Image of Dr Daniel Doolan

Dr Daniel Doolan

School of Computer Science and Mathematics

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

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Dr. Doolan [BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD, PGCert HELT, FHEA] is a Senior Lecturer in the realm of Computer Science and has published over fifty research articles primarily in mobile computing. He holds a PhD in Computer Science with a focus on Mobile Computer Graphics and the application of Parallel Computing to the mobile domain. His master’s research examined the use of fractals in multimedia applications, specifically for 2D-4D image generation, compression and data encryption.

His main research interest is mobile computing, graphics, multimodal interaction, context awareness and the sensing of the surrounding environment, supervising a number of PhD’s in these areas and has experience of chairing and examining around twenty PhD vivas.
His postgraduate research was undertaken at University College Cork known throughout the world for the pivotal work of Professor George Boole, the “father of the information age” upon which the entire worlds computing hardware and software is based. Visit to find out more about his 2015 bicentenary celebrations.

Dr Doolan has taught over forty modules at BSc / MSc level, covering topics such as computer programming, mobile computing, multimedia, virtual reality and parallel computing and has taught students spanning Departments of Computer Science, Engineering, Adult Continuing Education, Design and Education. He has supervised and examined around five hundred projects at BSc / MSc level and overseen several times that in project coordination. Has been an External Examiner in Scotland and Ireland for over a dozen BSc BEng MSc MEng courses ranging from Computer Science and Cloud Computing to Games and Mobile Development.

Previously, for around a decade Dr. Doolan has been Course / Programme Leader for BSc (Hons) / MSci Computer Science degree programmes in both Scotland and England. Has also been Research Degree Coordinator overseeing the schools research student body, spanning the journey from application through to viva and representing the School at Faculty and University level Postgraduate Boards and Committees. In the role of Research Seminar Coordinator he has experience of organising and hosted over eighty research seminars.
