Image of Mark Scott

Mark Scott

Sport and Exercise Sciences

Faculty of Science


Telephone: 0151 904 6232

Mark Scott (Principal Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science) is an academic member of staff with teaching duties. He is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Mark teaches research methods on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences. His research interests include the quantification of reliability and validity, along with the visual regulation of action.


1999, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, PhD

Journal article

Barton GJ, Hawken MB, Scott MA, Schwartz MH. 2019. Leaving hip rotation out of a conventional 3D gait model improves discrimination of pathological gait in cerebral palsy: A novel neural network analysis Gait and Posture, 70 :48-52 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Doncaster G, Scott MA, Iga J, Unnithan V. 2018. Reliability of heart rate responses both during and following a 6 min Yo-Yo IR1 test, in highly trained youth soccer players Science and Medicine in Football, 3 :14-20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Iga J, Scott M, George K, Drust B. 2014. Seasonal changes in multiple indices of body composition in professional football players International journal of sports medicine, 35 :994-998 DOI

Almutawa M, Scott M, George KP, Drust B. 2014. The incidence and nature of injuries sustained on grass and 3rd generation artificial turf: A pilot study in elite Saudi National Teamfootballers Physical Therapy in Sport, 15 :47-52 DOI

Doran DA, Mc Geever S, Collins KD, Quinn C, McElhone R, Scott M. 2014. The validity of commonly used adipose tissue body composition equations relative to dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in Gaelic games players International Journal of Sports Medicine, 35 :95-100 DOI

Drust B, Almutawa M, Scott M, George K. 2013. The incidence, severity and etiology of injuries in players competing in the Saudi Premier League between 2010 and 2012 Saudi Journal of Sports Medicine, 13 :90-90 DOI Publisher Url

Barton GJ, Hawken MB, Scott MA, Schwartz MH. 2012. Movement Deviation Profile: A measure of distance from normality using a self-organizing neural network Human Movement Science, 31 :284-294 DOI

Wrigley R, Drust B, Stratton G, Scott M, Gregson W. 2012. Quantification of the typical weekly in-season training load in elite junior soccer players. J Sports Sci, 30 :1573-1580 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Atkinson G, Pugh C, Scott MA. 2010. Exploring data distribution prior to analysis: benefits and pitfalls. Int J Sports Med, 31 :841-842 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Keane A, Scott MA, Dugdill L, Reilly T. 2010. Fitness test profiles as determined by the Eurofit Test Battery in elite female Gaelic football players. J Strength Cond Res, 24 :1502-1506 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Stapleton C, Scott MA, Atkinson G. 2009. The 'So What' Factor: Statistical versus Cinical Significance INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 30 :773-774 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Stapleton C, Scott MA, Atkinson G. 2009. The 'so what' factor: statistical versus clinical [corrected] significance. International journal of sports medicine, 30 :773-774 DOI Author Url

Reilly T, George K, Marfell-Jones M, Scott M, Sutton L, Wallace JA. 2009. How well do skinfold equations predict percent body fat in elite soccer players? Int J Sports Med, 30 :607-613 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Sutton L, Scott M, Wallace J, Reilly T. 2009. Body composition of English Premier League soccer players: influence of playing position, international status, and ethnicity. J Sports Sci, 27 :1019-1026 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Sutton L, Wallace J, Goosey-Tolfrey V, Scott M, Reilly T. 2009. Body composition of female wheelchair athletes. Int J Sports Med, 30 :259-265 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Kilding AE, Scott MA, Mullineaux DR. 2007. A kinematic comparison of deep water running and overground running in endurance runners JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, 21 :476-480 DOI Author Url Publisher Url


Hayes SJ, Hodges NJ, Scott MA, Horn RR, Williams AM. 2007. The efficacy of demonstrations in teaching children an unfamiliar movement skill: the effects of object-orientated actions and point-light demonstrations. J Sports Sci, 25 :559-575 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Horn RR, Williams AM, Hayes SJ, Hodges NJ, Scott MA. 2007. Demonstration as a rate enhancer to changes in coordination during early skill acquisition JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 25 :599-614 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hayes SJ, Hodges NJ, Scott MA, Horn RR, Williams AM. 2006. Scaling a motor skill through observation and practice. J Mot Behav, 38 :357-366 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Horn RR, Scott MA, Williams AM, Hodges NJ. 2005. Visual search and coordination changes in response to video and point-light demonstrations without KR JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, 37 :265-274 Author Url

Hayes SJ, Hodges NJ, Scott MA, Horn RR, Williams AM. 2005. Scaling a motor skill through observation and practice JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 27 :S75-S75 Author Url

Horn RR, Williams AM, Hayes SJ, Hodges NJ, Scott MA. 2005. Demonstration as a rate scaler to changes in coordination: The facilitative role of demonstration in early skill acquisition JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 27 :S78-S78 Author Url

Scott MA, van der Kamp J, Savelsbergh GJP, Oudejans RRD, Davids K. 2004. Object rotation effects on the timing of a hitting action. Res Q Exerc Sport, 75 :130-137 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Smeeton NJ, Williams AM, Hodges NJ, Scott MA. 2004. Training anticipation skill in tennis: The relative effectiveness of explicit instruction, guided discovery, and discovery learning techniques RESEARCH QUARTERLY FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT, 75 :A130-A130 Author Url

Hay SJ, Hodges NJ, Scott MA, Horn RR, Williams AM. 2004. Relative effectiveness of video and point-light demonstrations in replicating movement form RESEARCH QUARTERLY FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT, 75 :A130-A130 Author Url

Horn RR, Williams AM, Scott MA, Hayes SJ, Hodges NJ. 2004. Demonstration as a rate scaler to changes in coordination and the impact of usable knowledge of results RESEARCH QUARTERLY FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT, 75 :A131-A131 Author Url

Hayes S, Scott M, Hodges N, Horn R, Smeeton NJ, Williams M. 2003. Efficacy of point-light demonstrations in teaching children an unfamiliar movement: Effects of perceptual training and task constraints JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 25 :S68-S69 Author Url

Williams AM, Weigelt C, Harris M, Scott MA. 2002. Age-related differences in vision and proprioception in a lower limb interceptive task: the effects of skill level and practice. Res Q Exerc Sport, 73 :386-395 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Horn RR, Greenwood J, Scott MA, Williams AM, Hayes SJ. 2002. Kinematic specification of dynamics in action JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 24 :70-71 Author Url

Horn RR, Williams AM, Scott MA. 2002. Visual search during observational learning in the absence of visual and auditory feedback JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 24 :71-71 Author Url

Horn RR, Williams AM, Scott MA. 2002. Learning from demonstrations: the role of visual search during observational learning from video and point-light models. J Sports Sci, 20 :253-269 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Weigelt C, Williams AM, Wingrove T, Scott MA. 2000. Transfer and motor skill learning in association football. Ergonomics, 43 :1698-1707 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Scott MA. 2000. Perceptual degrees of freedom: Some potential implications INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, 31 :490-495 Author Url

Scott MA, van der Kamp J, Savelsbergh GJP, Oudejans RRD, Davids K. 2000. Using rotation of irregular shaped objects to investigate the pick-up of local tau JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 22 :S95-S95 Author Url

Scott MA, Li FX, Davids K. 1997. Expertise and the regulation of gait in the approach phase of the long jump. J Sports Sci, 15 :597-605 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Scott MA, Li FX, Davids K. 1996. The Shape of Things to Come: Effects of Object Shape and Rotation on the Pickup of Local Tau Ecological Psychology, 8 :343-352 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Scott MA, Li FX, Davids K. 1996. Testing between two definitions of tau with funny shaped balls Journal of Sports Sciences, 14 :44-45


Langan-Evans C, Naughton R, Scott M, Ellison M, Shepherd S, Close G, Morton J. 2017. Methods of Body Composition and Energy Expenditure Measurement in Male International Level Taekwondo Athletes International Sport and Exercise Nutrition Conference

Conference publication

Langan-Evans C, Ellison M, Pugh J, Tod D, Scott M, Shepherd S, Close G, Morton J. 2016. Occurrence, Methods, Magnitudes and Influences of Acute and Chronic Body Mass Loss Practices Among International Standard Taekwondo Athletes of Differing Age Divisions International Sport and Exercise Nutrition Conference

Wong FY, Morris S, Sharples AP, Low DA, Scott MA, Doran D. 2015. Nucleotide supplementation does not improve repeated sprint performance Journal of Sports Sciences, British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Supplement 1 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Harriss DJ, murphy R, causer J, scott M. 2015. Blackboard tests and tasks – can they be used to enhance student engagement and performance? Liverpool John Moores Learning and Teaching Conference

Harriss DJ, murphy R, causer J, scott M. 2015. The Turnitin Originality Report: developing writing skills during the level 4 transition period

Murphy RC, Causer JC, Scott M, Harriss D. 2015. Prior learning experiences and transition into Higher Education – managing staff and student expectations. Liverpool John Moores Learning and Teaching Conference

Wong FY, Morris S, Sharples AP, Low DA, Scott MA, Doran DA. 2015. Effect of 30 days oral purine and pyrimidine nucleotide supplementation upon repeated sprint ability performance The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences


Scott MA, Williams MA, Horn RR. 2013. The co-ordination of kicking techniques in children Development of movement Co-Ordination in Children: Applications in the Fields of Ergonomics, Health Sciences and Sport :241-250 DOI

Sutton L, Scott M, Reilly T. 2009. Validation of a new anthropometric equation for the prediction of body composition in elite soccer players International Research in Science and Soccer: The Proceedings of the First World Conference on Science and Soccer :133-139

Simon DA, Elliott D, Anson JG. 2003. Perceptual-motor behaviour in children with Down Syndrome Savelsbergh GJP. Development of movement co-ordination in children Psychology Press 9780415247375 DOI Publisher Url
