Image of Dr Constantine Eliopoulos

Dr Constantine Eliopoulos

School of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Faculty of Science

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Highlighted publications

Eliopoulos C, Moraitis K, Borrini M, Irish J, Kallis X, Manoli P, Chimonas M, Cariolou M. 2023. Fatal gunshot trauma of a child: A case from colonial Cyprus Medicine, Science and the Law, :1-4 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Eliopoulos C. 2023. Human rights violations in Ukraine: the need for forensic investigations Lancet, 402 :772-773 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Alawadhi A, Eliopoulos C, Bezombes F. 2023. The detection of clandestine graves in an arid environment using thermal imaging deployed from an unmanned aerial vehicle Journal of Forensic Sciences, 68 :1286-1291 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Eliopoulos C, Moraitis K, Reyes F, Spiliopoulou C, Manolis S. 2011. Guidelines for the recognition of cemetery remains in Greece. Am J Forensic Med Pathol, 32 :153-156 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Eliopoulos C, Lagia A, Manolis S. 2007. A modern, documented human skeletal collection from Greece. Homo, 58 :221-228 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Journal article

Alawadhi A, Eliopoulos C, Bezombes F. 2024. Temporal Monitoring of Simulated Burials in an Arid Environment Using RGB/Multispectral Sensor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Drones, 8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Shakeshaft E, Borrini M, Eliopoulos C. 2024. Vertebral Bone Density Variations in Scoliotic vs. Non-Scoliotic Juveniles, and Its Implications for Schmorl’s Node Development: A CT-Based Analysis Using the New Mexico Decedent Image Database Anatomia, 3 :110-123 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Eliopoulos C, Moraitis K, Borrini M, Irish J, Kallis X, Manoli P, Chimonas M, Cariolou M. 2023. Fatal gunshot trauma of a child: A case from colonial Cyprus Medicine, Science and the Law, :1-4 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ghui M, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2023. A proposed method for differentiating knives from cut marks on bone: A forensic anthropological approach Medicine, Science and the Law, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Jager VR, Eliopoulos C. 2023. Sex assessment from the pelvis: a test of the Phenice (1969) and Klales et al. (2012) methods Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Alawadhi A, Eliopoulos C, Bezombes F. 2023. The detection of clandestine graves in an arid environment using thermal imaging deployed from an unmanned aerial vehicle Journal of Forensic Sciences, 68 :1286-1291 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Rennie SR, Eliopoulos C, Gonzalez S. 2022. Evaluation of the obturator foramen as a sex assessment trait Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Kiskira C, Eliopoulos C, Vanna V, Manolis SK. 2022. Biometric sex assessment from the femur and tibia in a modern Greek population Legal Medicine, 59 :102126 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Anastopoulou I, Karakostis FA, Eliopoulos C, Moraitis K. 2020. Technical note: Development of regression equations to reassociate upper limb bones from commingled contexts Forensic Science International, 315 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Valoriani S, Eliopoulos C, Irish JD, Borrini M. 2019. Health and safety issues in the Victorian workplace: an example of mandibular phosphorus necrosis from Gloucester, UK International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 30 :73-79 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Bradshaw R, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2019. Septal aperture of the humerus: Aetiology and frequency rates in two European populations. The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ofele AS, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2018. Sharp Force Trauma: the Effects of Blade Damage on Cut Mark Characteristics SciFed Journal of Forensics, Publisher Url Public Url

Cole C, Eliopoulos C, Zorba E, Borrini M. 2017. An anthropometric method for sex determination from the mandible: test on British Medieval skeletal collections Journal of Biological Research - Bollettino della Società Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale, 90 :30-35 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Michael DE, Eliopoulos C, Manolis SK. 2017. Exploring sex differences in diets and activity patterns through dental and skeletal studies in populations from ancient Corinth, Greece. Homo - Journal of Comparative Human Biology, 68 :378 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Valoriani S, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2017. Sharp Force Trauma Death in a Young Individual From Medieval Gloucester. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 38 :111-114 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Anastopoulou I, Zorba E, Eliopoulos C, Moraitis K. 2017. Skeletal evidence of brucellosis in a medicolegal context: A report of two cases Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine, 25 :70-74 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Koukiasa AE, Eliopoulos C, Manolis SK. 2017. Biometric sex estimation using the scapula and clavicle in a modern Greek population ANTHROPOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER, 74 :241-246 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Martin S, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2016. Metric Methods of Skeletal Sex Determination using the Arm Bones Global Journal of Anthropology Research, 3 :41-49 Publisher Url Public Url

Martin S, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2016. Metric Methods of Skeletal Sex Determination using the Arm Bones of Two British Medieval Populations Global Journal of Anthropology Research, 3 :41-49 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Atterton T, Eliopoulos C, De Groote I. 2016. Assessing Size and Strength of the Clavicle for its usefulness for Sex Estimation in a British Medieval Sample. HOMO: journal of comparative human biology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Eliopoulos C, Murton N, Borrini M. 2015. Sexual Dimorphism of the Fovea Capitis Femoris in a Medieval Population from Gloucester, England Global Journal of Anthropology Research, 2 :9-14 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Eliopoulos C, English A. 2015. A POPULATION STUDY TO IDENTIFY FRACTURE RISK IN LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND Management in Health, 19 :29-33 Publisher Url Public Url

Moraitis K, Eliopoulos C, Zorba E, Mitsea AG, Falsetti C, Spiliopoulou C. 2014. Multidisciplinary approach to the forensic identification of a late discovery victim of a motorcycle accident Austin Journal of Forensic Science and Criminology, 1 :1-4 Publisher Url Public Url

Anastopoulou I, Eliopoulos C, Valakos ED, Manolis SK. 2014. Application of Purkait's triangle method on a skeletal population from southern Europe FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL, 245 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Moraitis K, Zorba E, Eliopoulos C, Fox SC. 2014. A test of the revised auricular surface aging method on a modern European population. J Forensic Sci, 59 :188-194 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Zorba E, Moraitis K, Eliopoulos C, Spiliopoulou C. 2012. Sex determination in modern Greeks using diagonal measurements of molar teeth. Forensic Sci Int, 217 :19-26 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Statheropoulos M, Agapiou A, Zorba E, Mikedi K, Karma S, Pallis GC, Eliopoulos C, Spiliopoulou C. 2011. Combined chemical and optical methods for monitoring the early decay stages of surrogate human models. Forensic Sci Int, 210 :154-163 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Eliopoulos C, Moraitis K, Reyes F, Spiliopoulou C, Manolis S. 2011. Guidelines for the recognition of cemetery remains in Greece. Am J Forensic Med Pathol, 32 :153-156 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Fox SC, Eliopoulos C, Moutafi I, Manolis SK. 2011. A simple technique for imaging the human skeleton using a flatbed scanner. J Forensic Sci, 56 Suppl 1 :S154-S157 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Charisi D, Eliopoulos C, Vanna V, Koilias CG, Manolis SK. 2011. Sexual dimorphism of the arm bones in a modern greek population. J Forensic Sci, 56 :10-18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Mountrakis C, Eliopoulos C, Koilias CG, Manolis SK. 2010. Sex determination using metatarsal osteometrics from the Athens collection. Forensic Sci Int, 200 :178.e1-178.e7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Manolis SK, Eliopoulos C, Koilias CG, Fox SC. 2009. Sex determination using metacarpal biometric data from the Athens Collection. Forensic Sci Int, 193 :130.e1-130.e6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Moraitis K, Eliopoulos C, Spiliopoulou C. 2009. Fracture Characteristics of Perimortem Trauma in Skeletal Material. The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology, 3

Moraitis K, Eliopoulos C, Spiliopoulou C, Manolis S. 2009. Assessment of ancestral background from the skull: case studies from Greece The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology, 3

Lagia A, Eliopoulos C, Manolis S. 2007. Thalassemia: Macroscopic and radiological study of a case INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OSTEOARCHAEOLOGY, 17 :269-285 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Eliopoulos C, Lagia A, Manolis S. 2007. A modern, documented human skeletal collection from Greece. Homo, 58 :221-228 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Editorial/letter to the editor

Eliopoulos C. 2023. Human rights violations in Ukraine: the need for forensic investigations Lancet, 402 :772-773 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Conference publication

Dove ER, Irish JD, Eliopoulos C, De Groote I. 2017. Stressful times: Investigating childhood health in urban and rural medieval Britain AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 86th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists (AAPA) 162 :164-164 Author Url

Canty E, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. 2016. The preauricular sulcus and its link to sex and parturition: a test on a British Medieval collection AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 85th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists 159 :108-108 Author Url

Dove ER, Irish JD, Eliopoulos C, De Groote I. 2016. Re-evaluating the co-occurrence and age of formation of Harris lines and linear enamel hypoplasia AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 85th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists 159 :133-133 Author Url

Jankauskas R, Roberts C, Stcckel RH, Larsen CS, Walker PL, Blondiaux J, Grupe G, Maat G, McGlynn G, Papathanasiou A, Teschler-Nicola M, Wittwer-Backofen U, Agnew A, Assis S, Bereczki Z, Bertrand B, Betsinger TK, Binder M, Boulter S, Bourbou C, Boylston A, Brickley M, Buerli L, Cooper C, Coppa A, Coughlan J, Drozd A, During E, Eliopoulos C, Eng J, Engel F, Fox S, Furtado M, Gerhards G, Groves S, Harkins K, Holck P, Holst M, Hotz G, Ives R, Jakob T, Jennings J, Justus H, Kaminska K, Kjellstrom A, Knuesel CJ, Kozlowski T, Largia A, Lopes C, Manolis S, Marcsik A, Marques C, Moenke C, Niel C, Novak SA, Novotny F, Peck J, Potiekhina I, Rega B, Richman R, Rijpma F, Rose J, Ruiz J, Sannen P, Sciulli P, Smith M, Soficaru A, Spannagl M, Storm R, Stroud G, Subira E, Swales D, Tristaroli V, Tyler E, Ulrich-Bochsler S, Vatteoni S, Villar V, Wiggins R, Williams LL. 2009. Contextual dimensions of European health and lifestyle: the archaeological and historical record AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 78th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists :157-157 Author Url

Larsen CS, Walker PL, Steckel RH, Sciulli P, Klaus HD, Blondiaux J, Grupe G, Jankauskas R, Maat G, McGlynn G, Papathanasiou A, Roberts C, Teschler-Nicola M, Wittwer-Backofen U, Agnew A, Assis S, Bereczki Z, Bertrand B, Betsinger TK, Binder M, Boulter S, Bourbou C, Boylston A, Brickley M, Buerli L, Cooper C, Coppa A, Coughlan J, Drozd A, During E, Eliopoulos C, Eng J, Engel F, Fox S, Furtado M, Guntis G, Groves S, Harkins K, Holck P, Holst M, Hotz G, Ives R, Jakob T, Jennings J, Justus H, Kaminska K, Kjellstrom A, Knuesel CJ, Kozlowski T, Lagia A, Lopes C, Manolis S, Marcsik A, Marques C, Moenke C, Niel C, Novak SA, Novotny F, Peck J, Potiekhina I, Rega B, Richman R, Rijpma F, Rose J, Ruiz J, Sannen P, Smith M, Soficaru A, Spannagl M, Storm R, Stroud G, Subira E, Swales D, Tristaroli V, Tyler E, Ulrich-Bochsler S, Vatteoni S, Villar V, Wiggins R, Williams LL. 2009. History of degenerative joint disease in Europe: inferences about lifestyle and activity AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 78th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists :172-172 Author Url

Maat G, Steckel RH, Larsen CS, Walker PL, Blondiaux J, Grupe G, Jankauskas R, McGlynn G, Papathanasiou A, Roberts C, Teschler-Nicola M, Backofen UW, Agnew A, Assis S, Bereczki Z, Bertrand B, Betsinger TK, Binder M, Boulter S, Bourbou C, Boylston A, Brickley M, Buerli L, Cooper C, Coppa A, Coughlan J, Drozd A, During E, Eliopoulos C, Eng J, Engel F, Fox S, Furtado M, Guntis G, Groves S, Harkins K, Holck P, Holst M, Hotz G, Ives R, Jakob T, Jennings J, Justus H, Kaminska K, Kjellstrom A, Knuesel CJ, Kozlowski T, Lagia A, Lopes C, Manolis S, Maresik A, Marques C, Moenke C, Niel C, Novak SA, Novotny F, Peck J, Potiekhina I, Rega B, Richman R, Rijpma F, Rose J, Ruiz J, Sannen P, Sciulli P, Smith M, Soficaru A, Spannagl M, Storm R, Stroud G, Subira E, Swales D, Tristaroli V, Tyler E, Ulrich-Bochsler S, Vatteoni S, Villar V, Wiggins R, Williams LL. 2009. Body size and activity inference: femur length and midshaft index AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 78th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists :179-180 Author Url

Marques C, Blondiaux J, Steckel RH, Larsen CS, Walker PL, Grupe G, Jankauskas R, Maat G, McGlynn G, Papathanasiou A, Roberts C, Teschler-Nicola M, Wittwer-Backofen U, Agnew A, Assis S, Bereczki Z, Bertrand B, Betsinger TK, Binder M, Boulter S, Bourbou C, Boylston A, Brickley M, Buerli L, Cooper C, Coppa A, Coughlan J, Drozd A, During E, Eliopoulos C, Eng J, Engel F, Fox S, Furtado M, Gerhards G, Groves S, Harkins K, Holck P, Holst M, Hotz G, Ives R, Jakob T, Jennings J, Justus H, Kaminska K, Kjellstrom A, Knuesel CJ, Kozlowski T, Lagia A, Lopes C, Manolis S, Marcsik A, Moenke C, Niel C, Novak SA, Novotny F, Peck J, Potiekhina I, Rega B, Richman R, Rijpma F, Rose J, Ruiz J, Sannen P, Sciulli P, Smith M, Soficaru A, Spannagl M, Storm R, Stroud G, Subira E, Swales D, Tristaroli V, Tyler E, Ulrich-Bochsler S, Vatteoni S, Villar V, Wiggins R, Williams LL. 2009. Periosteal appositions: a non-specific index of the history of health in Europe AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 78th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists :183-184 Author Url

Papathanasiou A, Walker PL, Steckel RH, Larsen CS, Blondiaux J, Grupe G, Jankauskas R, Maat G, McGlynn G, Roberts C, Teschler-Nicola M, Wittwer-Backofen U, Agnew A, Assis S, Bereczki Z, Bertrand B, Betsinger TK, Binder M, Boulter S, Bourbou C, Boylston A, Brickley M, Buerli L, Cooper C, Coppa A, Coughlan J, Drozd A, During E, Eliopoulos C, Eng J, Engel F, Fox S, Furtado M, Guntis G, Groves S, Harkins K, Holck P, Holst M, Hotz G, Ives R, Jakob T, Jennings J, Justus H, Kaminska K, Kjellstrom A, Knuesel CJ, Kozlowski T, Lagia A, Lopes C, Manolis S, Marcsik A, Marques C, Moenke C, Niel C, Novak SA, Novotny F, Peck J, Potiekhina I, Rega B, Richman R, Rijpma F, Rose J, Ruiz J, Sannen P, Sciulli P, Smith M, Soficaru A, Span-nagl M, Storm R, Stroud G, Subira E, Swales D, Tritsaroli V, Tyler E, Ulrich-Bochsler S, Vatteoni S, Villar V, Wiggins R, Williams LL. 2009. The history of anemia and related nutritional deficiencies in Europe: evidence from cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 78th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists :205-206 Author Url

Roberts C, Betsinger T, Steckel RH, Larsen CS, Walker PL, Blondiaux J, Grupe G, Maat G, McGlynn G, Papathanasiou A, Teschier-Nicola M, Wittwer-Backofen U, Agnew A, Assis S, Bereczki Z, Bertrand B, Betsinger TK, Binder M, Boulter S, Bourbou C, Boylston A, Brickley M, Buerli L, Cooper C, Coppa A, Coughlan J, Drozd A, During E, Eliopoulos C, Eng J, Engel F, Fox S, Furtado M, Gerhards G, Groves S, Harkins K, Holck P, Holst M, Hotz G, Ives R, Jakob T, Jankauskas R, Jennings J, Justus H, Kaminska K, Kjellstrom A, Knuesel CJ, Kozlowski T, Lagia A, Lopes C, Manolis S, Marcsik A, Marques C, Moenke C, Niel C, Novak SA, Novotny F, Peck J, Potiekhina I, Rega B, Richman R, Rijpma F, Rose J, Ruiz J, Sannen P, Sciulli P, Smith M, Soficaru A, Spannagl M, Storm R, Stroud G, Subira E, Swales D, Tristaroli V, Tyler E, Ulrich-Bochsler S, Vatteoni S, Villar V, Wiggins R, Williams LL. 2009. The history of European infectious diseases: skeletal evidence of tuberculosis, leprosy, and treponematosis AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 78th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists :222-223 Author Url

Steckel RH, Kiellstrom A, Rose J, Larsen CS, Walker PL, Blondiaux J, Grupe G, Jankauskas R, Maat G, McGlynn G, Papathanasiou A, Roberts C, Teschler-Nicola M, Wittwer-Backofen U, Agnew A, Assis S, Bereczki Z, Bertrand B, Betsinger TK, Binder M, Boulter S, Boor-Bou C, Boylston A, Brickley M, Buerli L, Cooper C, Coppa A, Coughlan J, Drozd A, During E, Eliopoulos C, Eng J, Engel F, Fox S, Furtado M, Guntis G, Groves S, Harkins K, Holck P, Holst M, Hotz G, Ives R, Jakob T, Jennings J, Justus H, Kaminska K, Knuesel CJ, Kozlowski T, Lagia A, Lopes C, Manolis S, Maresik A, Marques C, Moenke C, Niel C, Novak SA, Novotny F, Peck J, Potiekhina I, Rega B, Richman R, Rijpma F, Ruiz J, Sannen P, Sciulli P, Smith M, Soficaru A, Spannagl M, Storm R, Stroud G, Subira E, Swales D, Tristaroli V, Tyler E, Ulrich-Bochsler S, Vatteoni S, Villar V, Wiggins R, Williams LL. 2009. Summary measurement of health and wellbeing: The health index AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 78th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists :247-247 Author Url

Walker PL, Steckel RH, Larsen CS, Blondiaux J, Grupe G, Jankauskas R, Maat G, McGlynn G, Papathanasiou A, Roberts C, Teschler-Nicola M, Wittwer-Backofen U, Agnew A, Assis S, Bereczki Z, Bertrand B, Betsinger TK, Binder M, Boulter S, Bourbou C, Boylston A, Brickley M, Buerli L, Cooper C, Coppa A, Coughlan J, Drozd A, During E, Eliopoulos C, Eng J, Engel F, Fox S, Furtado M, Gerhards G, Groves S, Harkins K, Holck P, Holst M, Hotz G, Ives R, Jakob T, Jennings J, Justus H, Kaminska K, Kjellstrom A, Knuesel CJ, Kozlowski T, Lagia A, Lopes C, Manolis S, Marcsik A, Marques C, Moenke C, Niel C, Novak SA, Novotny F, Peck J, Potiekhina I, Rega B, Richman R, Rijpma F, Rose J, Ruiz J, Sannen P, Sciulli P, Smith M, Soficaru A, Spannagl M, Storm R, Stroud G, Subira E, Swales D, Tristaroli V, Tyler E, Ulrich-Bochsler S, Vanna V, Vatteoni S, Villar V, Wiggins R, Williams LL. 2009. Historical patterns of traumatic injury and violence in Europe AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 78th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists :265-265 Author Url

Wittwer-Backofen U, Coppa A, Larsen CS, Steckel RH, Walker PL, Blondiaux J, Grupe G, Jankauskas R, Maat G, McGlynn G, Papathanasiou A, Roberts C, Teschler-Nicola M, Agnew A, Assis S, Bereczki Z, Bertrand B, Betsinger TK, Binder M, Boulter S, Bourbou C, Boylston A, Brickley M, Buerli L, Cooper C, Coughlan J, Drozd A, During E, Eliopoulos C, Eng J, Engel F, Fox S, Furtado M, Guntis G, Groves S, Harkins K, Holck P, Holst M, Hotz G, Ives R, Jakob T, Jennings J, Justus H, Kaminska K, Kjell-Strom A, Knuesel CJ, Kozlowski T, Lagia A, Lopes C, Manolis S, Marcsik A, Marques C, Moenke C, Niel C, Novak SA, Novotny F, Peck J, Potickhina I, Rega B, Richman R, Rijpma F, Rose J, Ruiz J, Sannen P, Sciulli P, Smith M, Soficaru A, Spannagl M, Storm R, Stroud G, Subira E, Swales D, Tristaroli V, Tyler E, Ulrich-Bochsler S, Vatteoni S, Villar V, Wiggins R, Williams LL. 2009. The history of European oral health: evidence from dental caries, dental abscesses. antemortem tooth loss AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 78th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Physical-Anthropologists :275-275 Author Url

canty S, Eliopoulos , Borrini M. A Grading System to Assess the Sex and Parity Status for the Preauricular Sulcus: A Step Forward American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) 69th Annual Scientific Meeting. 2017., :129-129 Publisher Url

Canty SE, Borrini M, Eliopoulos C, Gonzalez S. Preauricular Sulcus (PAS) and Parity Status: A Possible Correlation? A Test on a Documented British Collection Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 70th Annual Scientific Meeting, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FORENSIC SCIENCES 70th Annual Scientific Meeting Volume XXIV

Baldoni Marica M, Rachel Joseph R, Carole A.L. Davenport C, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. Metric Variability in the Femur and Patella: The Potential for Ancestry Assessment American Academy of Forensic Sciences 71st Annual Scientific Meeting :51-51

Fluder K, Borrini M, Eliopoulos C. Communist Human Rights Violations in Poland (1944–1956): A Forensic Anthropological Perspective PROCEEDINGS of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting :37-37 Publisher Url

Minella R, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. The Perimortem Trauma Pattern in Human Rights Violations: Comparative Case Studies From Spain, Cambodia, and Argentina Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 74th Annual Scientific Meeting XXVIII

Vita H, Eliopoulos C, Borrini M. Assessing the Reliability of the DSP2 Software for Skeletal Sex Assessment in a Modern Italian Reference Collection From Syracuse, Sicily Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 76th Annual Scientific Conference, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 76th Annual Scientific Conference XXX :158-158


Moraitis K, Eliopoulos C. 2014. Forensic Archaeology in Greece Groen M, Marquez-Grant N, Janaway R. Forensic Archaeology: A Global Perspective Wiley-Blackwell DOI Publisher Url

Eliopoulos C, Moraitis K, Vanna V, Manolis SK. 2011. Greece Marquez-Grant N, Fibiger L. The Routledge Handbook of Archaeological Human Remains and Legislation: An International Guide to Laws and Practice in the Excavation and Treatment of Archaeological Human Remains


Eliopoulos C, Moraitis K, Vanna V, Manolis S. Greece/ΕΛΛΑΔΑ The Routledge Handbook of Archaeological Human Remains and Legislation Routledge 9780415588577 DOI Publisher Url

Books (authored)

Papageorgopoulou C, Moraitis K, Nikita E, Eliopoulos C, Vika E. Special Topics in Skeletal Anthropology, Taphonomy and Bioarchaeology 978-960-603-468-8
