Image of Dr Allistair McRobert

Dr Allistair McRobert

Sport and Exercise Sciences

Faculty of Science

Allistair is a Professor of Performance Analysis within the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences. He obtained his undergraduate degree in Sport Studies (coaching route) and masters’ degree in Sport and Exercise Science from the University of Teesside. He completed his doctoral degree in Skill Acquisition at Liverpool John Moores University. His thesis examined perceptual-cognitive skills and its development in expert performers across sporting and medical domains. In addition, he has a number of years experience working as a performance analyst with elite young football players.

Allistair is an active member of the Football Exchange; an internal organisation that strategically directs all of the football-related teaching, research and consultancy activity within the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences. He is responsible for the match/performance analysis division of the organisation and coordinates all activity that involves professional clubs, governing bodies and key industry partners.

Journal article

Alder S, Causer J, Champ F, McRobert A, Datson N, Andrew M. 2024. Talent Identification and Development Processes of Female Soccer Academies from the Top Three Tiers in England Journal of Expertise, 7 :130-148 Publisher Url Public Url

Deb B, Fernandez-Navarro J, Jarman I, McRobert AP. 2024. Creating an augmented possession framework to evaluate phases of play and application in international football Journal of Sports Analytics, 10 :1-11 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

McGuigan M, Dello Iacono A, McRobert A, Cowan D, Unnithan VB. 2024. Early player transition in elite youth and first team soccer: The predictive role of sprint distance and high-intensity acceleration and deceleration attributes International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Richardson SJ, McRobert AP, Vinson D, Cronin CJ, Lee C, Roberts S. 2024. ‘Teeing’ Up Games for Understanding (TUGfU): a golf coach’s perception and application of a game-based approach Sport, Education and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Armitage M, McErlain-Naylor S, Devereux G, Beato M, Iga J, McRobert AP, Roberts S, Buckthorpe M. 2024. On-field rehabilitation in football: current practice and perceptions. A survey of the English Premier League and Football League Science and Medicine in Football, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Andrew M, Ford PR, McRobert AP, Whitehead O, Foster NC, Miller MT, Hayes SJ. 2024. Using a coproduced educational workshop to change the focus of verbal instructions delivered by professional youth soccer coaches: a case study Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, :1-14 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Deb B, Navarro JF, McRobert AP, Jarman I. 2024. Finding repeatable progressive pass clusters and application in international football Journal of Sports Analytics, 9 :289-303 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Jamil M, Woolston L, Manthorpe S, Mehta S, Memmert D, McRobert A. 2023. Adopting a Constraints-Led Approach to Enhance Skill Acquisition for Fast Bowlers in Grassroots Cricket Journal of Coaching and Sports Science, 2 :75-85 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Richardson SJ, McRobert AP, Vinson D, Cronin CJ, Lee C, Roberts SJ. 2023. Systematic review of sport coaches’ and teachers’ perceptions and application of game-based and constraints-led pedagogy: A qualitative meta-study Quest, :1-22 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

McGuigan M, Iacono AD, McRobert A, Cowan D, Unnithan VB. 2023. Facilitators and barriers associated with youth player transition to professional first-team football: A key stakeholder perspective International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, :1-11 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Jamil M, Kerruish S, Mehta S, Phatak A, Memmert D, McRobert A. 2023. Identifying which factors impact bowling and batting performances during the “death” phase of an innings in international men’s 50-over cricket International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Raya-Castellano PE, Reeves MJ, Cárdenas-Vélez D, Fradua L, McRobert AP. 2022. The half-time talk: A mixed-method examination of youth-elite football coaches’ behaviours and team-management strategies International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Rice J, Brownlee TE, McRobert AP, Ade J, Drust B, Malone JJ. 2022. The association between training load and physical development in professional male youth soccer players: a systematic review International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 17 :1488-1505 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Fenner J, Doncaster G, McRobert A, Ford P, Iga J, Unnithan V. 2022. A preliminary investigation into the evaluation of possession-based small-sided games and the influence of decision-making ability in identifying talented pre-pubertal soccer players Apunts Sports Medicine, 57 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Andrew M, Baptise GZ, Reeves MJ, Roberts SJ, McRobert AP, Ford PR. 2021. The developmental activities of skilled youth CONCACAF soccer players and the contribution of their development system International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Andrew M, Ford PR, Miller MT, McRobert AP, Foster NC, Seerden G, Littlewood MA, Hayes SJ. 2021. Bridging the Gap Between Science and Application: The Use of Cocreation Educational Workshops in Professional Youth Soccer International Sport Coaching Journal, :1-18 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Malone S, Shovlin A, Collins K, McRobert A, Doran D. 2021. Is the metabolic power paradigm ecologically valid within elite Gaelic football? Sport Sciences for Health, 17 :551-561 DOI Publisher Url

Andrew M, McRobert AP, Causer J. 2021. Do Decision-Making Skills During Defensive Scenarios in Soccer Transfer Across Similar and Dissimilar Sports? Journal of Experise, 4 :286-293 Publisher Url Public Url

Dugdale JH, McRobert AP, Unnithan VB. 2021. Selected, Deselected, and Reselected: A Case Study Analysis of Attributes Associated With Player Reselection Following Closure of a Youth Soccer Academy. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 3 :633124-633124 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Malone S, Collins K, McRobert A, Doran D. 2021. Quantifying the Training and Match-Play External and Internal Load of Elite Gaelic Football Players Applied Sciences, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Dugdale JH, McRobert AP, Unnithan VB. 2021. "He's Just a Wee Laddie": The Relative Age Effect in Male Scottish Soccer. Frontiers in Psychology, 12 :633469-633469 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Raya-Castellano PE, Reeves MJ, Fradua-Uriondo L, McRobert AP. 2021. Post-match video-based feedback: A longitudinal work-based coach development program stimulating changes in coaches’ knowledge and understanding International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 16 :1259-1270 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Savoia C, Padulo J, Colli R, Marra E, McRobert AP, Chester N, Azzone V, Pullinger SA, Doran DA. 2020. The validity of an updated metabolic power algorithm based upon Di Prampero’s theoretical model in Elite soccer players International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Roberts SJ, McRobert AP, Rudd JR, Enright KJ, Reeves MJ. 2020. Research in Another un-Examined (RAE) context. A Chronology of 35 Years of Relative Age Effect Research in Soccer: Is it time to move on? Science and Medicine in Football, 5 :301-309 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Raya-Castellano PE, Reeves MJ, Littlewood M, McRobert AP. 2020. An exploratory investigation of junior-elite football coaches´’ behaviours during video-based feedback sessions International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 20 :729-746 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Reeves MJ, McRobert AP, Lewis C, Roberts SJ. 2019. A case study of the use of verbal reports for talent identification purposes in soccer: A Messi affair! PLoS One, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Fernandez-Navarro J, Fradua L, Zubillaga A, McRobert AP. 2019. Evaluating the effectiveness of styles of play in elite soccer International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 14 :514-527 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Murtagh CF, Naughton RJ, McRobert AP, O’Boyle A, Morgans R, Drust B, Erskine RM. 2019. A Coding System to Quantify Powerful Actions in Soccer Match Play: A Pilot Study Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 90 :234-243 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Runswick OR, Roca A, Williams AM, McRobert AP, North JS. 2019. Why do bad balls get wickets? The role of congruent and incongruent information in anticipation Journal of Sports Sciences, 37 :537-543 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Roberts SJ, McRobert AP, Lewis C, Reeves MJ. 2019. Establishing consensus of position-specific predictors for elite youth soccer in England Science and Medicine in Football, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Courel-Ibanez J, McRobert AP, Ortega Toro E, Cardenas Velez D. 2018. Inside Game Effectiveness in Nba Basketball: Analysis of Collective Interactions Kinesiology, 50 :218-227 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Reeves MJ, McRobert AP, Littlewood MA, Roberts SJ. 2018. A scoping review of the potential sociological predictors of talent in junior-elite football: 2000–2016 Soccer and Society, 19 :1085-1105 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Reeves MJ, Roberts SJ, McRobert AP, Littlewood MA. 2018. Factors affecting the identification of talented junior-elite footballers: a case study Soccer and Society, 19 :1106-1121 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Reeves MJ, Littlewood MA, McRobert AP, Roberts SJ. 2018. The nature and function of talent identification in junior-elite football in English category one academies Soccer and Society, 19 :1122-1134 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Cobb NM, Unnithan V, McRobert AP. 2018. The validity, objectivity, and reliability of a soccer-specific behaviour measurement tool Science and Medicine in Football, 2 :196-202 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Runswick OR, Roca A, Williams AM, McRobert AP, North JS. 2018. The temporal integration of information during anticipation Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 37 :100-108 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Fernandez-Navarro J, Fradua L, Zubillaga A, McRobert AP. 2018. Influence of contextual variables on styles of play in soccer International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 18 :423-436 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Sarmento H, Clemente FM, Araújo D, Davids K, McRobert A, Figueiredo A. 2018. What Performance Analysts Need to Know About Research Trends in Association Football (2012–2016): A Systematic Review Sports Medicine, 48 :799-836 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Collins DK, McRobert A, Morton JP, OʼSullivan D, Doran DA. 2018. The Work-Rate of Elite Hurling Match-Play. J Strength Cond Res, 32 :805-811 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Runswick OR, Roca A, Williams AM, Bezodis NE, Mcrobert AP, North JS. 2018. The impact of contextual information and a secondary task on anticipation performance: An interpretation using cognitive load theory APPLIED COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY, 32 :141-149 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McRobert AP, Mercer SJ, Raw D, Goulding J, Williams AM. 2017. Effect of expertise on diagnosis accuracy, non-technical skills and thought processes during simulated high-fidelity anaesthetist scenarios BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning, 3 :43-47 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Courel-Ibáñez J, McRobert AP, Toro EO, Vélez DC. 2017. Collective behaviour in basketball: A systematic review International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 17 :44-64 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Fernandez-Navarro J, Fradua L, Zubillaga A, Ford PR, McRobert AP. 2016. Attacking and defensive styles of play in soccer: analysis of Spanish and English elite teams. Journal of Sports Sciences, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Courel-Ibáñez J, Ortega Toro E, McRobert AP, Cárdenas Vélez D. 2016. Inside pass predicts ball possession effectiveness in NBA basketball International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 16 :711-725 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Causer J, Williams AM, McRobert A. 2015. The Use of Patterns to Disguise Environmental Cues During an Anticipatory Judgment Task JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 37 :74-82 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

COLLINS DK, REILLY T, Morton JP, McRobert A, Doran DA. 2014. Anthropometric and Performance Characteristics of Elite Hurling Players Journal of Athletic Enhancement, 03 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Coughlan EK, Williams AM, McRobert AP, Ford PR. 2014. How Experts Practice: A Novel Test of Deliberate Practice Theory JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-LEARNING MEMORY AND COGNITION, 40 :449-458 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Causer J, McRobert AP, Williams AM. 2013. The effect of stimulus intensity on response time and accuracy in dynamic, temporally constrained environments SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS, 23 :627-634 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McRobert AP, Causer J, Vassiliadis J, Watterson L, Kwan J, Williams MA. 2013. Contextual information influences diagnosis accuracy and decision making in simulated emergency medicine emergencies BMJ Quality and Safety, 22 :478-484 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Roca A, Ford PR, McRobert AP, Williams AM. 2013. Perceptual-cognitive skills and their interaction as a function of task constraints in soccer. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 35 :144-155 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Low J, Williams AM, McRobert AP, Ford PR. 2013. The microstructure of practice activities engaged in by elite and recreational youth cricket players. J Sports Sci, 31 :1242-1250 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Faggiani F, McRobert AP, Knowles Z. 2012. Developing pre-performance routines for acrobatic gymnastics: A case study with a youth tumbling gymnast Science of Gymnastics Journal, 4 :39-52

Afonso J, Garganta J, McRobert A, Williams M, Mesquita I. 2012. Visual search behaviours and verbal reports during film-based and in siturepresentative tasks in volleyball European Journal of Sport Science, :1-8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Afonso J, Garganta J, McRobert A. 2012. The perceptual cognitive processes underpinning skilled performance in volley- ball: Evidence from eye-movements and verbal reports of thinking involving an in situ representative task Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 11 :339-345 Author Url

McRobert AP, Ward P, Eccles DW, Williams AM. 2011. The effect of manipulating context-specific information on perceptual-cognitive processes during a simulated anticipation task. Br J Psychol, 102 :519-534 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Roca A, Ford PR, McRobert AP, Mark Williams A. 2011. Identifying the processes underpinning anticipation and decision-making in a dynamic time-constrained task. Cogn Process, 12 :301-310 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Ford PR, Low J, McRobert AP, Williams AM. 2010. Developmental activities that contribute to high or low performance by elite cricket batters when recognizing type of delivery from bowlers' advanced postural cues. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 32 :638-654 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

McRobert AP, Williams AM, Ward P, Eccles DW. 2009. Tracing the process of expertise in a simulated anticipation task. Ergonomics, 52 :474-483 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Raya-Castellano PE, McRobert AP, Cárdenas D, Fradua L, Reeves MJ. Exploring the ‘teachable moments’ of questioning during training: a work-based coach development programme affecting behaviour change Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, DOI Publisher Url Public Url


McRobert AP, Fernández-Navarro J, Seth L. 2023. Technical and tactical match analysis Science and Soccer: Developing Elite Performers :273-291 DOI Publisher Url

McRobert A, Williams AM. 2019. Integrating performance analysis and perceptual-cognitive training. Williams AM, Jackson RC. In Anticipation and Decision Making in Sport Routledge DOI Publisher Url

Coughlan E, Ford PR, McRobert A, Williams AM. 2013. How skilled gaelic football players practice kicking: Deliberate or not? Science and Football VII: The Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress on Science and Football :231-236 DOI

Williams AM, McRobert AP. 2008. Perceptual-cognitive skill in cricket batting: from testing to training. Reilly T. Science and Sports: Bridging the gap Shaker Publishing. Massstritch, Netherlands 978-90-423-0342-3

Conference publication


Runswick OR, Roca A, Williams AM, McRobert AP, North JS. 2018. Why do bad balls get wickets? The role of congruent and incongruent information in anticipation JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 40 :S63-S64 Author Url

Runswick OR, Roca A, Williams AM, McRobert AP, North JS. 2018. The temporal integration of information during anticipation JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 40 :S63-S63 Author Url

Runswick OR, Roca A, Williams AM, McRobert AP, Bezodis NE, North JS. 2017. Contextual Information in Anticipation Performance: A Novel Test of Cognitive Load Theory JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 39 :S192-S192 Author Url

MALONE S, COLLINS DK, MCROBERT A, MORTON JP, DORAN DA. 2016. Accuracy and Reliability of the VXSport Global Positioning System in Intermittent Activity EUROPEAN CONGRESS SPORTS SCIENCE, ECSS 2014

Gandy RJ, McRobert A. 2015. Impact of established clubs on probability of survival in top leagues 8th World Congress on Science and Football (WCSF2015) Public Url

Rees B, McRobert A, Causer J, Williams M, Baxendale B. 2014. 0170 Identifying Skill Level Differences In Simulated Laparoscopic Scenarios Under High And Low Attentional Demands Research Papers, Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare Annual Conference 11–13 November 2014 Abstracts :A10.1-A10 DOI Publisher Url

Low JF, Ford PR, McRobert AP, Williams AM. 2009. Developmental activities leading to high or low performance by elite batters on a film-based anticipation test JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 31 :S86-S86 Author Url

Locquet C, Zoudji B, McRobert AP, Ford P, Williams AM, Ripoll H. 2008. Skilled memory performance in soccer coaches and players JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 30 :S181-S181 Author Url

McRobert AP, Williams AM, Ward P, Eccles DW, Ericsson KA. 2007. Contextual information and anticipation skill in cricket batting JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 29 :S187-S187 Author Url

McRobert AP, Tayler M. 2005. Perceptual abilities of experienced and inexperienced cricket batsmen in differentiating between left and right hand bowling deliveries Journal of Sports Sciences, :190-191

Tayler M, McRobert AP. 2004. Anticipatory skills and expertise in cricket batsmen JOURNAL OF SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, S26 :185-185 Author Url

Collins K, Doran DA, Reilly,TP . Small-sided games present an effective training stimulus in Gaelic football. Science and Football VII: The Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress on Science and Football: 7, VIIth World Congress on Science and Football DOI Publisher Url

Books (authored)

Jayal A, McRobert A, Oatley G, O’Donoghue P. Sports Analytics Routledge DOI Publisher Url

Highlighted activities

Research Grants Awarded:

Football Association, Youth Game Formats Review, Jonathan Foulkes, Javier Fernandez Navarro, Grant value (£): £10000, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2023

British Universities & Colleges Sport, BUCS and FA Women's Leadership Program Monitoring and Evaluation, Francesca Champ, Grant value (£): 5000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2023

Norwich City Football Club, Developing perceptual-cognitive expertise using the Soccerbot360., Dr Joe Causer (LJMU), Dr Javier Fernandez-Navarro (LJMU), Dr Mark Robinson (LJMU), Dr Paul Ford (St Mary's University)., Grant value (£): £66,970, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2022

Other Professional Activity:

Football Association (FA) - Video and data support and content for coach education (UEFA B, A & Pro), income generation: £1,258,126. 2018

Stats Perform/Prozone - Performance Analysis School Curriculum for the Knutsford Academy, income generation: £9,400. 2014

Stats Perform/Prozone - Performance Analysis education portfolio (2-day and 5-day CPD courses), income generation: £419,619. 2013

Professional activities

External PGR examinations performed:

University of Portsmouth, PhD, Technology and sport official development in netball: A transnational investigation. 2024

University of the West of Scotland, PhD, Exploring the application of match analysis in high-performance football (soccer) environments. 2024

Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia, PhD, Modelling Player Performance Data For Organisational Decision Support In Professional Australian Rules Football. 2019

University of Sunderland, Sunderland, UK, PhD, Contemporary Factors Impacting Match Performances of Elite Soccer Players: The Development and Evolution of Performance in The English Premier League.. 2017

Conference presentation:

Team tactical behaviour varies across phases of professional football match, World Congress on Science and Football 2023, Groningen, the Netherlands, Oral presentation. 2023

Research Grants Awarded:

Football Association, Youth Game Formats Review, Jonathan Foulkes, Javier Fernandez Navarro, Grant value (£): £10000, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2023

British Universities & Colleges Sport, BUCS and FA Women's Leadership Program Monitoring and Evaluation, Francesca Champ, Grant value (£): 5000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2023

British Universities & Colleges Sport, BUCS and FA Women's Leadership Program Monitoring and Evaluation, Francesca Champ, Grant value (£): 2500, Duration of research project: 11 months. 2022

Norwich City Football Club, Developing perceptual-cognitive expertise using the Soccerbot360., Dr Joe Causer (LJMU), Dr Javier Fernandez-Navarro (LJMU), Dr Mark Robinson (LJMU), Dr Paul Ford (St Mary's University)., Grant value (£): £66,970, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2022

British Universities & Colleges Sport, BUCS and FA Women's Leadership Program Monitoring and Evaluation, Francesca Champ, Grant value (£): 1667, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2021

LJMU FREE Fund, Verbal reporting in professional football, Matthew J Reeves & Alistair McRobert, Grant value (£): £28,000, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2016

Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), Validation And Application Of An Integrated Metabolic Cost Paradigm In Elite Gaelic Football Using High Frequency GPS Technology To Assess Match Play And Training Load Characteristics, Dominic Doran, Grant value (£): £34,427, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2016

British Council, Yunnan Coach Education Programme, Martin Littlewood, Matthew Reeves, Grant value (£): £159,000, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2016

UEFA Research Grant Programme, The validation and application of an integrated metabolic cost paradigm using GPS in Soccer, Dominic, Grant value (£): £8,667, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2013

Wolverhampton Wanderers FC, The physical, technical and perceptual-cognitive demands of soccer., Barry Drust, Grant value (£): £15,476, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2012


Gender Equality Award., FISU (International Federation of University Sport), 2021

Commercial Engagement Award: The Football Exchange at Liverpool John Moores University and Prozone Sports Ltd, Educate the North, 2016

External committees:

Exam Board, University of Birmingham, External examiner for Doctorate in Sport and Exercise Science. 2021

Exam Board, University of Chichester, External examiner for MSc Sports Performance Analysis. 2020

External Panellist for the validation and review of BSc (Hons) Sport Performance Analysis, Cardiff Metropolitan University. 2019

Exam Board, University of Salford, External examiner for MSc Performance Analysis in Sport. 2017

External Panellist for the validation and review of MSc Sport Performance Analysis (with pathways), Cardiff Metropolitan University. 2016

Editorial boards:

Science and Medicine in Football, Associate Editor, 2020

Journal of Sports Sciences, Editorial Advisory Board Member for the Performance Analysis Section, 2013

Other Professional Activity:

Football Association (FA) - Video and data support and content for coach education (UEFA B, A & Pro), income generation: £1,258,126. 2018

Stats Perform/Prozone - Performance Analysis School Curriculum for the Knutsford Academy, income generation: £9,400. 2014

Stats Perform/Prozone - Performance Analysis education portfolio (2-day and 5-day CPD courses), income generation: £419,619. 2013

Premier League - Youth match analysis support and workshops, income generation: £5,961. 2011
