Image of Alan Bury

Alan Bury

School of Engineering

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Dr Alan Bury is a lecturer in Maritime Science. He has industrial experience as both a Merchant Navy deck officer       and a consultant on infrastructure construction projects.

2015-Present: Lecturer.
2010-2015:    Research Assistant / Part Time Lecturer.
2002-2010:    Merchant Navy Deck Officer.
1996-2002:    Geophysical Consultant.

Actively involved in the university's quality management processes, including:
   2018 - Present: Member of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology's student academic misconduct panel.                   Participated in the hearing of over 200 cases of misconduct, chairing 120 of these.
   2017 - Present: University Representative on Liverpool John Moores University's programme validation panel.                 Participated in the validation of over 40 programmes. Both internal programmes from across the                            university and collaborative programmes with partner organisations from Cyprus, India, Oman,                           Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam.

Experience as module leader on a range of modules, including:
   6102MAR - BSc Project (40 credits).
   4211NAU - Chartwork, tides and sailings (20 credits).
   4207NAU - Bridge watchkeeping and passage planning (20 credits).
   4201NAU - Chartwork and tides (20 credits).
   4100NAU - Bridge operations (20 credits).
   4018NAU - Chartwork and tides (24 credits).
   4103NAU - Navigation (20 credits).
   4001NAU - Navigation and Meteorology (24 credits).
Experience teaching on a range of maritime related modules, including:
   7051MAR - Maritime security (10 credits).
   7043MAR - Information management and communication systems (10 credits).
   6104NAU - Professional competence 2 (20 credits).
   6101NAU - Nautical technology (20 credits).
   6100NAU - Navigation technology (20 credits).
   6032MAR - Contemporary issues in the maritime industry (12 credits).
   6001NAU - Navigation technology (24 credits).
   5104NAU - Shipboard operations (20 credits).
   5102NAU - Professional practice (20 credits).
   5001NAU - Navigation (24 credits).
   4217NAU - Maths and communications (10 credits).
   4211NAU - Chartwork, tides and sailings (20 credits).
   4207NAU - Bridge watchkeeping and passage planning (20 credits).
   4201NAU - Chartwork and tides (20 credits).
   4103NAU - Navigation (20 credits).
   4100NAU - Bridge operations (20 credits).
   4018NAU - Chartwork and tides (24 credits).
   4017NAU - Bridge watchkeeping (12 credits).
   4010NAU - Passage planning (12 credits).
   4001NAU - Navigation and meteorology (24 credits).
Experience teaching on a range of research related modules, including:
   7140MSC - MSc project (60 credits).
   7057MAR - Research skills (10 credits).
   7055MAR - Preparing for project (10 credits).
   7040MAR - MSc project (60 credits).
   6102MAR - BSc Project (40 credits).
   6031MAR - BSc project (36 credits).
   5043MAR - Research planning (12 credits).

Member of Liverpool John Moores University's:
   - Maritime Centre.
   - Applied Computing Research Group (ACRG).
   - Logistics, Offshore and Marine (LOOM) Research Institute.

   - Human factor of maritime operations.
   - Augmented reality on the ship's bridge.
   - Development of improved simulator-based approaches to teaching.
   - Competency assessment in a simulated ship's bridge environment.
   - Professional standards and misconduct in industry.
   - Maritime accident case studies.
   - Sustainable transport solutions.

Involved in research projects totalling over £1 million in value. This has included:
   2021-2022. Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) Research Laboratory Development Fund. £32,727. Augmented          reality on the ship's bridge.
   2020-2021. Research England Quality-Related Strategic Policy Fund (QR SPF). £10,000. The impact of Sea motion             on Personnel working as Engineers on Windfarms (SPEW).
   2019-2022. Maritime Research and Innovation UK (MarRI-UK). £170,000. Lookout Awareness of Distractions: the             creation of a Distraction Evaluation Ratio (LADDER).
   2019-2022. Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) PhD Scholarship. £61,827. The application of functional near-             infrared spectroscopy to assess the reliability of the human element.
   2019-2022. European Union (EU) Horizon 2020. £145,000 (out of £860,000). Enhancing Human Performance in                Complex Socio-Technical Systems: Developing and Implementing New Training and Assessment Solutions                for Improved Safety (ENHANCE).
   2013-2015. International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU). £32,400. Formal safety assessment based             analysis of deck officers’ non-technical skills in crisis situations.
   2010-2015. European Union (EU) Interreg IVB. £320,000 (out of £3.6 million). Strengthening the development of                sustainable connectivity in North West Europe for freight and logistics with the support of information and                communications technology innovative solutions (WEASTFLOWS).
   2008-2012. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). £247,000 (out of £315,000). Enabling                security and risk-based operation of container line supply chains under high uncertainties.


Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD in Transport and Logistics
Glasgow College of Nautical Studies, United Kingdom, HND in Nautical Science
University of Leeds, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons) in Geological Sciences


Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA), Developing Professional Practice
The Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), Coaching and Mentoring Programme
The Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), Leadership and Management Programme

Highlighted publications

Hollyman G, Khalique A, Bury A, Kaminski K. 2021. Retracing the "world's most costly" ship crash on LJMU's maritime simulator Publisher Url

Bury A, Saeed F, Khalique A. 2020. Simulator-based learning, the Dunning-Kruger effect and the newly-‘qualified’ Officer of the Watch. Seaways: The International Journal of The Nautical Institute, Publisher Url Public Url

Fan S, Blanco Davis E, Zhang J, Bury A, Warren J, Yang Z, Yan X, Wang J, Fairclough S. 2020. The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex and Functional Connectivity during Maritime Operations: An fNIRS study Brain and Behavior, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Journal article

Liu J, Achurra A, Zhang C, Bury A, Wang X. 2024. A long short term memory network-based, global navigation satellite system/inertial navigation system for unmanned surface vessels Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology, DOI Publisher Url

Wang H, Wu Z, Bury A, Wang X. 2024. Analysis of Firewater Accumulation and the Securing of Vehicles on ROPAX Vessels ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 10 DOI Publisher Url

Ishaya B, Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Bryde DJ. 2023. A systematic literature review of modern slavery through benchmarking global supply chain Benchmarking: an international journal, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Mońka D, Pyne R, Paraskevadakis D, Bury A. 2021. The development of intermodal freight transport in Poland from 2007 to 2016: Barriers and opportunities to its further development International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 11 :161-183 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Ren J, Wang J. 2020. A services operations performance measurement framework for multimodal logistics gateways in emerging megaregions Transportation Planning and Technology, 44 :63-92 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Fan S, Blanco Davis E, Zhang J, Bury A, Warren J, Yang Z, Yan X, Wang J, Fairclough S. 2020. The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex and Functional Connectivity during Maritime Operations: An fNIRS study Brain and Behavior, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Saeed F, Bury A, Bonsall S, Riahi R. 2019. The application of AHP in the development of a taxonomy of merchant marine deck officers’ non-technical skills (NTS) Logistics and Sustainable Transport, 10 :55-70 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Bury A, Warren J. 2019. The Warren Cycle Seaways - The International Journal of the Nautical Institute, Public Url

Saeed F, Bury A, Bonsall S, Riahi R. 2018. A proposed Evidential Reasoning (ER) Methodology for Quantitative Assessment of Non-Technical Skills (NTS) Amongst Merchant Navy Deck Officers in a Ship’s Bridge Simulator Environment TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, 12 :597-608 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Bury A, Paraskevakis D, Ren J, Saeed F. 2017. A framework for use in modelling the modal choice decision making process in North West England’s Atlantic Gateway Logistics & Sustainable Transport, 8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Saeed F, Bury A, Bonsall S, Riahi R. 2016. A Cost Benefit Analysis Approach to Identify Improvements in Merchant Navy Deck Officers’ HELM (Human Element Leadership and Management) Training TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, 10 :551-560 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S, Jenkinson I. 2016. The impact of transport infrastructure projects on sustainable development within a major logistics gateway in North West England Logistics & Sustainable Transport, 7 :18-40 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Saeed F, Wall A, Roberts C, Riahi R, Bury A. 2016. A proposed quantitative methodology for the evaluation of the effectiveness of Human Element, Leadership and Management (HELM) training in the UK Wmu Journal of Maritime Affairs, 16 :115-138 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

John A, Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Yang Z, Riahi R, Wang J. 2014. An integrated fuzzy risk assessment for seaport operations Safety Science, 68 :180-194 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Khalique A, Bury A, Loughney S. Analysis and Optimisation of Best Practice for Proper Lookout at Night TransNav, 18 :357-367 DOI Publisher Url

Conference publication

Guo FB. 2022. Towards an Ergonomic Interface in Ship Bridges: Identification of the Design Criteria AHFE International: Industrial Cognitive Ergnomics and Engineering Psychology, AHFE 2022 35 :108-117 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

John A, Riahi R, Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Yang Z, Wang J. 2014. A new approach for evaluating the disruption risks of a seaport system. DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Guo FB, Yang Z, Blanco Davis E, Khalique A, Bury A. Does being Human cause human Errors? Consideration of Human-Centred Design in Ship bridge design 12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2021) DOI Publisher Url Public Url


Sivori H, Blanco Davis E, Bury A, Fairclough S, Yang Z. 2022. Assessing human and system performance in ship (auto-) navigation. Liverpool John Moores University’s Faculty of Engineering and Technology Research Day, 29th June 2022, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

Bury A. 2022. A teaching tool for regulating students' thinking when troubleshooting under pressure. Liverpool John Moores University’s Students at the Heart Conference. Public Url

Fairclough S, Fan S, Blanco Davis E, Yang Z, Bury A, Warren J. 2021. The role of the prefrontal cortex and functional connectivity during watchkeeping and collision avoidance in maritime operations: An fNIRS study The International Neuroergonomics Conference 2021; 11th-16th September, 2021; Munich, Germany.

Bury A. 2019. Does simulator-based learning promote overconfidence in the minds of students? Liverpool John Moores University’s 18th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference Public Url

Bury ALAN. 2018. The failure of peer-to-peer learning to deliver a positive student experience in simulator-based education. Liverpool John Moores University’s 17th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference; 13th-14th June 2018; Liverpool, United Kingdom.

Internet publication

Hollyman G, Khalique A, Bury A, Kaminski K. 2021. Retracing the "world's most costly" ship crash on LJMU's maritime simulator Publisher Url


Bury A, Saeed F, Khalique A. 2020. Simulator-based learning, the Dunning-Kruger effect and the newly-‘qualified’ Officer of the Watch. Seaways: The International Journal of The Nautical Institute, Publisher Url Public Url


Bury A. 2019. Freight transport modal choice in North West England's Atlantic Gateway Wall A, Ren J, Wang J. Public Url


Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2014. A cross project synthesis of innovative methods and ICT tools Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project

Bury A, Paraskevadakis D, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2014. Dynamic mapping of a North West European East-West Green axis Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project

Bury A, Paraskevadakis D, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2014. An overview of the gaps and solutions for a better use of targeted North West European transport infrastructure Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project

Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2014. The modelization of targeted North West European transport infrastructure level of use according to selected supply/demand scenarios Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project

Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2013. A catalogue of significant freight transport modal choice scenarios Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project

Bury A, Paraskevadakis D, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2013. Key stakeholders in North West England’s freight industry Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project

Bury A, Paraskevadakis D, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2013. North West England’s most significant freight handling infrastructure Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project

Bury A, Paraskevadakis D, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2013. The environmental impact of North West Europe's freight industry Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project

Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2012. The level of use of targeted North West European transport infrastructure: an analysis report Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project


John A, Riahi R, Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Yang Z, Wang J. 2014. A new approach for evaluating the disruption risks of a seaport system. Nowakowski T, Młyńczak M, Jodejko-Pietruczuk A, Werbińska-Wojciechowska S. Safety and Reliability: Methodology and Applications :591-598 CRC Press 978-1-315-73697-6 DOI Publisher Url

Conference presentation:

The role of the prefrontal cortex and functional connectivity during maritime operations: An fNIRS study, The International Neuroergonomics Conference 2021, Munich, Germany, Oral presentation. 2021

The failure of peer to peer learning to deliver a positive student experience in simulator based education, Liverpool John Moores University’s 18th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom, Poster presentation. 2019

Research Grants Awarded:

Liverpool John Moores University Research Laboratory Development Fund, Augmented reality on the ship's bridge, Co-applicants: Abdul Khalique, Kamil Kaminski, Liam Sanders, Grant value (£): 32,727, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2021

Maritime Research and Innovation UK (MarRI-UK) Technology and Innovation in UK Maritime, Lookout Awareness of Distractions: the creation of a Distraction Evaluation Ratio (LADDER), Co-applicant: Abdul Khalique, Grant value (£): 170,000, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2020

Research England Quality-Related Strategic Policy Fund (QR SPF), The impact of Sea motion on Personnel working as Engineers on Windfarms (SPEW), Co-applicant: Abdul Khalique, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2020

Teaching qualification:

- Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. 2020

- Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) Award in Learning, Teaching and Assessing. 2019

- Award in Education and Training (AET). 2017

- Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) 3is - Information, Ideas and Insights Programme. 2011

- Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). 2007

Other Professional Activity:

- Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) Award in Developing Professional Practice. 2019

- The Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), Coaching and Mentoring Programme. 2017

- The Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), Leadership and Management Programme. 2016

Other invited event:

Sustainable freight transportation workshop, South East of Scotland Transport Partnership (SEStran), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Presentation entitled "Dynamic mapping of a North West European East-West Green Axis". 2014

European freight transport infrastructure workshop, University of Lille, Lille, France, Presentation entitled "Assessment of the level of use of targeted freight transport infrastructure in North West Europe". 2013

Freight transportation in the United Kingdom workshop, Portsmouth International Port, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, Presentation entitled "Assessment of the level of use of targeted transport and logistics infrastructure in North West England". 2013

Modelling intermodal freight transportation workshop, Port of Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Presentation      entitled "The collection of vehicle flow data for targeted North West European intermodal infrastructure". 2013

Logistics gateways workshop, Agence d’Urbanisme de la Région du Havre et de l’Estuaire de la Seine (AURH), Le      Havre, France, Presentation entitled "Results from a freight and logistics survey in North West of England". 2012

Sustainable logistics workshop, University of Duisburg, Duisburg, Germany, Presentation entitled "The sustainable    development of logistics infrastructure in North West England". 2012

Membership of professional bodies:

- Fellow, Association of University Administrators.

- Fellow, Higher Education Academy.

- Fellow, The Institute of Leadership and Management.
