Image of Dr Lee Bradley

Dr Lee Bradley

School of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Faculty of Science

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Journal article

McNeill L, Megson D, Linton PE, Norrey J, Bradley L, Sutcliffe OB, Shaw KJ. 2021. Lab-on-a-Chip approaches for the detection of controlled drugs, including new psychoactive substances: A systematic review Forensic Chemistry, 26 DOI Publisher Url

Tiktak GP, Butcher D, Lawrence PJ, Norrey J, Bradley L, Shaw K, Preziosi R, Megson D. 2020. Are concentrations of pollutants in sharks, rays and skates (Elasmobranchii) a cause for concern? A systematic review Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Marret F, Bradley L, de Vernal A, Hardy W, Kim SY, Mudie P, Penaud A, Pospelova V, Price AM, Radi T, Rochon A. 2020. From bi-polar to regional distribution of modern dinoflagellate cysts, an overview of their biogeography Marine Micropaleontology, 159 DOI Publisher Url

Marret F, Bradley LR, Tarasov PE, Ivanova EV, Zenina MA, Murdmaa IO. 2019. The Holocene history of the NE Black Sea and surrounding areas: An integrated record of marine and terrestrial palaeoenvironmental change Holocene, 29 :648-661 DOI Publisher Url

Bruce-Vanderpuije P, Megson D, Reiner EJ, Bradley L, Adu-Kumi S, Gardella JA. 2019. The state of POPs in Ghana- A review on persistent organic pollutants: Environmental and human exposure Environmental Pollution, 245 :331-342 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Collins C, Asouti E, Grove M, Kabukcu C, Bradley L, Chiverrell R. 2018. Understanding resource choice at the transition from foraging to farming: An application of palaeodistribution modelling to the Neolithic of the Konya Plain, south-central Anatolia, Turkey Journal of Archaeological Science, 96 :57-72 DOI Publisher Url

Williams LR, Hiscott RN, Aksu AE, Bradley LR, Horne DJ, Stoica M. 2018. Holocene paleoecology and paleoceanography of the southwestern Black Sea shelf revealed by ostracod assemblages Marine Micropaleontology, 142 :48-66 DOI Publisher Url

Zenina MA, Ivanova EV, Bradley LR, Murdmaa IO, Schornikov EI, Marret F. 2017. Origin, migration pathways, and paleoenvironmental significance of Holocene ostracod records from the northeastern Black Sea shelf Quaternary Research (United States), 87 :49-65 DOI Publisher Url

Ivanova EV, Marret F, Zenina MA, Murdmaa IO, Chepalyga AL, Bradley LR, Schornikov EI, Levchenko OV, Zyryanova MI. 2015. The Holocene Black Sea reconnection to the Mediterranean Sea: New insights from the northeastern Caucasian shelf Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 427 :41-61 DOI Publisher Url

Ivanova E, Schornikov E, Marret F, Murdmaa I, Zenina M, Aliev R, Bradley L, Chepalyga A, Wright L, Kremenetsky V, Kravtsov V. 2014. Environmental changes on the inner northeastern Black Sea shelf, off the town of Gelendzhik, over the last 140 years Quaternary International, 328-329 :338-348 DOI Publisher Url

Bradley LR, Giesecke T, Halsall K, Bradshaw RHW. 2013. Exploring the requirement for anthropogenic disturbance to assist the stand-scale expansion of Fagus sylvatica L. outside southern Scandinavia Holocene, 23 :579-586 DOI Publisher Url

Bradley LR, Marret F, Mudie PJ, Aksu AE, Hiscott RN. 2012. Constraining Holocene sea-surface conditions in the south-western Black Sea using dinoflagellate cysts Journal of Quaternary Science, 27 :835-843 DOI Publisher Url

Marret F, Bradley L, Mudie P, Aksu A, Hiscott R, Mertens KN, Ivanova E, Murdmaa I. 2012. 313 Palynological evidence for gradual changes in salinity for the Black Sea during early to mid-Holocene 日本花粉学会会誌, 58 :142 DOI

Mertens KN, Bradley LR, Takano Y, Mudie PJ, Marret F, Aksu AE, Hiscott RN, Verleye TJ, Mousing EA, Smyrnova LL, Bagheri S, Mansor M, Pospelova V, Matsuoka K. 2012. Quantitative estimation of Holocene surface salinity variation in the Black Sea using dinoflagellate cyst process length Quaternary Science Reviews, 39 :45-59 DOI Publisher Url

Bialozyt R, Bradley LR, Bradshaw RHW. 2012. Modelling the spread of Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies in southern Scandinavia during the late Holocene Journal of Biogeography, 39 :665-675 DOI Publisher Url

Bradley LR, Horne DJ, Williams L, Marret F, Aksu A, Hiscott R. 2011. Salinity changes on the south-western shelf of the Black Sea during the holocene Joannea - Geologie und Palaontologie, :30-33


Bradley LR, Marret F. 2013. Studying Holocene environmental change in the Marmara Sea, Black Sea, Caspian Sea and Aral Sea using dinoflagellate cysts BIOLOGICAL AND GEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES OF DINOFLAGELLATES :127-131 978-1-86239-368-4 DOI Publisher Url
