health.
Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, BSc
King's College London, United Kingdom, MSc
Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, PhD
2015, Liverpool John Moores University, PGCert Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (Distinction)
2015, The Higher Education Academy, Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Leadership and Development Foundation, ILM Level 4 Leadership and Management
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer in Physiology, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2014 - present
Research Fellow, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2007 - 2014
Research Fellow, Health Science Center, University of North Texas, 2005 - 2006
Research Fellow, Copenhagen Muscle Research Center, University of Copenhagen, 2003 - 2005
Highlighted publications
Humphreys RE, Green DJ, Cable NT, Thijssen DHJ, Dawson EA. 2014. Low-flow mediated constriction: The yin to FMD's yang? Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy, 12 :557-564 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Green DJ, Cable NT, Thijssen DHJ. 2013. Effects of acute exercise on flow-mediated dilatation in healthy humans. J Appl Physiol (1985), 115 :1589-1598 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Alkarmi A, Thijssen DHJ, Rathore S, Marsman DE, Cable NT, Wright DJ, Green DJ. 2012. Low-flow mediated constriction is endothelium-dependent: effects of exercise training after radial artery catheterization. Circ Cardiovasc Interv, 5 :713-719 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Rathore S, Cable NT, Wright DJ, Morris JL, Green DJ. 2010. Impact of introducer sheath coating on endothelial function in humans after transradial coronary procedures. Circ Cardiovasc Interv, 3 :148-156 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Whyte GP, Black MA, Jones H, Hopkins N, Oxborough D, Gaze D, Shave RE, Wilson M, George KP, Green DJ. 2008. Changes in vascular and cardiac function after prolonged strenuous exercise in humans. J Appl Physiol (1985), 105 :1562-1568 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mortensen SP, Damsgaard R, Dawson EA, Secher NH, González-Alonso J. 2008. Restrictions in systemic and locomotor skeletal muscle perfusion, oxygen supply and VO2 during high-intensity whole-body exercise in humans. J Physiol, 586 :2621-2635 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Osin C, Crozier A, Sadler I, Graves LEF, Dawson EA, Miller GD, Naylor LH, Green DJ, Askew C, Jones H. 2024. Clinical exercise physiologists in the United Kingdom: multi-stakeholder perspectives Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology, 13 :77-84 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bellfield RAA, Olier I, Lotto R, Jones ID, Dawson EA, Li G, Tuladhar AM, Lip GYH, Ortega-Martorell S. 2024. AI-based derivation of atrial fibrillation phenotypes in the general and critical care populations eBioMedicine, 107 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McLellan HL, Dawson EA, Eijsvogels TMH, Thijssen DHJ, Bakker EA. 2024. Impact of Hypertension on the Dose-Response Association Between Physical Activity and Stroke: A Cohort Study Stroke, 55 :2231-2239 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson ML, Lane KE, Fadel A, Dawson EA, Moore E, Mazidi M, Webb RJ, Davies IG. 2024. Effects of Single Low-Carbohydrate, High-Fat Meal Consumption on Postprandial Lipemia and Markers of Endothelial Dysfunction: A Systematic Review of Current Evidence Nutrition reviews, :1-19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McLellan HL, Dawson EA, Hopkins ND, Jones H, Maiorana AJ, Hopman MTE, Haynes A, Naylor LH, Green DJ, Thijssen DHJ. 2024. Relation Between Endothelial Dysfunction and Exercise Training-Mediated Adaptation in Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, and Vascular Health in Humans: A seconadary analysis Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tryfonos A, Cocks M, Browning N, Dawson EA. 2022. Post-exercise endothelial function is not associated with extracellular vesicle release in healthy young males. Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism = Physiologie appliquee, nutrition et metabolisme, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Boidin M, Dawson EA, Thijssen DHJ, Erskine RM. 2022. VEGFA rs2010963 GG genotype is associated with superior adaptations to resistance versus endurance training in the same group of healthy, young men Molecular Genetics and Genomics: an international journal, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tryfonos A, Mills J, Green DJ, Wagenmakers AJM, Dawson EA, Cocks M. 2022. Association between atherogenic risk-modulating proteins and endothelium-dependent flow-mediated dilation in coronary artery disease patients European Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shelley J, Boddy L, Knowles Z, Stewart C, Frost F, Nazareth D, Walshaw M, Dawson E. 2022. Physical activity assessment and vascular function in adults with cystic fibrosis and their non-CF peers Journal of Sports Sciences, 40 :1837-1848 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shelley J, Dawson EA, Boddy LM, Stewart CE, Frost F, Nazareth D, Walshaw MJ, Knowles ZR. 2022. Developing an ecological approach to physical activity promotion in adults with Cystic fibrosis. PloS one, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tryfonos A, Rasoul D, Sadler D, Shelley J, Mills J, Green DJ, Dawson EA, Cocks MS. 2022. Elevated shear rate-induced by exercise increases eNOS ser(1177) but not PECAM-1 Tyr(713) phosphorylation in human conduit artery endothelial cells European Journal of Sport Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wanders L, Aengevaeren VL, Kersten BTP, Klok JM, van Mil ACCM, Carter HH, Dawson EA, Eijsvogels TMH, Hopman MTE, Thijssen DHJ. 2021. Nontraditional Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Active Octogenarians Who Develop Cardiovascular Events Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dawson EA, Sheikhsaraf B, Boidin M, Erskine RM, Thijssen DHJ. 2021. Intra-individual differences in the effect of endurance vs. Resistance training on vascular function: a cross-over study. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 31 :1683-1692 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Boidin M, Erskine RM, Thijssen DHJ, Dawson EA. 2021. Exercise Modality, But Not Exercise Training, Alters The Acute Effect Of Exercise On Endothelial Function. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985), DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Holder SM, Bruno RM, Shkredova DA, Dawson EA, Jones H, Hopkins ND, Hopman MTE, Bailey TG, Coombes JS, Askew CD, Naylor L, Maiorana A, Ghiadoni L, Thompson A, Green DJ, Thijssen DHJ. 2021. Reference Intervals for Brachial Artery Flow-Mediated Dilation and the Relation With Cardiovascular Risk Factors. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979), :HYPERTENSIONAHA12015754-HYPERTENSIONAHA12015754 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dawson EA, Boidin M, Thompson R, Cable NT, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2021. Impact of proximal and distal cuff inflation on brachial artery endothelial function in healthy individuals. European Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tryfonos A, Cocks M, Rasoul D, Mills J, Green DJ, Dawson EA. 2020. Impact of catheterization on shear-mediated arterial dilation in healthy young men European Journal of Applied Physiology, 120 :2525-2532 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jacques MF, Onambele-Pearson GL, Reeves ND, Stebbings GK, Dawson EA, Stockley RC, Edwards B, Morse CI. 2020. 12-Month changes of muscle strength, body composition and physical activity in adults with dystrophinopathies Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tryfonos A, Cocks M, Mills J, Green DJ, Dawson EA. 2020. Exercise-induced vasodilation is not impaired following radial artery catheterization in coronary artery disease patients Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 128 :422-428 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Holder S, Bruno RM, Shkredova D, Thompson A, Dawson E, Jones H, Hopkins N, Hopman M, Bailey T, Coombes J, Askew C, Naylor L, Maiorana A, Ghiadoni L, Green D, Thijssen D. 2019. 3.3 Age- and Sex-specific Reference Intervals for Brachial Artery Flow-mediated Dilation in Healthy Individuals and the Relation with Cardiovascular Risk Factors Artery Research, 25 :S23-S23 DOI Publisher Url
Scott SN, Shepherd SO, Hopkins ND, Dawson EA, Strauss JA, Wright DJ, Cooper RG, Kumar P, Wagenmakers AJM, Cocks MS. 2019. Home-HIT improves muscle capillarisation and eNOS/NAD(P)Hoxidase protein ratio in obese individuals with elevated cardiovascular disease risk. Journal of Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jacques MF, Stockley RC, Onambele-Pearson GL, Reeves ND, Stebbings GK, Dawson EA, Groves L, Morse CI. 2019. Quality of life in adults with muscular dystrophy. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 17 :121-121 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shelley J, Boddy LM, Knowles ZR, Stewart CE, Frost F, Nazareth D, Walshaw MJ, Dawson EA. 2019. ePS3.05 Physical activity intensity profile in cystic fibrosis Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 18 :S45-S46 DOI Publisher Url
Holder SM, Dawson EA, Brislane Á, Hisdal J, Green DJ, Thijssen DHJ. 2019. Fluctuation in Shear Rate, with Unaltered Mean Shear Rate, Improves Brachial Artery Flow-Mediated Dilation in Healthy, Young Men. Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Boddy LM, Shelley J, Knowles ZR, Stewart CE, Dawson EA. 2019. Physical activity and associations with clinical outcome measures in adults with cystic fibrosis; A systematic review Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Holder SM, Brislane Á, Dawson EA, Hopkins ND, Hopman MTE, Cable NT, Jones H, Schreuder THA, Sprung VS, Naylor L, Maiorana A, Thompson A, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2019. Relationship Between Endothelial Function and the Eliciting Shear Stress Stimulus in Women: Changes Across the Lifespan Differ to Men. Journal of the American Heart Association, 8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tryfonos A, Green DJ, Dawson EA. 2019. Effects of Catheterization on Artery Function and Health: When Should Patients Start Exercising Following Their Coronary Intervention? Sports Medicine, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yoshiga C, Dawson EA, Volianitis S, Warberg J, Secher NH. 2019. Cardiac output during exercise related to plasma atrial natriuretic peptide but not to central venous pressure in humans. Experimental Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shelley J, Fairclough S, Knowles ZR, Southern K, McCormack P, Dawson EA, Graves LEF, Hanlon C. 2018. A formative study exploring perceptions of physical activity and physical activity monitoring among children and young people with cystic fibrosis and health care professionals BMC Pedeatrics, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shelley J, Boddy LM, Knowles ZR, Stewart CE, Frost F, Nazareth D, Walshaw MJ, Dawson EA. 2018. P214 Vascular function in adults with cystic fibrosis Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 17 :S120-S120 DOI Publisher Url
Low DA, Green DJ, Cable NT, Carter HH, Atkinson C, Birk P, Dawson EA, Thijssen DHJ. 2018. Localised cutaneous microvascular adaptation to exercise training in humans European Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dawson EA, Cable NT, Green DJ, Thijssen DHJ. 2017. Do acute effects of exercise on vascular function predict adaptation to training? European Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts KA, van Gent T, Hopkins ND, Jones H, Dawson EA, Draijer R, Carter HH, Atkinson CL, Green DJ, Thijssen DHJ, Low DA. 2017. Reproducibility of four frequently used local heating protocols to assess cutaneous microvascular function. Microvascular Research, 112 :65-71 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Haynes A, Linden MD, Chasland LC, Nosaka K, Maiorana AJ, Dawson EA, Dembo L, Naylor LH, Green DJ. 2017. Acute impact of conventional and eccentric cycling on platelet and vascular function in patients with chronic heart failure. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985), DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
van Mil ACCM, Hartman Y, van Oorschot F, Heemels A, Bax N, Dawson EA, Hopkins ND, Hopman MTE, Green DJ, Oxborough D, Thijssen DHJ. 2017. Correlation of carotid artery reactivity with cardiovascular risk factors and coronary artery vasodilator responses in asymptomatic, healthy volunteers. Journal of Hypertension, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson CL, Carter HH, Naylor LH, Dawson EA, Marusic P, Hering D, Schlaich MP, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2015. Opposing effects of shear-mediated dilation and myogenic constriction on artery diameter in response to handgrip exercise in humans JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 119 :858-864 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson CL, Carter HH, Dawson EA, Naylor LH, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2015. Impact of handgrip exercise intensity on brachial artery flow-mediated dilation. European Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dawson EA, Low DA, Meeuwis IH, Kerstens FG, Atkinson CL, Cable NT, Green DJ, Thijssen DHJ. 2015. Reproducibility of cutaneous vascular conductance responses to slow local heating assessed using 7-laser array probes. Microcirculation, 22 :276-284 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Thijssen DHJ, Dawson EA, van den Munckhof I, Birk GK, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2014. Response to: 'Reshape of the arterial wall as a slow reacting vascular structure' ATHEROSCLEROSIS, 233 :1-2 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Green DJ, Dawson EA, Groenewoud HMM, Jones H, Thijssen DHJ. 2014. Is flow-mediated dilation nitric oxide mediated?: A meta-analysis. Hypertension, 63 :376-382 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Thijssen DHJ, Dawson EA, van den Munckhof ICL, Birk GK, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2014. Local and systemic effects of leg cycling training on arterial wall thickness in healthy humans (vol 229, pg 282, 2013) ATHEROSCLEROSIS, 232 :259-259 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Humphreys RE, Green DJ, Cable NT, Thijssen DHJ, Dawson EA. 2014. Low-flow mediated constriction: The yin to FMD's yang? Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy, 12 :557-564 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Green DJ, Cable NT, Thijssen DHJ. 2013. Effects of acute exercise on flow-mediated dilatation in healthy humans. J Appl Physiol (1985), 115 :1589-1598 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Atkinson C, Thijssen D, Birk G, Carter H, Cable T, Dawson E, Green D. 2013. Systemic adaptations to exercise training in skin microcirculation in humans Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 16 :e29-e29 DOI Publisher Url
Thijssen DHJ, Dawson EA, van den Munckhof ICL, Birk GK, Timothy Cable N, Green DJ. 2013. Local and systemic effects of leg cycling training on arterial wall thickness in healthy humans Atherosclerosis, 229 :282-286 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Birk GK, Dawson EA, Batterham AM, Atkinson G, Cable T, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2013. Effects of exercise intensity on flow mediated dilation in healthy humans. Int J Sports Med, 34 :409-414 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Birk GK, Dawson EA, Timothy Cable N, Green DJ, Thijssen DHJ. 2013. Effect of unilateral forearm inactivity on endothelium-dependent vasodilator function in humans European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113 :933-940 DOI
Green DJ, Rowley N, Spence A, Carter H, Whyte G, George K, Naylor LH, Cable NT, Dawson EA, J Thijssen DH. 2013. Why isn't flow-mediated dilation enhanced in athletes? Med Sci Sports Exerc, 45 :75-82 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Carter HH, Dawson EA, Birk GK, Spence AL, Naylor LH, Cable NT, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2013. Effect of SR manipulation on conduit artery dilation in humans. Hypertension, 61 :143-150 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Birk GK, Dawson EA, Batterham AM, Atkinson G, Cable T, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2013. Effects of exercise intensity on flow mediated dilation in healthy humans International Journal of Sports Medicine, 34 :409-414 DOI
Dawson EA, Alkarmi A, Thijssen DHJ, Rathore S, Marsman DE, Cable NT, Wright DJ, Green DJ. 2012. Low-flow mediated constriction is endothelium-dependent: effects of exercise training after radial artery catheterization. Circ Cardiovasc Interv, 5 :713-719 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dufour SP, Dawson EA, Stöhr EJ. 2012. Central versus peripheral control of cardiac output in humans: Insight from atrial pacing Journal of Physiology, 590 :4977-4978 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rowley NJ, Dawson EA, Hopman MTE, George KP, Whyte GP, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2012. Conduit diameter and wall remodeling in elite athletes and spinal cord injury Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44 :844-849 DOI Author Url
Birk GK, Dawson EA, Atkinson C, Haynes A, Cable NT, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2012. Brachial artery adaptation to lower limb exercise training: role of shear stress. J Appl Physiol (1985), 112 :1653-1658 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cable NT, Dawson E, Alkarmi A, Wright DJ, Green DJ. 2012. Handgrip Exercise Training Following Transradial Catheterization Ameliorates Arterial Dysfunction MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 44 :376-376 Author Url
Birk GK, Dawson EA, Timothy Cable N, Green DJ, Thijssen DHJ. 2012. Effect of unilateral forearm inactivity on endothelium-dependent vasodilator function in humans European Journal of Applied Physiology, :1-8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Volianitis S, Dawson EA, Dalsgaard M, Yoshiga C, Clemmesen J, Secher NH, Olsen N, Nielsen HB. 2012. Renal lactate elimination is maintained during moderate exercise in humans Journal of Sports Sciences, 30 :149-153 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rowley NJ, Dawson EA, Hopman MT, George K, Whyte GP, Thijssen DH, Green DJ. 2011. Conduit Diameter and Wall Remodelling In Elite Athletes and Spinal Cord Injury. Med Sci Sports Exerc, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Thijssen DHJ, Willems L, van den Munckhof I, Scholten R, Hopman MTE, Dawson EA, Atkinson G, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2011. Impact of wall thickness on conduit artery function in humans: Is there a "Folkow" effect? ATHEROSCLEROSIS, 217 :415-419 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Thijssen DHJ, Dawson EA, van den Munckhof ICL, Tinken TM, den Drijver E, Hopkins N, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2011. Exercise-mediated changes in conduit artery wall thickness in humans: role of shear stress. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 301 :H241-H246 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Carter HH, Dawson EA, Cable NT, Basnayake S, Aziz TZ, Green AL, Paterson DJ, Lind CRP, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2011. Deep Brain Stimulation of the Periaqueductal Grey Induces Vasodilation in Humans HYPERTENSION, 57 :E24-E25 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rowley NJ, Dawson EA, Birk GK, Cable NT, George K, Whyte G, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2011. Exercise and arterial adaptation in humans: uncoupling localized and systemic effects JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 110 :1190-1195 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Thijssen DHJ, Tinken TM, Hopkins N, Dawson EA, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2011. The impact of exercise training on the diameter dilator response to forearm ischaemia in healthy men. Acta Physiol (Oxf), 201 :427-434 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Rathore S, Cable NT, Wright DJ, Morris JL, Green DJ. 2010. Impact of introducer sheath coating on endothelial function in humans after transradial coronary procedures. Circ Cardiovasc Interv, 3 :148-156 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Rathore S, Cable NT, Wright DJ, Morris JL, Green DJ. 2010. Impact of catheter insertion using the radial approach on vasodilatation in humans. Clin Sci (Lond), 118 :633-640 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tinken TM, Thijssen DHJ, Hopkins N, Dawson EA, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2010. Shear stress mediates endothelial adaptations to exercise training in humans. Hypertension, 55 :312-318 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Alkarmi A, Thijssen DHJ, Albouaini K, Cable NT, Wright DJ, Green DJ, Dawson EA. 2010. Arterial Prehabilitation Can Exercise Induce Changes in Artery Size and Function that Decrease Complications of Catheterization? SPORTS MEDICINE, 40 :481-492 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Volianitis S, Dawson EA, Dalsgaard MK, Yoshiga CC, Clemmesen JO, Secher NH, Olsen NV, Nielsen HB. 2010. Renal lactate uptake during exercise in humans FASEB JOURNAL, 24 DOI Publisher Url
Atkinson G, Batterham AM, Black MA, Cable NT, Hopkins ND, Dawson EA, Thijssen DHJ, Jones H, Tinken TM, Green DJ. 2009. Is the ratio of flow-mediated dilation and shear rate a statistically sound approach to normalization in cross-sectional studies on endothelial function? J Appl Physiol (1985), 107 :1893-1899 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tinken TM, Thijssen DHJ, Hopkins N, Black MA, Dawson EA, Minson CT, Newcomer SC, Laughlin MH, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2009. Impact of shear rate modulation on vascular function in humans. Hypertension, 54 :278-285 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Black MA, Pybis J, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2009. The impact of exercise on derived measures of central pressure and augmentation index obtained from the SphygmoCor device. J Appl Physiol (1985), 106 :1896-1901 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Thijssen DHJ, Dawson EA, Tinken TM, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2009. Retrograde flow and shear rate acutely impair endothelial function in humans. Hypertension, 53 :986-992 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Thijssen DHJ, Dawson EA, Black MA, Hopman MTE, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2009. Brachial artery blood flow responses to different modalities of lower limb exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 41 :1072-1079 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tinken TM, Thijssen DHJ, Hopkins N, Dawson EA, Newcomer SC, Black MA, Laughlin MH, Timothy Cable N, Green DJ. 2009. Does The Pattern Of Shear Rate, Or Mean Shear Rate, Alter Flow Mediated Dilation Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41 :49-49 DOI Publisher Url
George K, Shave R, Oxborough D, Cable T, Dawson E, Artis N, Gaze D, Hew-Butler T, Sharwood K, Noakes T. 2009. Left ventricular wall segment motion after ultra-endurance exercise in humans assessed by myocardial speckle tracking. Eur J Echocardiogr, 10 :238-243 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Thijssen DHJ, Bullens LM, van Bemmel MM, Dawson EA, Hopkins N, Tinken TM, Black MA, Hopman MTE, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2009. Does arterial shear explain the magnitude of flow-mediated dilation?: a comparison between young and older humans. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 296 :H57-H64 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson TE, Brothers RM, Tollund C, Dawson EA, Nissen P, Yoshiga CC, Jons C, Secher NH, Crandall CG. 2009. Effect of thermal stress on Frank-Starling relations in humans 587 :3383-3392 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Whyte GP, Black MA, Jones H, Hopkins N, Oxborough D, Gaze D, Shave RE, Wilson M, George KP, Green DJ. 2008. Changes in vascular and cardiac function after prolonged strenuous exercise in humans. J Appl Physiol (1985), 105 :1562-1568 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Thijssen DHJ, Dawson EA, Black MA, Hopman MTE, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2008. Heterogeneity in conduit artery function in humans: impact of arterial size AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-HEART AND CIRCULATORY PHYSIOLOGY, 295 :H1927-H1934 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Thijssen DHJ, van Bemmel MM, Bullens LM, Dawson EA, Hopkins ND, Tinken TM, Black MA, Hopman MTE, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2008. The impact of baseline diameter on flow-mediated dilation differs in young and older humans. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 295 :H1594-H1598 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mortensen SP, Damsgaard R, Dawson EA, Secher NH, González-Alonso J. 2008. Restrictions in systemic and locomotor skeletal muscle perfusion, oxygen supply and VO2 during high-intensity whole-body exercise in humans. J Physiol, 586 :2621-2635 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Black MA, Jones H, Hopkins N, Shave R, George KP, Wilson M, Whyte G, Green DJ. 2008. Impact Of The London Marathon On Brachial Artery Flow-Mediated Vasodilation MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 40 :S90-S91 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Thijssen DHJ, Bullens LM, van Bemmel MM, Dawson EA, Hopkins ND, Tinken TM, Black MA, Hopman MTE, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2008. Does arterial shear explain the magnitude of flow-mediated dilatation (FMD): A comparison between young and older humans. :00980.2008 Author Url
Gonzalez-Alonso J, Mortensen SP, Jeppesen TD, Ali L, Barker H, Damsgaard R, Secher NH, Dawson EA, Dufour SP. 2008. Haemodynamic responses to exercise, ATP infusion and thigh compression in humans: insight into the role of muscle mechanisms on cardiovascular function 586 :2405-2417 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rasmussen P, Dawson EA, Nybo L, van Lieshout JJ, Secher NH, Gjedde A. 2007. Capillary-oxygenation-level-dependent near-infrared spectrometry in frontal lobe of humans. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 27 :1082-1093 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eubank WL, Ogoh S, Hawkins M, Brothers RM, Dawson E, Barnes Q, Raven PB. 2007. Influence of the Carotid Baroreflex on Cerebral Blood Flow during Rest and Exercise Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 39 :S426-S426 DOI Publisher Url
Brothers RM, Ogoh S, Eubank W, Dawson E, Hawkins M, Barnes Q, O-Yurvati A, Raven PB. 2007. Effect of Prazosin on the Peripheral Vasculature during Rest Low, Mild, and Heavy Exercise Workloads. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 39 :S84-S84 DOI Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Shave R, Whyte G, Ball D, Selmer C, Jans O, Secher NH, George KP. 2007. Preload maintenance and the left ventricular response to prolonged exercise in men EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY, 92 :383-390 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ogoh S, Fisher JP, Purkayastha S, Dawson EA, Fadel PJ, White MJ, Zhang R, Secher NH, Raven PB. 2007. Regulation of middle cerebral artery blood velocity during recovery from dynamic exercise in humans. J Appl Physiol (1985), 102 :713-721 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson TE, Tollund C, Yoshiga CC, Dawson EA, Nissen P, Secher NH, Crandall CG. 2007. Effects of heat and cold stress on central vascular pressure relationships during orthostasis in humans 585 :279-285 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Brothers RM, Ogoh S, Eubank W, Dawson E, Hawkins M, Barnes Q, O-Yurvati A, Raven PB. 2007. Effect of Angiotensin II on the peripheral vasculature during rest low, mild, and heavy exercise workloads FASEB JOURNAL, 21 :A1372-A1372 DOI Publisher Url
Hart E, Dawson E, Rasmussen P, George K, Secher NH, Whyte G, Shave R. 2006. beta-Adrenergic receptor desensitization in man: insight into post-exercise attenuation of cardiac function JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 577 :717-725 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hart E, Dawson E, Rasmussen P, George K, Secher NH, Whyte G, Shave R. 2006. β-Adrenergic receptor desensitization in man: Insight into post-exercise attenuation of cardiac function Journal of Physiology, 577 :717-725 DOI
George K, Shave R, Oxborough D, Whyte G, Dawson E. 2006. Longitudinal and radial systolic myocardial tissue velocities after prolonged exercise. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab, 31 :256-260 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Shave R, Oxborough D, Dawson E, Worthy J, Privett S, Cable T, Hew-Butler T, Sherwood K, Noakes T. 2006. Longitudinal, Radial and Circumferential 2-D Strain Imaging: A New Method for Evaluating Exercise-Induced Cardiac Fatigue MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S322-S322 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Shave R, Oxborough D, Dawson E, Worthy J, Privett S, Cable T, Hew-Butler T, Sherwood K, Noakes T. 2006. Longitudinal, Radial and Circumferential 2-D Strain Imaging Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 38 :S322-S322 DOI Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Mortensen SP, Damsgaard R, Secher NH, González-Alonso J, Raven PB. 2006. Central hemodynamics with ATP and Kicking Exercise Mediated Increases in Leg Blood Flow Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 38 :S198-S198 DOI Publisher Url
Ogoh S, Fisher JP, Purkayastha S, Dawson EA, White MJ, Fadel PJ, Secher NH, Raven PB. 2006. The Regulation of Cerebral Blood Flow During Recovery from Dynamic Exercise in Humans Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 38 :S196-S196 DOI Publisher Url
Fisher JP, Ogoh S, Dawson EA, Fadel PJ, Secher NH, Raven PB, White MJ. 2006. Cardiac and vasomotor components of the carotid baroreflex control of arterial blood pressure during isometric exercise in humans The FASEB Journal, 20 DOI Publisher Url
Fisher JP, Ogoh S, Dawson EA, Fadel PJ, Secher NH, Raven PB, White MJ. 2006. Cardiac and vasomotor components of the carotid baroreflex control of arterial blood pressure during isometric exercise in humans 572 :869-880 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gonzalez-Alonso J, Mortensen SP, Dawson EA, Secher NH, Damsgaard R. 2006. Erythrocytes and the regulation of human skeletal muscle blood flow and oxygen delivery: role of erythrocyte count and oxygenation state of haemoglobin 572 :295-305 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rasmussen P, Dawson EA, Nybo L, van Lieshout JJ, Secher NH, Gjedde A. 2006. Capillary-oxygenation-level-dependent near-infrared spectrometry in frontal lobe of humans Author Url Publisher Url
Mortensen SP, Dawson EA, Damsgaard R, Secher NH, Gonzalez-Alonso J. 2006. Restrictions in Locomotor Skeletal Muscle Perfusion, Oxygen Supply and VO2 During Supramaximal Exercise in Humans MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S60-S60 DOI Publisher Url
Ogoh S, Dalsgaard MK, Yoshiga C, Dawson EA, Secher NH, Raven PB. 2006. The influence of cardiac output variability on cerebral blood flow velocity variability during exercise in humans. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MEDICINE, 55 :21-21 DOI Publisher Url
George K, Oxborough D, Forster J, Whyte G, Shave R, Dawson E, Stephenson C, Dugdill L, Edwards B, Gaze D. 2005. Mitral annular myocardial velocity assessment of segmental left ventricular diastolic function after prolonged exercise in humans. J Physiol, 569 :305-313 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ogoh S, Fisher JP, Dawson EA, White MJ, Secher NH, Raven PB. 2005. Autonomic nervous system influence on arterial baroreflex control of heart rate during exercise in humans Journal of Physiology, 566 :599-611 DOI
Ogoh S, Fisher JP, Dawson EA, White MJ, Secher NH, Raven PB. 2005. Autonomic nervous system influence on arterial baroreflex control of heart rate during exercise in humans. J Physiol, 566 :599-611 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Ball D, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2005. Cardiac drift during prolonged exercise with echocardiographic evidence of reduced diastolic function of the heart EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 94 :305-309 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ogoh S, Fisher JP, Dawson EA, White MJ, Secher NH, Raven PB. 2005. The Contribution Of The Sympathetic And Parasympathetic Systems To Cardiac-arterial Baroreflex Sensitivity During Dynamic Exercise Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37 :S425-S425 DOI Publisher Url
Ogoh S, Dalsgaard MK, Yoshiga CC, Dawson EA, Keller DM, Raven PB, Secher NH. 2005. Dynamic cerebral autoregulation during exhaustive exercise in humans. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 288 :H1461-H1467 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ogoh S, Dalsgaard MK, Yoshiga CC, Dawson EA, Keller DM, Raven PB, Secher NH. 2005. Dynamic cerebral autoregulation during exhaustive exercise in humans American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 288 DOI
Whyte G, George K, Shave R, Dawson E, Stephenson C, Edwards B, Gaze D, Oxborough D, Forster J, Simspon R. 2005. Impact of marathon running on cardiac structure and function in recreational runners CLINICAL SCIENCE, 108 :73-80 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schou M, Dalsgaard MK, Clemmesen O, Dawson EA, Yoshiga CC, Nielsen HB, Gustafsson F, Hildebrandt PR, Secher NH. 2005. Kidneys extract BNP and NT-proBNP in healthy young men 99 :1676-1680 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mortensen SP, Dawson EA, Yoshiga CC, Dalsgaard MK, Damsgaard R, Secher NH, Gonzalez-Alonso J. 2005. Limitations to systemic and locomotor limb muscle oxygen delivery and uptake during maximal exercise in humans 566 :273-285 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ogoh S, Fisher JP, Dawson EA, White MJ, Secher NH, Raven PB. 2005. The Contribution Of The Sympathetic And Parasympathetic Systems To Cardiac-arterial Baroreflex Sensitivity During Dynamic Exercise MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37 :S425-S425 DOI Publisher Url
Dalsgaard MK, Volianitis S, Yoshiga CC, Dawson EA, Secher NH. 2004. Cerebral metabolism during upper and lower body exercise. J Appl Physiol (1985), 97 :1733-1739 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Whyte G, Stephenson C, Shave R, Dawson E, Edwards B, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2004. Postexercise left ventricular function and cTnT in recreational marathon runners. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 36 :1709-1715 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Nimmo M, Layden J, Collinson P, Gaze D. 2004. The impact of prolonged exercise in a cold environment upon cardiac function MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 36 :1522-1527 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Dawson E, Shave RE, Whyte G, Jones M, Hare E, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2004. Left ventricular systolic function and diastolic filling after intermittent high intensity team sports. Br J Sports Med, 38 :452-456 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hinds T, Mcewan I, Perkes J, Dawson E, Ball D, George K. 2004. Effects of massage on limb and skin blood flow after quadriceps exercise MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 36 :1308-1313 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2004. Altered cardiac function and minimal cardiac damage during: Prolonged exercise MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 36 :1098-1103 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
González-Alonso J, Dalsgaard MK, Osada T, Volianitis S, Dawson EA, Yoshiga CC, Secher NH. 2004. Brain and central haemodynamics and oxygenation during maximal exercise in humans. J Physiol, 557 :331-342 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
González-Alonso J, Dalsgaard MK, Osada T, Volianitis S, Dawson EA, Yoshiga CC, Secher NH. 2004. Brain and central haemodynamics and oxygenation during maximal exercise in humans Journal of Physiology, 557 :331-342 DOI
Keller DM, Ogoh S, Dalsgaard M, Yoshiga C, Dawson EA, Secher NH, Raven PB. 2004. Static and Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation during Exhaustive Submaximal Dynamic Exercise Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36 :S24-S24 DOI Publisher Url
George KP, Oxborough D, Forster J, Whyte G, Shave R, Stephenson C, Dawson E. 2004. Tissue-Doppler Analysis of Left Ventricular Systolic and Diastolic Function After a Marathon Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36 :S331-S331 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, Whyte G, George K, Stephenson C, Dawson E, Oxborough D, Forster J, Gaze D. 2004. Cardiac Damage in Recreational London Marathon Runners Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36 :S331-S331 DOI Publisher Url
Keller DM, Ogoh S, Dalsgaard M, Yoshiga C, Dawson EA, Secher NH, Raven PB. 2004. Static and Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation during Exhaustive Submaximal Dynamic Exercise Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36 :S24-S24 DOI Publisher Url
Shave RE, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2004. Effect of prolonged exercise in a hypoxic environment on cardiac function and cardiac troponin T BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 38 :86-88 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Secher NH, Dalsgaard MK, Ogoh S, Yoshiga CC, Gonzalez-Alonso J, Steensberg A, Raven PB. 2004. Standing up to the challenge of standing: a siphon does not support cerebral blood flow in humans 287 :R911-R914 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dalsgaard MK, Ogoh S, Dawson EA, Yoshiga CC, Quistorff B, Secher NH. 2004. Cerebral carbohydrate cost of physical exertion in humans 287 :R534-R540 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Whyte G, Stephenson C, Dawson E, Shave R, Edwards B. 2003. IMPACT OF AGE AND FINSIHING TIME ON LV FUNCTION POSTMARATHON Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35 :S120-S120 DOI Publisher Url
Whyte G, George K, Stephenson C, Shave R, Dawson E, Edwards B, Gaze D. 2003. EVIDENCE OF CARDIAC MYOCYTE DAMAGE IN RECREATIONAL RUNNERS AFTER THE LONDON MARATHON Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35 :S120-S120 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, Whyte G, Dawson E, George K, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2003. THE IMPACT OF PROLONGED EXERCISE UPON MARKERS OF CARDIAC FUNCTION AND DAMAGE Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35 :S120-S120 DOI Publisher Url
Dawson E, George K, Shave R, Whyte G, Ball D. 2003. Does the human heart fatigue subsequent to prolonged exercise? SPORTS MEDICINE, 33 :365-380 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave RE, Dawson E, Whyte PG, George K, Ball D, Gaze CD, Collinson P. 2003. Cardiac troponin T in female athletes during a two-day mountain marathon 48 :41-42 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Volianitis S, Krustrup P, Dawson E, Secher NH. 2003. Arm blood flow and oxygenation on the transition from arm to combined arm and leg exercise in humans 547 :641-648 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave RE, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Ball D, Gaze DC, Collinson PO. 2002. Evidence of exercise-induced cardiac dysfunction and elevated cTnT in separate cohorts competing in an ultra-endurance mountain marathon race INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 23 :489-494 DOI Author Url
Whyte GP, Shave RE, Dawson E, George KP, Gaze D, Collinson PO. 2002. LEFT VENTRICULAR FUNCTION FOLLOWING PROLONGED EXERCISE IN NORMOBARIC HYPOXIA. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 34 :S286-S286 DOI Publisher Url
Shave RE, Whyte GP, Dawson E, George KP, Gaze D, Collinson PO. 2002. EVIDENCE OF SECONDARY CARDLAC DAMAGE FOLLOWING PROLONGED EXERCISE IN HYPOXIA. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 34 :S286-S286 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Ball D, Collinson P, Gaze D. 2002. The cardiospecificity of the third-generation cTnT assay after exercise-induced muscle damage MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 34 :651-654 DOI Author Url
SHAVE R, DAWSON E, WHYTE G, GEORGE K, BALL D, COLLINSON P, GAZE D. 2002. The cardiospecificity of the third-generation cTnT assay after exercise-induced muscle damage Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 34 :651-654 DOI Publisher Url
Shave RE, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Ball D, Gaze DC, Collinson PO. 2002. Evidence of exercise-induced cardiac dysfunction and elevated cTnT in separate cohorts competing in an ultra-endurance mountain marathon race 23 :489-494 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Ball D, Collinson P, Gaze D. 2002. The cardiospecificity of the third-generation cTnT assay after exercise-induced muscle damage 34 :651-654 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Conference publication
Wilson ML, Davies IG, Lane KE, Fadel A, Dawson EA, Mazidi M, Webb RJ. 2024. The effects of low-carbohydrate, high-fat meal consumption on postprandial lipaemia and cardiovascular risk: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 82 DOI Publisher Url
Tryfonos A, Rodighiero R, Cocks M, Mills J, Green DJ, Dawson EA. 2019. Vascular Responses To Acute Exercise Following Catheterization-induced Damage In Humans. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM) 51 :806-807 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Scott S, Shepherd S, Hopkins N, Dawson E, Wright D, Cooper B, Wagenmakers A, Cocks M. 2019. Home-Based High-Intensity Interval Training Improves Muscle Capillarisation and eNOS/NAD(P)Hoxidase Protein Ratio in Obese Individuals with Elevated Cardiovascular Disease Risk FASEB JOURNAL, Experimental Biology Meeting (EB) 33 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hopkins ND, Green DJ, Dawson EA, Jones H. 2016. The Acute Effect Of High Intensity Interval Exercise And Moderate Continuous Exercise On Endothelial Function In Children. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM) 48 :190-190 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rathore S, Dawson E, Cable T, Wright J, Morris J, Green D. 2015. Influence of the ratio between radial artery inner diameter and the introducer sheath outer diameter on endothelial function in humans after transradial coronary procedures EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, Congress of the European-Society-of-Cardiology (ESC) 36 :133-133 Author Url
Dawson EA, Reilly T. 2009. Menstrual cycle, exercise and health BIOLOGICAL RHYTHM RESEARCH, National Science Week 40 :99-119 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Artis N, Oxborough D, George K, Shave R, Cable T, Dawson E, Williams G, Pepper C, Tan L. 2006. A novel method to identify dyssynchronous contraction through regional time differences in peak strain and strain rate HEART, Annual Scientific Conference of the British-Society-Promoting-Cardiovascular-Health 92 :A94-A94 Author Url
Ogoh S, Fisher JP, Purkayastha S, Dawson EA, White MJ, Fadel PJ, Secher NH, Raven PB. 2006. The Regulation of Cerebral Blood Flow During Recovery from Dynamic Exercise in Humans MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S196-S196 DOI Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Mortensen SP, Damsgaard R, Secher NH, Gonzalez-Alonso J. 2006. Central hemodynamics with ATP and Kicking Exercise Mediated Increases in Leg Blood Flow MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S198-S198 DOI Publisher Url
George KP, Oxborough D, Forster J, Whyte G, Shave R, Stephenson C, Dawson E. 2004. Tissue-Doppler analysis of left ventricular systolic and diastolic function after a marathon MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 36 :S331-S331 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Whyte G, George K, Stephenson C, Dawson E, Oxborough D, Forster J, Gaze D. 2004. Cardiac damage in recreational London marathon runners MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 36 :S331-S331 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Keller DM, Ogoh S, Dalsgaard M, Yoshiga C, Dawson EA, Secher NH, Raven PB. 2004. Static and dynamic cerebral autoregulation during exhaustive sub-maximal dynamic exercise MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 36 :S24-S24
Van Den Munckhof ICL, Thijssen DHJ, Tinken TM, Den Drijver E, Hopkins N, Dawson EA, Cable NT, Green DJ. EXERCISE-MEDIATED CHANGES IN CONDUIT ARTERY WALL THICKNESS IN HUMANS: ROLE OF SHEAR STRESS 16th annual Congress of the ECSS
Dawson E, Black MA, Jones H, Hopkins N, Shave R, George KP, Willson M, Whyte G, Green DJ. Prolonged endurance exercise is associated with a reduction in femoral, but not brachial, flow-mediated vasodilatation 13th annual Congress of the ECSS
Dawson EA, Black MA, Jones H, Hopkins N, Shave R, George KP, Wilson M, Whyte G, Green DJ. Impact of the London marathon on brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilation MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine
Dawson EA, Black MA, Pybis J, Cable NT, George KP, Green DJ. The impact of exercise on derived central measures obtained from the Sphygmocor device Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine DOI Publisher Url
Shelley J, Boddy L, Knowles ZR, Stewart C, Frost F, Nazereth D, Walshaw M, Dawson E. Vascular function in adults with Cystic Fibrosis Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 41st Euro[ean Cystic Fibrosis Conference 3
Dawson E, Erskine R, Green D, Thijssen D. Relationship between acute changes in FMD and VO2 max in healthy men Proc 22nd Annual Congress of the ECSS
Dawson E, Erskine R, Cable T, Green D, Thijssen D. Impact of 4-week exercise training on the acute change in vascular function to exercise
McLellan HL, Dawson EA, Eijsvogels TMH, Thijssen DHJ, Bakker EA. 2023. The impact of hypertension on the dose-response association between physical activity and stroke: A cohort study among 139,930 adults from the Netherlands Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DOI Publisher Url
Holder S. 2020. Brachial Artery Flow-Mediated Dilation in Humans: Establishing Age- and Sex-Related Reference Values with a Focus on the Role of Shear Stress Thijssen D, Green D, Dawson E, Thompson A. Public Url
Van Mil ACCM. Examining endothelial function in humans in vivo: improving guidelines and exploring novel measures Thijssen D, Hopman M, Green D, Dawson E. Public Url
Research Grants Awarded:
Asthma and Lung UK, Understanding Cardiovascular Health in Adult People with Cystic Fibrosis (pwCF), Mr Alex Chan LHCH, Dr Freddy Frost LHCH, Grant value (£): 30,000, Duration of research project: 60 months. 2024
Horizon Europe, Health virtual twins for the personalised management of stroke related to atrial fibrillation, Sandra Ortega-Martorell (PI; LJMU). Fifty-three co-I from Liverpool, John Moores University, Universitat Rovira, Consorcio Mar Parc De Salut De Barcelona, Vrije Universitite Brussels, Revalidatieziekanhuis Inkendaal, Institut National Polytechnique de toulouse, The University of Liverpool, Siemens SRL, Universitatea da Medicina Farmacie, Inasys Lifecare Deutschland GmbH, Lunds Universitet, Radboud University Medical Center, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Trust, Arrhythmia Alliance, Liverpool University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Technische Universitaet Wien, Siemens Healthcare GMBH, Moverim Consulting SRL, Grant value (£): 10,000,000, Duration of research project: 5 years. 2024
Lancashire STAR Police Fund, Police STAR wellbeing project, Dr Carol Cox, Grant value (£): 70,000, Duration of research project: 10. 2024
Malaysian government agency: Majlis Amanah Rakyat, (MARA), Effect of Exercise Training on cardiometabolic risk factors in individuals with hypertension, Dr Matthew Cocks, LJMU; Professor Dick Thijssen, LJMU., Grant value (£): 54,300, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2021
UTS Foundation Matched Funded PhD, The impact of Physical activity and exercise training on physiological and psychosocial outcomes in cancer patients, Ellen Dawson, Zoe Knowles, Claire Stewart, Grant value (£): 32,522, Duration of research project: Three year PhD programme, due to start 1st March 2018. 2018
LJMU Knowledge Exchange & Innovation Funding, Exploratory research towards the development of a smartphone application for game-supported physical and psycho-social wellbeing in children with cystic fibrosis, Prof Shona Bettany, Grant value (£): 9450, Duration of research project: 0/6. 2017
Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group, Co-designing a digital cardiac rehabilitation programme for the South Asian community, Professor Ian Jones (PI), Dr Robyn Lotto, Dr Paula Watson, Grahame Smith, Dr Joe Mills, Dilla Davis, Grant value (£): 15,687, Duration of research project: 0/6. 2016
NIHR RDS NW, Physical activity and physiological adaptions in patients with Cystic Fibrosis, Dr Lynne Boddy, LJMU. Dr Zoe Knowles, LJMU. Professor Clarie Stewart, LJMU., Grant value (£): 13,549, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2015
Liverpool Heart and Chest Hosptial, Radial Catheterisation, Grant value (£): 15000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2013
NIHR Liverpool PCT, Can exercise-based rehabilitation improve artery function following catheterisation-induced damage: What is the optimal time to begin rehabilitation?, Daniel J Green, University of Western Australia; Dr Jay Wright, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital; Prof Tim Cable, Liverpool John Moores University, Grant value (£): 11,539, Duration of research project: 1. 2012
LJMU Early Career Researcher, Impact of Deep Brain Electrical Stimulation on Cardiovascular Function, Daniel J Green, University of Western Australia; Professor David Paterson, University of Oxford; Mr Christopher Lind, Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital, Grant value (£): 4903.67, Duration of research project: 0/6. 2010
Royal Society, Calibration and validation of ultrasound derived blood flow, Daniel J Green, University of Western Australia, Grant value (£): 3200, Duration of research project: 0/3. 2008
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Ottawa, PhD, A sex-based examination of the acute and chronic effects of exercise training on physical and mental health outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation. 2023
The University of Birmingham, PhD, Low-Flow Mediated Constriction: Environmental Modifiers And The Role Of Shear Rate. 2022
The University of Birmingham, PhD, Cardiovascular haemodynamics and autonomic function in resistant hypertension: Relation to blood pressure control. 2022
The University of Birmingham, PhD, Cardiovascular haemodynamics and autonomic function in resistant hypertension: Relation to blood pressure control. 2022
University of Exeter, PhD, Vascular function in adolescents: The effect of exercise and new measurement approaches. 2022
University of Otago, PhD, Stress conditioning for peripheral arterial disease. 2016
Loughborough University, PhD, Evaluating brachial artery adaptations to exercise: an in vivo and in vitro approach. 2015
Editorial boards:
European Journal of Applied Physiology, Editor, https://www.springer.com/journal/421. 2020
Experimental Physiology, Reviewing Editor, https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/1469445x. 2019
External collaboration:
University of Bolton/Underground Training Station, Dr Colin Robertson. 2018
https://www.lhch.nhs.uk/gps-professionals/our-consultants/our-cardiology-team/dr-joe-mills/, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, Dr Joe Mills. 2018
Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, Dr Jay Wright. 2007
Conference organisation:
Cystic Fibrosis and Exercise Network meeting: Publication to Patient, Organising committee. 2018
Northern Vascular Biology Forum, Lead of Organising Committee, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/conferences/northern-vascular-biology-forum-2017. 2017
BASES Student Conference, Organising Committee. 2015
Teaching qualification:
Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in HE. 2015