
Have you experienced the loss of a loved one?

Loss is something most people experience at some point in their lives. According to Cruise, ‘Grief is a natural process, and most people will cope with help and support from family and friends’.

However, the effects of grief and loss can be overwhelming and affect all areas of our lives. Whilst there are sometimes immediate practical concerns following the death of a loved one, the emotional affects over a longer period can cause the most disruption to our lives and wellbeing. Individual experiences can be very different, but feelings of low mood, tearfulness and lack of motivation can be common as can anger, guilt and loneliness.

How to manage bereavement

Don’t make any major life changes

If you have experienced loss, it is advisable to take some time to adjust and avoid making major life changes immediately. Your decision-making could be impaired.


It is important to give yourself the time you need to grieve in your own way. Ensure you are looking after yourself. Eating regularly and healthily is important, getting enough sleep and engaging in positive self-care.

Talk about your loss

It is important to talk to someone about the person you have lost. Who you talk to is up to you, whether it’s a friend, family member or a professional.

LJMU have a team of Wellbeing Advisors who can help and support you and provide a listening ear. We can also provide information on practical support available from the University, such as applying for personal circumstances to delay your assessments etc. LJMU also have specialist support teams such as Mental Health Advisors and Counsellors and your Wellbeing Advisor can, where appropriate, make a referral. LJMU also have University Chaplains that may be helpful to talk to.

Exploring sources of support

It is important to look after your own wellbeing such as reaching out to support services. There are a number of services and sources of support listed below.

If you know where to look there is a wealth of material on grief out there and agencies that can support you through grief.

For a full list of support available external to LJMU, go to our A-Z of support and Hub of Hope.

Please note
If you need support specific to the current COVID-19 health crisis, please visit student support.