Undergraduate students secure a place on the Football Association Women’s Leadership Programme
Ellie Burrows (final year BSc Hons Sport Psychology) and Lizzie Craven (second year BSc Hons Science and Football) have been successful in securing a place on the 2020 intake for the FA University Women’s Leadership Programme. The programme focuses on empowering students with aspirations to work in the women’s game and will provide Ellie and Lizzie with a structured professional development programme to help them stand out when entering the job market. This prestigious opportunity was only offered to a handful of students across the UK and we are very proud of their achievements. The Football Exchange Women’s Network looks forward to hearing more about their journey over the coming months.
If you are interested in working in the football industry, or looking to expand your network please register your interest in joining the collective contact us:
The Football Exchange Women’s Network
Liverpool John Moores University
Room 101
Tom Reilly Building
Byrom Street
L3 3AF
Email: fexwomensnetwork@ljmu.ac.uk
The School of Sport and Exercise Science is proud of its commitment to equity, diversity & inclusion (EDI) and endeavours to cultivate a supportive and encouraging environment for all of our staff and students. Dr Tori Sprung, the School’s strategic leader for EDI commented “The Football Exchange Women’s Network is one initiative that contributes to our vision, by creating a network of support for women to share their experiences of working in a male dominant sector. Further, we are keen to increase visibility of these women, who will be role models that will inspire our own students and future generations of girl’s to aspire for careers they may not have considered possible”.
Further details regarding the School’s EDI activity and aspirations are available on the departmental AthenaSWAN webpage, and wider institutional information is available on the LJMU EDI webpages, which includes LJMU’s EDI Objectives and Action Plan (opens in a new tab) (2016–2020).