Dr Chia-Hsun Chang
School of Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: C.Chang@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 8739
Dr Chia-Hsun Chang is Reader in Maritime Logistics. He started his position as Lecturer in Maritime Studies and LOOM member in July 2017. Before joining the LJMU faculty team, he was an Assistant Professor at Chung-Ang University in South Korea (2015-2017) and a Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (2014-2015). He obtained his PhD in maritime management from Plymouth University (2013). His research interests include maritime management, risk management, logistics management, maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS), and maritime cybersecurity. He has 66 publications, including 27 high-quality journal papers (e.g., Risk Analysis, Ocean Engineering, Transport Policy, Reliability Engineering and System Safety) and 29 international conference papers.
Dr Chang has completed 10 research grants, mainly in Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) and Maritime Cybersecurity.
Dr Chang has successfully supervised 1 postdoctoral and 3 PhD projects from LJMU. Currently, he is supervising 3 PhD students.
Chinese (Mandarin)
2013, Plymouth University, United Kingdom, PhD
2019, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PGCAP
Academic appointments
Reader, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - 2022
Assistant Professor, Chung-Ang University, 2015 - 2017
Research fellow, Nanyang Technological University, 2014 - 2015
Journal article
Belabyad M, Kontovas C, Pyne R, Chang C-H. 2025. Skills and competencies for operating maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS): a systematic review and bibliometric analysis Maritime Policy & Management, :1-26 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Baisa GA, Matellini DB, Jenkinson ID, Chang C-H. 2025. Supply chain integration-performance nexus in emerging & developing economies: a systematic review Cogent Business & Management, 12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Chang C-H, Lin C-C, Yang Z, Kontovas C. 2024. Evaluating the social acceptance of autonomous ferries: An observation from passengers’ boarding willingness Transport Policy, 159 :83-94 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mohsendokht M, Li H, Kontovas C, Chang C-H, Qu Z, Yang Z. 2024. Decoding dependencies among the risk factors influencing maritime cybersecurity: Lessons learned from historical incidents in the past two decades Ocean Engineering, 312 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mohsendokht M, Li H, Kontovas C, Chang CH, Qu Z, Yang Z. 2024. Enhancing maritime transportation security: A data-driven Bayesian network analysis of terrorist attack risks Risk Analysis, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chang C-H, Wijeratne IB, Kontovas CA, Yang Z. 2024. COLREG and MASS: Analytical review to identify research trends and gaps in the Development of Autonomous Collision Avoidance Ocean Engineering, 302 :1-18 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Gong Y, Chang CH, Lee PTW, Yin J, Shi W. 2024. Unveiling the mystery of the responsiveness of inbound tourism to economic policy uncertainty: New evidence from Australia Tourism Economics, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Park C, Kontovas C, Yang Z, Chang C-H. 2023. A BN driven FMEA approach to assess maritime cybersecurity risks Ocean and Coastal Management, 235 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Lin C-C, Yang Z, Chang C-H. 2022. Facilitating adoption of virtual communities through emotional connection in the global logistics industry International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Fan X, Huang H, Li K, Chang C-H, Shi W. 2022. Spatial threshold effect of tax competition on carbon dioxide emissions intensity in China Climate Policy, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kanwal K, Shi W, Kontovas CA, Yang Z, Chang C-H. 2022. Maritime cybersecurity: are onboard systems ready? Maritime Policy and Management, :1-19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kontovas C, Armada Bras AM, Chang C-H, Romano A, Poo MC-P, Wang J, McCormack H, Qu Z, Paraskevadakis D, Lamb LE, Yang Z. 2022. Fostering innovation in the blue economy within the United Kingdom (UK): A stakeholders’ perspective Ocean and Coastal Management, 224 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shi W, Du Y, Chang C-H, Nguyen S, Wu J. 2021. Spatial heterogeneity and economic driving factors of SO2 emissions in China: Evidence from an eigenvector based spatial filtering approach Ecological Indicators, 129 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chang C-H, Lai P-L, Lu C-S. 2021. Examining the drivers of competitive advantage of the international logistics industry International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jiang Y, Lai P, Chang C-H, Yuen KF, Li S, Wang X. 2021. Sustainable management for Fresh Food E-Commerce Logistics Services Sustainability, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lin CC, Chang CH. 2021. Evaluating employee's perception toward the promotion of safety marketing at ports International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 13 :275-299 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Chang C-H, Kontovas C, Yu Q, Yang Z. 2021. Risk assessment of the operations of maritime autonomous surface ships Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 207 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yu Q, Liu K, Chang C-H, Yang Z. 2020. Realising advanced risk assessment of vessel traffic flows near offshore wind farms Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 203 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chang C-H, Xu J, Dong J, Yang Z. 2019. Selection of effective risk mitigation strategies in container shipping operations Maritime Business Review, 4 :413-431 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Lin CC, Chang CH. 2018. Evaluating skill requirement for logistics operation practitioners: based on the perceptions of logistics service providers and academics in Taiwan Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 34 :328-336 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Chang C, Thai VV. 2018. Shippers’ choice behaviour on choosing transport mode: a case of ASEAN region Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 33 :199-210 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Chang C-H, Lai P-L. 2017. An evaluation of logistics policy enablers between Taiwan and the UK Maritime Business Review, 2 :2-20 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Chang CH, Xu J, Song DP. 2016. Impact of different factors on the risk perceptions of employees in container shipping companies: a case study of Taiwan International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 8 :361-361 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chang C-H, Thai VV. 2016. Do port security quality and service quality influence customer satisfaction and loyalty? MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT, 43 :720-736 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chang YC, Ho KN, Feng SW, Huang HM, Chang CH, Lin CT, Teng NC, Pan YH, Chang WJ. 2016. Fibronectin-Grafted Titanium Dental Implants: An in Vivo Study BioMed Research International, 2016 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chang CH, Xu J, Song D-P. 2015. Risk analysis for container shipping: from a logistics perspective The International Journal of Logistics Management, 26 :147-171 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chang C-H, Xu J, Song D-P. 2014. An analysis of safety and security risks in container shipping operations: A case study of Taiwan Safety Science, 63 :168-178 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Xu J, Dinwoodie J, Chang CH. 2012. Seeing is believing: Developing research skills in international maritime students through authentic learning International Journal of Management Education, 10 :50-60 DOI Publisher Url
Yang Y, Liu Q, Chang C-H. China-Europe freight transportation under the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic and government restriction measures Research in Transportation Economics, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Chang C-H, Zhang W, Shi W, Park C. 2020. Evaluating cybersecurity in the maritime industry The Asian Logistics Round Table (ALRT)
Chang CH, Yang Z, Usman M, Qu Z. 2020. A new fuzzy bayesian approach for two-stroke engine operational health analysis Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, :621-628 DOI Publisher Url
Usman M, Qu Z, Chang CH, Yang Z. 2020. A new fuzzy bayesian approach for two-stroke engine operational health analysis 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2020 and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, PSAM 2020, :621-628
Chang C-H, Wenming S, Wei Z, Changki P, Kontovas CA. 2019. Evaluating cybersecurity risks in the maritime industry: a literature review Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) Conference, International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) Public Url
Chang C-H, Kontovas C, Yang Z. 2019. Hazard identification of maritime autonomous surface ships Logistics Research Network (LRN) 2019
Chang C-H, Zhang X, Guo X, Qu Z. 2019. Environmental impact of autonomous ship operations: a literature review International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2019
Ugedi P, Chang C-H, Kontovas C. 2019. Performance assessment of the SOLAS VGM regulation using balance scorecard and analytic hierarchy process International Association of Maritime Economists Conference
Park C, Shi W, Zhang W, Kontovas C, Chang CH. 2019. Cybersecurity in the maritime industry: A literature review 20th Commemorative Annual General Assembly, AGA 2019 - Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Universities Conference, IAMUC 2019, :79-86
Chang C-H, Lin CC. 2018. Evaluating skill requirement for logistics operation practitioners between logistics service providers and academics Logistics Research Network (LRN) 2018
Chang CH, Lin CC. 2017. An evaluation of the impact of safety marketing on logistics operations International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2017
Chang CH, Thai VV. 2015. An Evaluation of Port Security Quality, Port Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty: The Case of Kaohsiung Port International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2015
Chang CH, Xu J, Song DP. 2014. Impact of different factors on risk perceptions of employees in container shipping companies IFSPA 2014
Chang CH, Xu J, Song DP. 2013. An analysis of safety and security risks in container shipping supply chain: a case study in Taiwan International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2013
Chang CH, Song D-P, Xu J. 2012. Evaluating risk mitigation strategies in container shipping supply chain International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) 2012
Chang C-H, Song D, Xu J. 2012. Payment risk within container shipping supply chain Postgraduate Research Symposium
Chang C-H, Xu J, Song D. 2011. Information and physical risk management in container shipping supply chain Logisitcs Research Network (LRN) 2011
Chang C-H, Song D, Xu J. 2011. Information risk management in container shipping supply chain First International Conference on Marine and Maritime Affairs
Chang C-H, Xu J, Dinwoodie J. 2011. Seeing is believing: developing research and enterprise skills in international maritime students First International Conference on Marine and Maritime Affairs
Chang C-H, Song D, Xu J. 2010. Supply chain risk management and organisational performance in container shipping Postgraduate Research Symposium
Chang C-H, Lin C-C. Establishing customer emotional connection using virtual communities IAME 2021
Chang C-H, Kontovas CA, Yang Z, Karamperidis S, Ung S-T, Lin C-C. Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS): Current regulations and regulatory challenges Proceedings of IAME 2022, IAME Conference 2022
Gugusa A, Jenkinson I, Chang C, Matellini D, Darlington R, Paraskevadakis D. An academic literature review of performance evaluation indicators and methods of temperature controlled supply chains CILT Logistics Research Network Conference (LRN) Author Url
Chang C-H, Yang Z, Kontovas C, Lin C-C, Ung ST. Evaluating the acceptance of autonomous ferries: from passenger’s perspective IAME
Chang C-H, Shi W, Szwed P, Belabyad M, Pyne R, Kontovas C. Evaluating skill requirements for maritime autonomous surface ships: a literature review IAMU
Park C, Kontovas C, Yang Z, Chang C-H. Maritime cybersecurity risk assessment using Bowtie diagrams IAME
Ding Z, Wang T, Poo C, Lau YY, Chang C-H, Ng AKY. Resilience analysis of port container rail transport network based on various meteorological disasters IAME
Mohsendokht M, Li H, Kontovas C, Chang C-H, Yang Z. Maritime terrorism risk analysis through a data-driven Bayesian network approach IAME
Chang C-H, Wijeratne IB, Kontovas C, Yang Z, Lin CC, Ung ST, Karamperidis S. COLREG and autonomous collision avoidance development: An analytical review IAME
Chang C-H, Yang Z, Wang T, Lin CC. The impact of cybersecurity awareness on presentive behaviour in the maritime industry IAME
Chang C-H. 2013. (PhD thesis) Container shipping risk management: a case study of Taiwan container shipping industry
Chang C-H. 2012. The importance of market scanning and adaptive capabilities in container shipping in Taiwan” (in Chinese) Ship & Shipping Newsletter, 103 :3-4
Chang C-H. 2009. (Master dissertation) Evaluating Market Scanning, Adaptive Capabilities and Organizational Performance in Liner Shipping
Chang C-H. Container shipping risk management: a case study of Taiwan container shipping industry Song D, Xu J.
Chang C-H, Lin C-C, Yang Z, Kontovas C. Evaluating the Social Acceptance of Autonomous Ferries: A Taiwanese Users’ Perspective DOI Publisher Url
Research Grants Awarded:
International Association of Maritime Universities, The impact of innovative Industry 4.0 technologies on port resilience, Zhang, V. (PI), Grant value (£): $60000, Duration of research project: 13 months. 2023
International Association of Maritime Unviersities, Evaluating skill requirements for maritime autonomous surface ships, Grant value (£): $60000, Duration of research project: 13 months. 2023
Royal Society, Adapting to Risks Posed by Climate Change on Port Clusters: Insights for the Cases of the UK and China, Wang, T., Grant value (£): 12000, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2023
ESRC-MOST, Maritime autonomous ships: A UK-Taiwan joint cooperation in integrating the regulatory framework, Grant value (£): 62000, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2021
LJMU FET Pump Priming Award, Maritime cybersecurity, Bo Zhou, Computer Science/LJMU, Grant value (£): 4000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2019
LJMU FET REF Upskilling scheme, Risk evaluation of maritime autonomous surface ships in the UK, Zaili Yang, FET/MME/LJMU, Grant value (£): 2000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2019
IAMU, Cybersecurity in the maritime industry, Grant value (£): 15348.61, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2018
CILT, Risk evaluation of maritime autonomous surface ships in the UK, Grant value (£): 7500, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2018
LJMU, Enhancing students learning performance through authentic learning, Ian Jenkinson and Robyn Pyne, FET/MME/LJMU, Grant value (£): 2500, Duration of research project: 1. 2017
China Scholarship Council, visiting PhD in LJMU (2018-2019), Grant value (£): 1000, Duration of research project: 1 year.
Editorial boards:
Sustainability, Special Issue Guest Editor, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/SCP_BR. 2022
Journal of Operations and Management Research, Editorial board member, https://ojs.wiserpub.com/index.php/JOMR/about/editorialTeam. 2021
Maritime Business Review, Editorial Board, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/mabr. 2020
International Journal of Transportation Engineering and Technology, Editorial board member, http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/index?journalid=514. 2018
Highly Commended Paper Emerald Literati Award, title: “Selection of effective risk mitigation strategies in container shipping operations”, Maritime Business Review. 2020
Best paper award, paper title “Impact of different factors on risk perceptions of employees in container shipping companies”, International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports. 2014
Teaching qualification:
PGCAP. 2019