Dominic Doran
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: D.A.Doran@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 6268
Dr Dominic A Doran is a Principal Lecturer in Exercise and Health Physiology, who teaches across the Schools academic programmes at all levels from foundation to MSc level, where he leads the MSc Wearable Technology module. He has supervised and examined multiple Masters and PhD candidates. Dominic serves as Strategic lead for International student and staff exchange as well as Trans-National Education programme development for the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences. Dominic completed his undergraduate degree at the Ulster of University and Masters in Biomedical Science (physiology) at Queens University Belfast. Dominic subsequently undertook his PhD at Liverpool John Moores University in the field of Exercise and glucose transport responses to antiretroviral drug therapy. Thematically, Dominic’s main research interests can be classified into understanding the effect of exercise upon health as well as sports performance. Specifically his research seeks to understand the effects of exercise upon gastrointestinal function and wellbeing and the role of exercise as prehabilitation and rehabilitation prior to and during Cancer treatment. In addition, a key focus is examining sport training and performance outcomes as relates to Gaelic Games and Soccer with an emphasis upon the application of technology to understand player match-play and training loads.
2008, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD, Role of exercise upon glucose transport following HIV antiretroviral drug ingestion.
1991, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom, MMedSci Biomedical Science (Physiology)
1990, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, BA (Hons) Sport Studies (Physiology), Physiology
Academic appointments
Principal Lecturer In Exercise and Health Physiology, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 1995 - present
Highlighted publications
Pugh JN, Sparks AS, Doran DA, Fleming SC, Langan-Evans C, Kirk B, Fearn R, Morton JP, Close GL. 2019. Four weeks of probiotic supplementation reduces GI symptoms during a marathon race. European Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Malone JJ, Bassami M, Waldron SC, Campbell IT, Hulton A, Doran D, MacLaren DP. 2019. Carbohydrate oxidation and glucose utilisation under hyperglycaemia in aged and young males during exercise at the same relative exercise intensity EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 119 :235-245 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pullinger S, Oska J, Clark L, Guyatt JWF, Newlove A, Burniston JG, Doran DA, Waterhouse J, Edwards B. 2018. Diurnal Variation in repeated sprint performance cannot be offset when rectal and muscle temperatures are at optimal levels (38.5 C) Chronobiology International, 35 :1054-1065 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pugh JN, Sage S, Hutson M, Doran DA, Fleming SC, Highton J, Morton JP, Close GL. 2017. Glutamine supplementation reduces markers of intestinal permeability during running in the heat in a dose-dependent manner EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 117 :2569-2577 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pugh J, Impey SG, Doran DA, Fleming S, Morton JP, Close GL. 2017. Acute high-intensity interval running increases markers of damage and permeability but not gastrointestinal symptoms. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 42 :941-947 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Edwards BJ, Boyle BB, Burniston JG, Doran D, Doran D, Giacomoni M, Mahon EA, Pullinger S. 2025. Evidence of a circadian variation in 10-km laboratory running time-trial performance, where a standardised approach has been employed Chronobiology International, :1-15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Edwards B, Harris C, Jackman Z, Linares-Alcolea R, Matta R, Giacomoni M, Mahon E, Pullinger SA, Burniston JG, Doran DA. 2024. Is there a diurnal variation in 4-km cycling time-trial performance, conducted in an environmental chamber where a standardised approach has been employed? Biological Rhythm Research, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
O’Brien L, Malone S, Doran D, Amirabdollahian F, Collins K. 2022. Reliability of a Gaelic football simulation protocol developed to replicate the movement and physiological demands of elite Gaelic football match-play Sport Sciences for Health, 18 :681-688 DOI Publisher Url
Collins K, Reilly T, Malone S, Keane J, Doran D. 2022. Science and Hurling: A Review Sports, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ju W, Hawkins R, Doran D, Gómez-Díaz A, Martín-García A, Evans M, Laws A, Bradley PS. 2022. Tier-specific contextualised high-intensity running profiles in the English Premier League: more on-ball movement at the top Biology of Sport, 40 :561-573 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ju W, Doran DA, Hawkins R, Evans M, Laws A, Bradley P. 2022. Contextualised high-intensity running profiles of elite football players with reference to general and specialised tactical roles Biology of Sport, 40 :291-301 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ju W, Doran DA, Hawkins R, Gómez-Díaz A, Martin-Garcia A, Ade J, Laws A, Evans M, Bradley P. 2021. Contextualised peak periods of play in English Premier League matches Biology of Sport, 39 :973-983 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Malone S, Shovlin A, Collins K, McRobert A, Doran D. 2021. Is the metabolic power paradigm ecologically valid within elite Gaelic football? Sport Sciences for Health, 17 :551-561 DOI Publisher Url
Savoia C, Iellamo F, Caminiti G, Doran DA, Pullinger S, Innaurato MR, Annino G, Manzi V. 2021. Rethinking training in elite soccer players: comparative evidence of small-sided games and official match play in kinematic parameters JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS, 61 :763-770 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
O’brien L, Collins K, Webb R, Davies I, Doran D, Amirabdollahian F. 2021. The effects of pre-game carbohydrate intake on running performance and substrate utilisation during simulated gaelic football match play Nutrients, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Malone S, Collins K, McRobert A, Doran D. 2021. Quantifying the Training and Match-Play External and Internal Load of Elite Gaelic Football Players Applied Sciences, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Malone S, Collins K, McRoberts A, Doran D. 2021. Understanding the association between external training load measures and injury risk in Elite Gaelic football JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS, 61 :233-243 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Savoia C, Padulo J, Colli R, Marra E, McRobert AP, Chester N, Azzone V, Pullinger SA, Doran DA. 2020. The validity of an updated metabolic power algorithm based upon Di Prampero’s theoretical model in Elite soccer players International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hulton AT, Vitzel K, Doran DA, MacLaren DPM. 2020. Erratum: Correction: Addition of Caffeine to a Carbohydrate Feeding Strategy Prior to Intermittent Exercise (International journal of sports medicine (2020) 41 9 (603-609)) International journal of sports medicine, 41 :e18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hulton A, Vitzel K, Doran D, MacLaren D. 2020. Addition of Caffeine to a Carbohydrate Feeding Strategy Prior to Intermittent Exercise International Journal of Sports Medicine, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pugh JN, Wagenmakers AJM, Doran DA, Fleming SC, Fielding BA, Morton JP, Close GL. 2020. Probiotic supplementation increases carbohydrate metabolism in trained male cyclists: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over trial. American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism, 318 :E504-E513 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pullinger SA, Cocking S, Robertson CM, Tod D, Doran DA, Burniston JG, Varamenti E, Edwards BJ. 2019. Time-of-day variation on performance measures in repeated-sprint tests: A systematic review. Chronobiology International, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pugh JN, Sparks AS, Doran DA, Fleming SC, Langan-Evans C, Kirk B, Fearn R, Morton JP, Close GL. 2019. Four weeks of probiotic supplementation reduces GI symptoms during a marathon race. European Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pullinger SA, Bradley PS, Causer J, Ford PR, Newlove A, Patel K, Reid K, Robertson CM, Burniston JG, Doran DA, Waterhouse JM, Edwards BJ. 2019. Football-induced fatigue in hypoxia impairs repeated sprint ability and perceptual-cognitive skills Science and Medicine in Football, 3 :221-230 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
O'Brien L, Collins K, Doran D, Khaiyat O, Amirabdolliahan F. 2019. Dietary Intake, Energy Expenditure and External Training Load Assessed During a Pre-Season Period in Elite Gaelic Football Players. Sports, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Malone JJ, Bassami M, Waldron SC, Campbell IT, Hulton A, Doran D, MacLaren DP. 2019. Carbohydrate oxidation and glucose utilisation under hyperglycaemia in aged and young males during exercise at the same relative exercise intensity EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 119 :235-245 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pullinger S, Robertson CM, Oakley AJ, Hobbs R, Hughes M, Burniston JG, Edwards BJ. 2018. Effects of an active warm-up on variation in bench press and back squat (upper and lower body measures). Chronobiology International, 36 :392-406 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pullinger S, Oska J, Clark L, Guyatt JWF, Newlove A, Burniston JG, Doran DA, Waterhouse J, Edwards B. 2018. Diurnal Variation in repeated sprint performance cannot be offset when rectal and muscle temperatures are at optimal levels (38.5 C) Chronobiology International, 35 :1054-1065 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pullinger S, Oksa J, Brocklehurst EL, Iveson RP, Newlove A, Burniston JG, Doran DA, Waterhouse J, Edwards BJ. 2018. Controlling rectal and muscle temperatures: Can we offset diurnal variation in repeated sprint performance? Chronobiology International, 35 :959-968 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Malone S, Hughes B, Doran DA, Collins K, Gabbett TJ. 2018. Can the workload–injury relationship be moderated by improved strength, speed and repeated-sprint qualities? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pugh JN, Sage S, Hutson M, Doran DA, Fleming SC, Highton J, Morton JP, Close GL. 2017. Glutamine supplementation reduces markers of intestinal permeability during running in the heat in a dose-dependent manner EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 117 :2569-2577 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pugh J, Impey SG, Doran DA, Fleming S, Morton JP, Close GL. 2017. Acute high-intensity interval running increases markers of damage and permeability but not gastrointestinal symptoms. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 42 :941-947 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Collins DK, McRobert A, Morton JP, O’Sullivan D, Doran DA. 2017. The Work-Rate of Elite Hurling Match-Play Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Malone S, Doran DA, Akubat I, Collins K. 2016. The Integration of Internal and External Training Load Metrics in Hurling Journal of Human Kinetics, 53 :211-221 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Malone S, Collins K, Doran DA. 2016. The running performance and estimated energy cost of hurling specific small-sided games. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, :1-6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Malone S, Roe M, Doran DA, Gabbett TJ, Collins K. 2016. High chronic training loads and exposure to bouts of maximal velocity running reduce injury risk in elite Gaelic football. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Malone S, Roe M, Doran DA, Gabbett TJ, Collins KD. 2016. Aerobic Fitness and Playing Experience Protect Against Spikes in Workload: The Role of the Acute:Chronic Workload Ratio on Injury Risk in Elite Gaelic Football. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Malone S, Solan B, Collins K, Doran DA. 2016. The metabolic power and energetic demands of elite Gaelic football match play. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Malone S, Solan B, Collins K, Doran DA. 2015. The Positional Match Running Performance of Elite Gaelic Football. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Morgans R, Owen A, Doran D, Drust B, Morton JP. 2015. Prematch Salivary Secretory Immunoglobulin A in Soccer Players From the 2014 World Cup Qualifying Campaign INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS PHYSIOLOGY AND PERFORMANCE, 10 :401-403 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
COLLINS DK, REILLY T, MORTON JP, MCROBERT A, DORAN DA. 2014. Anthropometric and Performance Characteristics of Elite Hurling Players Journal of Athletic Enhancement, 03 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pullinger SA, Brocklehurst EL, Iveson RP, Burniston JG, Doran DA, Waterhouse JM, Edwards BJ. 2014. Is there a diurnal variation in repeated sprint ability on a non-motorised treadmill? Chronobiol Int, 31 :421-432 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Doran DA, Mc Geever S, Collins KD, Quinn C, McElhone R, Scott M. 2014. The validity of commonly used adipose tissue body composition equations relative to dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in Gaelic games players International Journal of Sports Medicine, 35 :95-100 DOI
Sparks SA, Maclaren DPM, Bridge NE, Cable NT, Doran DA. 2013. Laboratory Simulated Duathlon Performance: Effects of Pre-Exercise Meals. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab., 23 :610-616 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gregson W, Allan R, Holden S, Phibbs P, Doran D, Campbell I, Waldron S, Joo CH, Morton JP. 2013. Postexercise cold-water immersion does not attenuate muscle glycogen resynthesis. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 45 :1174-1181 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Doran DA. 2013. Validity of Common Body Composition Equations Relative to DEXA in Gaelic Games Players. Doran,DA , MCGeever,S , Collins, K , McElhone,R , Quinn,C , Scott, M . International Journal of Sports Medicine, 35 :95-100 DOI
Hulton, A , MacLaren,DP , Gregson,W , Edwards,J , Doran DA. 2013. Effect of Fat and CHO Meals on Intermittent Exercise in Soccer Players International Journal of Sports Medicine, 34 :165-169 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hulton AT, Gregson W, Maclaren D, Doran DA. 2012. Effects of GI meals on intermittent exercise. Int J Sports Med, 33 :756-762 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mateo-March M, Blasco-Lafarga C, Doran D, Romero-Rodriguez RC, Zabala M. 2012. Notational analysis of European, World, and Olympic BMX cycling races JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND MEDICINE, 11 :502-509 Author Url
Sari-Sarraf V, Doran DA, Clarke ND, Atkinson G, Reilly T. 2011. Effects of Carbohydrate Beverage Ingestion on the Salivary IgA Response to Intermittent Exercise in the Heat INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 32 :659-665 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bassami M, MacLaren DP, Ahmadizad S, Doran DA. 2011. Effects of Mixed Isoenergetic Meals on Fat and Carbohydrate Metabolism during Exercise in Older Men Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2011 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Morris CJ, Fullick S, Gregson W, Clarke N, Doran D, MacLaren D, Atkinson G. 2010. Paradoxical post-exercise responses of acylated ghrelin and leptin during a simulated night shift. Chronobiol Int, 27 :590-605 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Collins, K, Doran DA, Reilly TP. 2010. The Physiological Demands of Hurling Match-Play Anderson, M. Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2010, :591-595
McWhannell N, Henaghan JL, Foweather L, Doran DA, Batterham AM, Reilly T, Stratton G. 2008. The effect of a 9-week physical activity programme on bone and body composition of children aged 10-11 years: an exploratory trial. Int J Sports Med, 29 :941-947 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mallewa JE, Wilkins E, Vilar J, Mallewa M, Doran D, Back D, Pirmohamed M. 2008. HIV-associated lipodystrophy: a review of underlying mechanisms and therapeutic options JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY, 62 :648-660 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Morton JP, Doran DA, MacLaren DPM. 2008. Common misconceptions perpetuated - Reply to B. Kay ADVANCES IN PHYSIOLOGY EDUCATION, 32 :246-247 DOI Author Url
Morton JP, Doran DA, Maclaren DPM. 2008. Common student misconceptions in exercise physiology and biochemistry. Adv Physiol Educ, 32 :142-146 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sari-Sarraf V, Reilly T, Doran D, Atkinson G. 2008. Effects of repeated bouts of soccer-specific intermittent exercise on salivary IgA INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 29 :366-371 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Morton JP, Doran DA, MacLaren DPM. 2008. Reply to B. Kay American Journal of Physiology - Advances in Physiology Education, 32 :246-247 DOI Publisher Url
Bassami M, Ahmadizad S, Doran D, MacLaren DPM. 2007. Effects of exercise intensity and duration on fat metabolism in trained and untrained older males EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 101 :525-532 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sari-Sarraf V, Reilly T, Doran DA, Atkinson G. 2007. The effects of single and repeated bouts of soccer-specific exercise on salivary IgA. Arch Oral Biol, 52 :526-532 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sari-Sarraf V, Reilly T, Doran DA. 2006. Salivary IgA response to intermittent and continuous exercise. Int J Sports Med, 27 :849-855 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Close GL, Ashton T, Cable T, Doran D, Holloway C, McArdle F, MacLaren DPM. 2006. Ascorbic acid supplementation does not attenuate post-exercise muscle soreness following muscle-damaging exercise but may delay the recovery process. Br J Nutr, 95 :976-981 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sparks SA, Bridge NE, Cable NT, Doran DA, MacLaren DPM. 2006. The Effect of Pre-Exercise Dietary Manipulation on ATP Utilisation and Metabolism During Simulated Duathlon Performance MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S337-S337 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sparks SA, Bridge NE, Cable NT, Doran DA, MacLaren DPM. 2006. The Effect of Pre-Exercise Dietary Manipulation on ATP Utilisation and Metabolism During Simulated Duathlon Performance Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 38 :S337-S337 DOI Publisher Url
Close GL, Ashton T, Cable T, Doran D, Noyes C, McArdle F, MacLaren DPM. 2005. Effects of dietary carbohydrate on delayed onset muscle soreness and reactive oxygen species after contraction induced muscle damage. Br J Sports Med, 39 :948-953 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Close GL, Ashton T, Cable T, Doran D, MacLaren DPM. 2004. Eccentric exercise, isokinetic muscle torque and delayed onset muscle soreness: the role of reactive oxygen species. Eur J Appl Physiol, 91 :615-621 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Doran DA, Donnelly JP, Reilly T. 2003. Kinanthropometric and performance characteristics of gaelic games players :179-188 DOI
Doran DA, Chantler P, Jones S, Leatt P. 2003. Anthropometric and somatotype characteristics of HIV+ lipodystrophic individuals undergoing 'Haart' therapy :277-287 DOI
Reilly T, Doran D. 2003. Fitness assessment :21-46 DOI
Strudwick A, Reilly T, Doran D. 2002. Anthropometric and fitness profiles of elite players in two football codes. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 42 :239-242 Author Url
Jones SP, Doran DA, Leatt PB, Maher B, Pirmohamed M. 2001. Short-term exercise training improves body composition and hyperlipidaemia in HIV-positive individuals with lipodystrophy. AIDS, 15 :2049-2051 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Reilly T, Doran D. 2001. Science and Gaelic football: a review. J Sports Sci, 19 :181-193 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Doran DA, Godfrey A. 2001. Effects of creatine supplementation on upper body power output in elite rock climbers BIOLOGY OF SPORT, 18 :55-69 Author Url
Garside I, Doran DA. 2000. Effects of bicycle frame ergonomics on triathlon 10-km running performance. J Sports Sci, 18 :825-833 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Beynon C, Burke J, Doran D, Nevill A. 2000. Effects of activity-rest schedules on physiological strain and spinal load in hospital-based porters. Ergonomics, 43 :1763-1770 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Doran DA, Mahoney CA, Boreham CAG. 1996. A developmental field protocol for the determination of V̇O
Wallace ES, White JA, Downie A, Dalzell G, Doran D. 1993. Influence of exercise adherence level on modifiable coronary heart disease risk factors and functional-fitness levels in middle-aged men British Journal of Sports Medicine, 27 :101-106 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Boyle E, Malone S, Mangan S, Doran DA, Collins K. Applied sport science of Gaelic football Sport Sciences for Health, DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Pugh J, Wagenmakers A, Morton J, Doran D, Fielding B, Fleming S, Close G. 2019. Probiotic supplementation improves total and exogenous CHO oxidation in trained male cyclists: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial FASEB JOURNAL, Experimental Biology Meeting (EB) 33 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
MALONE S, COLLINS DK, MCROBERT A, MORTON JP, DORAN DA. 2016. Accuracy and Reliability of the VXSport Global Positioning System in Intermittent Activity EUROPEAN CONGRESS SPORTS SCIENCE, ECSS 2014
Wong FY, Morris S, Sharples AP, Low DA, Scott MA, Doran D. 2015. Nucleotide supplementation does not improve repeated sprint performance Journal of Sports Sciences, British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Supplement 1 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Malone, S, COLLINS DK, MC ROBERTS A, Doran DA. 2015. The Work rate and metabolic power characteristics of Elite Gaelic football match play
Wong FY, Morris S, Sharples AP, Low DA, Scott MA, Doran DA. 2015. Effect of 30 days oral purine and pyrimidine nucleotide supplementation upon repeated sprint ability performance The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences
Waldron S, Malone J, Doran D, Columb M, MacLaren D. 2011. Substrate oxidation during exercise: switch with age? BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, Conference of the Anaesthetic-Research-Society 107 :836P-837P Author Url
Doran DA, Jones SP, Evans L, Campbell IT, Stokes DJ, Yates AP, Pirmohamed M, Back DJ, Khoo SH, MacLaren DPM. 2006. Antecedent exercise improves glucose utilization in healthy volunteers treated with a single dose of protease inhibitor ANTIVIRAL THERAPY, 8th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV 11 :L36-L36 Author Url
Doran DA, Yan Q, Struthers H, Hruz PW. 2006. Exercise training improves glucose uptake in mice treated simultaneously with twice daily ritonavir ANTIVIRAL THERAPY, 8th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV 11 :L38-L39 Author Url
Doran DA, Jones SP, Evans L, Campbell IT, Stokes DJ, Yates AP, Pirmohamed M, Back DJ, Khoo SH, MacLaren DPM. 2006. Single dose atazanavir boosted with ritonavir does not induce insulin resistance in healthy volunteers ANTIVIRAL THERAPY, 8th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV 11 :L39-L40 Author Url
Sparks SA, Cable NT, Doran DA, Maclaren DPM. 2005. The influence of environmental temperature on duathlon performance ERGONOMICS, 5th International Conference on Sport, Leisure and Ergonomics 48 :1558-1567 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Doran DA, Jones SP, Lagathu C, Evans L, Cambell IT, Stokes DJ, Yates AP, Caron M, Pirmohamed M, Back DJ, Khoo SH, Maclaren DP. 2004. Mechanisms of insulin resistance in HIV-seronegative individuals acutely treated with ritonavir boosted indinavir and atazanavir regimens ANTIVIRAL THERAPY, 6th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV 9 :L6-L6 Author Url
Donnelly JP, Doran DA, Reilly T. 2003. Kinanthropometric and performance characteristics of Gaelic games players JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 12th Commonwealth International Sport Conference 21 :296-297 Author Url
Doran DA, Chantler P, Jones S, Leatt P. 2003. Anthropometric and somatotype characteristics of HIV plus lipodystrophic individuals undergoing 'HAART' therapy JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 12th Commonwealth International Sport Conference 21 :297-297 Author Url
Chantler P, Doran DA, Jones S, Leatt P. 2003. Effects of acute exercise on blood lipid profiles of HIV+ individuals undergoing 'HAART' therapy: preliminary observations JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 12th Commonwealth International Sport Conference 21 :315-316 Author Url
Close GL, MacLaren DPM, Doran D, Ashton T. 2003. Eccentric exercise, isokinetic muscle strength and delayed-onset muscle soreness: the role of oxygen-centred radicals JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 12th Commonwealth International Sport Conference 21 :316-317 Author Url
Collins, K. , Doran DA, McRobert, AP, Morton, JP, Reilly, TP. Time-motion analysis of elite hurling match-play. Proceedins of the 16th Annual Conference of the European College of Sports Sciences, 16th Annual Conference of the European College of Sports Sciences Publisher Url
Collins,K , Doran DA, Reilly,TP . Nutritional and anthropometric assessment of elite hurling players. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences, 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences Publisher Url
Doran DA, Collins,K , Quinn,C . Anthropometric and physiological characteristics of club and varsity level hurling players. Proceedings of the 16th annual congress of the European College of Sports Sciences, 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences Publisher Url
Doran DA, MCGeever,S , Collins,K . Anthropometric characteristics of club and varsity level Gaelic games players as determined by Dual X-Ray Absorptiometry. Proceeding of the 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences, 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences Publisher Url
Hulton,A , MacLaren,DP , Gregson,W , Doran DA. Effects of High and Low glycaemic Index Meals Prior to Soccer Specific Exercise. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences, 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences Publisher Url
Collins,K , McGeever,S , Doran DA. The validity of a commonly used body composition equation relative to Dual X-Ray Absorptiometry in Gaelic games players. The Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress on Science and Football: 7, VIIth World Congress on Science and Football DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Collins, K, Doran DA, Reilly,TP . The energy intake of elite Gaelic football players. Science and Football VII: The Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress on Science and Football: 7, VIIth World Congress on Science and Football
Collins K, Doran DA, Reilly,TP . Small-sided games present an effective training stimulus in Gaelic football. Science and Football VII: The Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress on Science and Football: 7, VIIth World Congress on Science and Football DOI Publisher Url
Collins K, Doran DA, Reilly TP. The physiological response to hurling match-play. Human Factors: the journal of the human factors and ergonomics society, Ergonomics Author Url
Hulton A, MacLaren DP, Gregson W, Doran DA. Effects of High Fat and High Carbohydrate Meals on Football Simulated Exercise. The Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress on Science and Football: 7, VIIth World Congress on Science and Football
Research Grants Awarded:
Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance, Rapid review of the prehabilitation model for abdominal/pelvic cancers, and an audit of current prehabilitation provision in Cheshire and Merseyside, Dr Dominic Doran, Grant value (£): 17,996, Duration of research project: 4 months. 2019
UEFA Education Programme Grant, The validation and application of an intergrated metabolic paradigm using high frequency GPS technology in soccer to assess match play and training load, Dr Neil Chester (LJMU)and Allistair McRoberts (LJMU)., Grant value (£): Twenty Thousand Euros, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2012
External collaboration:
African Union Sports Council Region 5, Stanley Mutoya.