Danny Cullinane
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: D.D.Cullinane@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 5223
Danny Cullinane is an academic member of staff with teaching duties. He is currently the Programme Leader and a Senior Lecturer on the BA (Hons) Sport Development degree, and also the Foundation Year coordinator for the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences. He also teaches on the BA (Hons) Sport Business degree, is a Year Tutor and Personal Tutor, and a mentor for the University’s Sport Scholar programme.
In addition to his teaching duties he is a member of the Psychology and Development (P.A.D.) group within RISES (Research Insititute for Sport and Exercise Sciences). His research interests are based around community sport impacts, sport development policy, and sport-for-development.
Danny is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Member of the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity. He has extensive experience in working on international sport development activities, such as the LJMU / UK Sport IDEALS (International Development of Excellence And Leadership through Sport) Namibia programme for ten years, and the British Council Dreams and Teams programme in Jordan. He has previoulsy fulfilled many other academic roles including Admissions Tutor, Assessment Officer, and External Examiner for Masters, undergraduate and foundation degree programmes at several Higher Education institutions.
Prior to joining LJMU, Danny worked for over a decade in a number of sport related posts, including:
- local authority sport development delivery and management;
- facility management;
- leisure services client monitoring;
- national governing body of sport as the National Coaching Administrator;
- member of the National Community Faculty of the Youth Sport Trust;
- volunteer in Papua New Guinea for the South Pacific Games.
Danny is now a Board Member and Trustee of the True Athlete Project, a UK and US-based organisaiton which uses a mindfulness-based approach to nurture mental health, improve athlete performance and cultivate a more compassionate society
1992, Cambridge University, United Kingdom, MA (Cantab)
1989, Loughborough University, United Kingdom, MSc Recreation Management
1988, Cambridge University, United Kingdom, BA (Cantab), Geography
2003, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
2003, Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom, Fellow
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Science, Liverpool John Moores University, 2001 - present
Journal article
Hayton JW, Blundell M, Cullinane D, Walker C. 2018. Building an inclusive cycling "movement": Exploring the charity-led mobilisation of recreational cycling in communities across Merseyside, England. Sport Management Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Huntley T, Whitehead AE, Cullinane D, Nixon S, Huntley E. 2017. Investigating relationships between and within entry pathways on a sport related programme and the degree outcome obtained Cogent Education, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ryrie A, Cullinane DD, Roberts SJ. 2013. The use of technological based assessment in developing the self-directed learner: a case study in sport coaching Brooks P. Innovations in Practice, 8 :100-109
Ryrie A, Cullinane D, Roberts SJ. 2013. The use of technological based assessment in developing the self-directed learner: a case study in sport coaching Innovations in Practice, 8 :100-109
Fletcher TG, Cullinane D. 2017. International Development Through Excellence and Leadership in Sport (IDEALS): The Namibia and Liverpool John Moores University Programme wise N, Benson A. International Sports Volunteering Routledge 9781138697775 DOI Author Url
Conference publication
Ryrie A, Cullinane D, Roberts S, Reeves MJ. 2015. Empowering self-directed learning in undergraduate students: A case study for sport coach education 10th ICCE Global Coach Conference
Cullinane D, Robinson N, Gallagher C, Aggarwal M. Stakeholder perceptions of developments in a para-sport: the experience in Modern Pentathlon’s Para-LaserRun. Perez-Tejero J, Villagra Astudillo HA. 17th European Congress of Adapted Physical Activity :168-168
Whitehead A, Cullinane D, Walker C, Beattie I, Starkey S, Boyd V, Charlotte W. England Netball. Together We Will Evaluation Report England Netball. Together We Will Evaluation Report
Highlighted activities
Fellowship, Higher Education Authority.
Membership of professional bodies:
Member, Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity.
Professional activities
External collaboration:
https://nsa.gov.sl/, The National Sport Authority of Sierra Leone, Cheif Michael Mustafa. 2024
Research Grants Awarded:
England Rugby Football League, 'Watch Aloud' - Measuring parental sideline behaviour, Amy Whitehead (P1), Danny Cullinane, Colum Cronin, Gus Ryrie, Katie Fitton-Davies, Vicci Boyd, Colin Lewis, Amy Hardwick, Grant value (£): £21,000, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2022
Teaching qualification:
PG Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Distinction). 2003
Fellowship, Higher Education Authority.
Membership of professional bodies:
Member, Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity.