WiSEAN programme 2023
Pre-Conference Event-Exclusive Screening of Game On and Q and A with Director and Producer Sue Anstiss MBE
By invitation of the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences and the LJMU Athena Swan Committee as a pre-event initiative of the LJMU hosted Women in Sport and Exercise Academic Network Conference (21 and 22 June)
An Exclusive Screening of Game On, one week before release on Netflix, followed by Q and A with Director and Producer Sue Anstiss MBE
Game On is a powerful, timely film exploring the current growth in women's sport and its impact on society. The documentary features sporting legends and trailblazers including Clare Balding CBE, Denise Lewis DBE, Tanni Grey-Thompson DBE DL, Laura Woods, Stacey Copeland, Pamela Cookey, Dr Ali Bowes, Ugo Monye and Poppy Cleall. Sue Anstiss MBE, author of the 2021 book of the same name, compellingly lays out the barriers and opportunities to full participation and equality for women in sport. Game On paints an emotive picture of what true equality in sport could mean for women and girls, on the field of play and more widely in society. Produced by Ben and Jack Studios in collaboration with Fearless Women, Game On is an exciting, visually beautiful documentary for anyone interested in equality and the future of sport. Trailer of the programme is available online.
Join us at the Redmonds Building L3 5UG on Tuesday 20 June at 5.15pm for a summer inspired soft drink ahead of the screening, film starting at 6pm (65 minutes) and event concluding at 7.45pm. Copies of the ‘Game On’ book will be available for purchase and signing.
Day one
Wednesday 21 June 2023
8.30 to 9.30am - Arrival, registration and refreshments
Registration: Lower Ground floor, The Spanish Steps, Student Life Building
Refreshment area: Student Zone Area, Upper Ground floor
9.30 to 11am - Conference Welcome and Keynote
Welcome and introduction to LJMU and WiSEAN.
Advocacy, activism or anarchy. What’s driving change in women’s sport?
Location: Room 208 and 209
Presenter: Sue Anstiss, MBE
Chair: Professor Greg Whyte, OBE
10.30 to 11am - Refreshments
Location: Student Zone Area, Upper Ground floor
11am to midday - Free communications
Session 1a: Women in Football
Location: Room 206, Second Floor
Chair: Dr Stephen McQuilliam
Understanding how match status and possession status influences the match-play characteristics of youth female football players
Authors: Dr Alice Harkness-Armstrong, Prof Kevin Till, Dr Naomi Datson and Dr Stacey Emmonds
We’re the future of women’s football; we just don’t know it yet! We're the future of women's football; we just don't know it yet!
Author: Dr Laura Wallace
Women Researchers in a ‘Man’s World’: Advancing a New Theoretical Tool Through the Gendered Challenges of Undertaking Research in Men’s Football
Authors: Stacey Pope and Dr. Jess Richards
Exploration of Elite Japanese Female footballers' acute cultural transition experiences in Europe
Authors: Kotone Hirose and Dr. Carla Meijen
Session 1b: Psychology and well-being in women's sport
Location: Room 207, Second Floor
Chair: Dr Rebecca Murphy
Sociocultural predictors of compulsive exercise behaviours in adolescent girls
Authors: Kalli A. Reynolds, Prof. Emma Haycraft and Dr. Carolyn R. Plateau
Determinants and Barriers to Help-Seeking in Rugby Players who Identify as Women
Authors: Shakiba Moghadam, Neil Weston and Paul Gorczynski
Developing bioscience-informed technology to integrate and optimise health and performance in female athletes: Insights from a pilot study on mood and behaviour change
Authors: Claire Stewart, Sandra Ortega-Martorell and Joly Zou
“A mental health game-changer”: Embodied experiences of the psychosocial, body image and wellbeing outcomes from strength and resistance training during perimenopause
Author: Nova Deighton-Smith
Midday to 1.15pm - Lunch and Poster presentations
Lunch and networking
Location: Student Zone Area, Upper Ground floor
Poster presentations
Location: Student Zone Area, Upper Ground floor
Evaluating the sports bra fitting and issue service within British Army Basic Training
Authors: Jenny Burbage, Paines E, Milligan GS, Tipton MJ, Rawcliffe AJ and Roberts AJ
Knee Flexion Angle at Landing in Various Dynamic Tasks: A Potential Screening Tool for ACL Injury in Females
Authors: Raihana Sharir, Muhammad Hidayat Jamaludin, Ezhan Iqbal Zulkiflie, Radin Rafeeuddin and Radin Dzulfakar
A job task analysis to identify Basic Training activities that place the highest demands on the breasts of female recruits
Authors: Emily Paines, Burbage J, Milligan GS, Tipton MJ, Rawcliffe AJ and Roberts AJ
Consumers are unable to perceive changes in sports bra support levels
Authors: Nichola Renwick, Brogan Jones, Chris Mills and Joanna Wakefield
Pitch Surface Does Not Impact Markers of Fatigue, Recovery and Readiness to Play Following Elite Soccer Matches
Authors: Faye Bennett, Andisheh Bakhshi, Jordan Milsom, Viswanath Unnithan and Barry Drust
Contributions of Low Carbohydrate Availability (LCA) to Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) in Female Distance Runners
Authors: Melissa Lodge, Christie Ward-Ritacco and Kathleen Melanson
How Are How Periods Cramping Our Style: A Systematic Literature Review
Authors: Dr Mabli Wyn Davies, Anaesthetics Trainee and Expedition Medic, Dr Karl New, Sports and Exercise Lecturer and Researcher
An Investigation into the effect of Biological Maturation on Performance Metrics in Academy Female Footballers
Authors: Mairead Slevin, Stephanie Valentin, Michael King, Chris Easton, Andrew D White and Laura J Forrest (nee Whyte)
Moving Through Motherhood: Supporting physical activity during and after pregnancy
Author: Malika Felton
Differences In Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage Between Females Using Monophasic Oral Contraceptives and Females with Eumenorrheic Cycles
Authors: Chapman, A., Burt, D. and Forsyth, J.
Coaches’ ability to support elite and adolescent soccer players throughout their menstrual cycle and associated performance implications
Authors: Julia Donnelly, Dr Eilidh Macrae, Dr Stephanie Valentin, Prof Chris Easton, Dr Andrew White and Dr Laura J. Forrest (née Whyte)
The ABC’s of Pre-Participation Screening During Pregnancy
Author: Marlize De Vivo
Voices Unheard: Exploring Adolescent Female Athletes’ Perspectives on Menstrual Cycle-Related Communication in Sport
Author: Cherianne Taim
1.15 to 2.30pm - Symposia
Session 2a: The Score on Women’s Football
Expert Perspectives and Personal Stories
Location: Room 206, Second floor
Moderator: Amy Whitehead
- Kevin de Keijer (Strength and Conditioning Coach, London Lionesses)
- Jenny Coe (Head of Performance and Wellbeing, West Ham Women FC)
- Dr Naomi Datson (Reader in Sport Performance, University of Chichester)
This symposium will take a multi-disciplinary perspective to support and research within the female football game. We bring together practitioners and a researcher to consider the key considerations within the support of female footballers and discuss considerations for the future of the game. This session will be discussion based with lots of opportunity for Q&A.
Session 2b: The inclusion of trans women in sport
One step forward, two steps back
Location: Room 207, Second floor
Moderator: Dr Colin Lewis
- Natalie Washington (Pride Sports)
- Blair Hamilton (Lead investigator of the Tavistock Transgender Athlete Study, University of Brighton)
The inclusion of trans women has received much attention recently in the world of sport. However, the discussion and debate seems to have centred around opinions, rather than science, facts, human rights or participant voices. We wanted to therefore shine a light on this important issue. This session aims to draw on both empirical research and personal experiences to discuss the inclusion of trans women in sport.
2.30 to 2.40pm - Transition and comfort break
Grab a coffee
Location: Social space, Second floor
2.40 to 3.40pm - Free communications
Session 3a: Experiences of Physical Activity
Location: Room 206, Second floor
Chair: Prof Lynne Boddy
Autistic women's experiences with physical activity
Author: Patrick Jachyra
Possibilities and challenges of shaping co-produced physical activity research through an intersectional lens
Authors: Dr Toni Williams and Ms Rebecca Edwards
LGBTQ+ young people's experiences of physical activity insecurity: a qualitative study highlighting intersectional disadvantage linked to gender and sexuality
Author: Caroline Dodd-Reynolds
Assessing the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on perceived barriers and facilitators to physical activity amongst Women in Southeast England
Authors: Hannah Hersant, Katherine Paice, Shannah Anico and Elizabeth Smith
Session 3b: Women and girls in sport and exercise lightning talks
Location: Room 207, Second Floor
Chair: Dr Tori Sprung
Power, privilege and advocacy: transforming sports business management
Author: Dr Hanya Pielichaty
An exploration of power relations in competitive, non-elite artistic gymnastics: exploring gender disparities in artistic gymnastics in England
Author: Karen Broughton
You Got Chicked; Representations and Identities of Women In Ultra Running
Author: Bethan Taylor-Swaine
Female Recreational Runners: Are Active Partners a Help or a Hindrance?
Author: Ann Holmes
Explaining “the enjoyment gap”: Sociocultural predictors of undergraduate women’s affective experiences of exercise
Author: Megan Hurst
Diet culture and generational conflict in the #almondmom trend on TikTok
Author: Hester Hockin-Boyers
3.45 to 4.45pm - Keynote
Where do we start?
Science, research, applied practice or popular opinion
Presenter: Professor Greg Whyte, OBE
Chair: Dr Becky Murphy
Location: Rooms 208 and 209
4.45 to 6pm - Sightseeing bus tour and physical activity sessions
For City Sightseeing bus tour meet outside the Student Life Building. There are also physical activity sessions in the LJMU Sport Building and the chance for free time to go wherever you like.
6.30pm onwards - Conference social event
The social event is at PINS Social Club, 41-61 Duke Street, Liverpool, L1 5AP.
We have exclusive use of PINS, where food will be provided to all delegates and there will be full access to an array of fun, inclusive games including shuffle board, bowling, table tennis and pool. We hope delegates will join us to continue the fantastic discussions following a full day of the conference. PINs is a sober friendly venue and is fully accessible.
Day two
Thursday 22 June 2023
8.30 to 9.30am - Arrival, registration and refreshments
Registration: Lower Ground floor, The Spanish Steps, Student Life Building
Refreshment area: Student Zone Area, Upper Ground floor
9.30 to 10.30am - Day two welcome and keynote discussion
Keynote discussion
Here Come the Girls: A (bold and courageous) panel discussion on the rise of Women’s Sport
Location: Floor 2, Rooms 208 and 209
Presenters: Anyika Onuora and Hannah Cockcroft, OBE
Chairs: Dr Tori Sprung and Emily Wharton
10.30 to 10.40am - Transition and comfort break
Grab a coffee
Location: Social space, Second floor
10.40 to 11.40am - Free communications
Session 4a: Female athletes and the menstrual cycle
Location: Room 206, Second Floor
Chair: Dr Juliette Strauss
Experiences and communication relating to the menstrual cycle and hormonal contraceptive use in junior versus senior middle-distance runners
Authors: Brown, N., Weslien, O. E., Höök, M., & McGawley, K.
Improving Menstrual Health Literacy in Sport
Authors: McGawley, K.1, Sargent, D.2, Noordhof D.3, Badenhorst, C. E.4, Julian, R.5, Govus, A. D.
Using the COM-B model to identify barriers and facilitators towards adoption of a menstrual cycle aligned training approach (MCATA)
Authors: Wells, Amy Vivien, Richards, Suzanne, Kass, Lindsy
Presentation of self, impression management and the period: A qualitative investigation of physically active women’s experiences in sport and exercise
Author: Petra Kolic
Session 4b: Challenging the status quo in women's sport
Location: Room 207, Second floor
Chair: Dr Colin Lewis
"Invisible Sportswomen 2.0" - Digging deeper into gender bias in sport and exercise science research: author and editorial board gender, and research quality
Authors: Dr Emma. S. Cowley, Sam Moore (PhD candidate), Dr Alyssa. A. Olenick, Dr Kelly. M. McNulty
Evaluating learning from the Gender Equality Toolkit for Generation Z (GETZ) MOOC
Author: Gillian Renfree
'We are all delicate teacups': The struggle for recognition of female ski jumpers
Authors: Aleksandra Konkel and Arts, Matej Christiaens
Racing disrupted by gender: The life of a female jockey
Author: Emma Hamilton
11.40am to 1pm - Lunch and Poster presentations
Lunch and networking
Location: Student Zone Area, Upper Ground floor
Poster presentations
Location: Student Zone Area, Upper Ground floor
"Smile more": An ecological approach to women’s experiences of sexism while working in sport
Authors: Kristin McGinty-Minister and Dr. Laura Swettenham
Boys do sport, Girls miss sport: Difference in sports participation during the pandemic
Author: Mel Wilson
"I just felt like me again"': A narrative inquiry into non-elite netballer's experiences of returning to sport post-partum
Author: Abigail Braim
Young people’s experiences of returning to sport and exercise in blue spaces after national lockdown
Author: Ellie Gennings
Exploring the Lived Experiences of Female Rowers within the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Clubs from 2011 to 2015
Author: Andie Riches
Developing Female Sports Students as Future Leaders: A co-created and collaborative leadership programme
Author: Ally Forbes
Mental Wellbeing Risk in Elite Women’s Football: A Cultural and Gendered Problem?
Author: Georgie Morton
Female Sports Students as Future Leaders: the experience and learnings for student co-creators
Author: Verlaine Nsingi
Sport, stereotypes and stolen dreams: Why girls still feel they don’t belong in sport
Author: Dr Zara Goozee
Evaluating the effectiveness of in-app challenges to increase long-term engagement with a physical activity tracking app: preliminary results
Author: Katie Di Sebastiano
The Impact of Acute, Self-Paced Exercise on State Body Image in Overweight and Obese Women
Authors: Phoebe Gray, Dr Sarah Edmunds and Dr Henriette Hogh
Injury Risk Factors in Female Soccer Players
Author: Linda Fettus
We’re not the same: A composite vignette on pregnancy and motherhood for elite athlete mothers in and out of funding programmes
Author: Kelly Massey
1 to 2.15pm - Symposia
Session 5a: Exercising awareness of the menopause
Location: Room 206, Second floor
Moderator: Dr Dave Low
- Dr Paula Briggs (Liverpool Women’s Hospital)
- Dr Chris Hartley (Birmingham City University)
- Dr Kirsty Roberts (LJMU)
- Dr Dave Low (Reader in Thermoregulatory Physiology)
The menopause is a significant event of the female lifespan that has many implications for the individual. There are myriad physical and psychological changes that occur leading up to, during and after the cessation of reproductive hormones that can profoundly affect a woman’s quality of life within personal and professional settings and have negative consequences for their health and well-being. A range of interventions have been proposed and utilised in order to try to alleviate the effects of the menopause transition, including pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments, all with varying rates of efficacy. The aim of this symposium is to further understand key clinical and physiological outcomes of the menopause and consider the role of exercise in mitigating these effects.
Session 5b: Fuelling the female athlete
Location: Room 207, Second floor
Moderator: Dr Carl Langan-Evans
- Dr Sam Moss (Senior Lecturer, University of Chester; Nutrition consultant, Gatorade Sports Science Institute)
- Kathryn Brown (Sport Wales)
- Dr Carl Langan-Evans (Senior Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University)
- Professor James Morton (Professor of Exercise Metabolism, Liverpool John Moores University)
- Molly McCann (MMA Fighter, UFC)
The recent European Journal of Sport Science special edition on Nutrition for Female Athletes, highlighted the need for a much larger scope of female-specific sport nutrition research, given the existing body of evidence does not presently support nutritional recommendations that are sex specific. Furthermore, the uniquely individual contexts that women may experience throughout the menstrual cycle or via use of hormonal contraception has also been demonstrated to influence this area. The aim of this symposium will be to highlight the current research evidence base and practical strategies when supporting nutritional practices in female athletes across team, endurance and weight restricted sport disciplines.
2.15 to 2.30pm - Transition and comfort break
Grab a coffee
Location: Social space, Second floor
2.30 to 3.30pm - Free communications
Session 6a: Health and performance in women's sport 1
Location: Room 206, Second Floor
Chair: Dr Liz Mahon
Evaluation of the impact of the ‘Positive Pause’, a short intervention to support menopausal women with physical activity and lifestyle advice in Leicestershire
Author: Dr Natalie Shur
Menopausal women’s embodied experiences of physical activity
Author: Jo Ann Long
A comparison of issued sports bras and determination of sports bra characteristics required to undertake British Army Basic Training
Author: Emily Paines
Exploring body composition monitoring practices in sport as an antecedents to REDs – an international survey
Author: Lindsay Macnaughton
Session 6b: Health and performance in women’s sport 2
Location: Room 207, Second Floor
Chair: Dr Kevin Enright
Validity of three predictive VO2 max protocols in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women
Author: Kate Rattley
Virtual reality application for the analysis of side-cutting manoeuvres: female case study identifying effects of virtual stimulus on knee frontal plane angles
Authors: Hannah Tang, Frederic Bezombes and Mark Lake
Female athlete health disorders in combat sport athletes: relationship between bone mineral density, vitamin levels and resting metabolic rate
Authors: Ragini Adhikari, Bhanu Bawari, Marcos Herguedas, Samuel Andrew Pullinger
“I know what I need to do, it’s just doing it”: A socio-ecological analysis of barriers and facilitators to physical activity after Gestational Diabetes
Authors: Ms Elysa Ioannou, Dr Helen Humphreys, Dr Catherine Homer, Dr Alison Purvis
Mindset: Performing Under Pressure – A Novel Intervention to Enhance Wellbeing and Performance in Women’s Football
Authors: Dr Paul Mansell and Shane Carrington
3.30 to 4.30pm - Keynote
Reflecting back and forward for the Sport and Exercise Sector
Presenters: Prof Bill Baltzopolous, Prof Zoe Knowles and Prof Lauren Sherar
Chair: Prof Lynne Boddy
Location: Rooms 208 and 209
4.30 to 5pm - Conference close
Conference awards and close, thanks and reflections (WiSEAN and LJMU)
Location: Rooms 208 and 209
Faq Items
Keynote speakers
Conference Opening keynote Chaired by Professor Greg Whyte OBE
Speaker: Sue Anstiss MBE
Title: Advocacy, activism or anarchy. What’s driving change in women’s sport?
Sue Anstiss is an activist in women’s sport. Author, podcast host, film maker and co-founder of the Women’s Sport Collective, Sue’s also a founding trustee of the Women’s Sport Trust charity and in 2018 received an MBE for her services to women’s sport.
Keynote 2 Chaired by Dr Rebecca Murphy School Director, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Reader in Sport and Exercise Science Education, Liverpool John Moores University.
Speaker: Professor Greg Whyte OBE
Title: Where do we start: science research, applied practice or popular opinion?
Sponsored by the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences
Keynote 3 Co-Chaired by Dr Tori Sprung Strategic Lead for EDIR and Chair of the RIDE Panel, Reader in Clinical Exercise Physiology and Emily Wharton President of RIDE Society, PhD Student at LJMU and NIHR ARC NWC
Anyika Onoura is a Team GB Global sprint medalist, having won a World Championship bronze medal in the 4 x 400 metres relay, an individual bronze medal in the 400 metres, relay gold in the 4 x 400 metres at the European Championships, and an Olympic Bronze medal in the 4 x 400 metres relay. She is an Author (My Hidden Race), Team England Athlete Advisory Board member, Team England Commonwealth Games Athletics Team Captain (2018), consultant, broadcaster and podcaster, as seen on Sky Sports, BBC Sport, Channel 4, and BBC Radio.
Hannah Cockroft OBE is a British wheelchair racer and TV presenter. She has won seven Paralympic gold medals alongside 12 World Championship gold medals, making her the most successful British athlete in athletics World Championship history. She received an OBE for her contribution to Paralympic Sport in 2021. After a successful 2017 season, she was the first Paralympic athlete ever to be named ‘British Sportswoman of the year’ in the prestigious sports journalists awards 58-year history. She has recently returned from the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, which was her first opportunity to represent Team England, where she won the first Commonwealth medal of her career, the last title she had yet to grasp.
Title: Here Come the Girls: A (bold and courageous) panel discussion on the rise of Women’s Sport
Overview: A frank and in-depth panel discussion that will celebrate women’s achievements and increased visibility, while calling out inequities and challenges that persist in the arena of sport and exercise for women and girls. This isn’t a ‘women for women’ discussion, it’s a ‘society for society’ discussion.
Conference Closing keynote Chaired by Professor Lynne Boddy Professor of Physical Activity and Health, and Physical Activity Exchange Lead, based within the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University.
Speakers: Professor Bill Baltzopoulos, Head of the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences (RISES) at Liverpool John Moores University and REF 2014 and 2021 Panel member; Professor Zoe Knowles, Professor of Engagement and Learning, Liverpool John Moores University and British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES) Chair, and Professor Lauren Sherar, Professor of Physical Activity and Public Health and Associate Dean (Education and Student Experience), Loughborough University.
Title: Reflecting back and forward for the Sport and Exercise Sector.