Building a network

How to ask for and conduct a professional interview

Many LJMU graduates have gone on to have successful and fulfilling job roles focusing on sustainability and restoring the natural environment. If you are interested in building a career in the green sector, then we recommend talking to people already working in this field.

Some helpful tips

  1. Research what you are most interested in and what companies and organisations are active in this area.
  2. Attend relevant events or conferences and ask people about their job roles/tips for breaking into this sector.
  3. Join relevant online communities or follow influences/bloggers in this area.
  4. Gain relevant work experience through volunteering and paid internships.
  5. Ask individuals in interesting jobs for a 10-minute professional interview.

A group of LJMU Green Internship students conducted a series of professional interviews with some industry experts:

The LJMU internship students developed a series of example questions that you could use when conducting your own professional interviews:

About their job

  1. What is your job?
  2. What do you do on a day-to-day basis?
  3. What do you like the most about your job?
  4. Have you held any other jobs in the environmental field?
  5. What made you choose to go into the green sector?
  6. Do you find the green industry competitive?
  7. Do you use any skills from university in your current job?
  8. How has working in the green sector affected your knowledge of environmental issues?
  9. What would you like to improve within the green sector?
  10. How do you stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the environment sector?
  11. Do you have any advice for students thinking about working in the green sector?

About their degree

  1. What degree did you do?
  2. What work experience (if any) did you do while studying?
  3. Did your course cover any environmental issues?
  4. Did your degree teach you about the green sector/careers in the green sector?
  5. During your degree, were you taught any transferable skills that are relevant in the green sector?
  6. What pathway did you intend to go into after your degree?
  7. Do you feel a different degree would have been more beneficial?