Chris Mottram
Astrophysics Research Institute
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: C.Mottram@ljmu.ac.uk
Conference publication
Dalton G, Trager S, Abrams DC, Bonifacio P, Aguerri JAL, Vallenari A, Bishop G, Middleton K, Benn C, Dee K, Mignot S, Lewis I, Pragt J, Pico S, Walton N, Rey J, Prieto CA, Lhome E, Balcells M, Terrett D, Brock M, Ridings A, Skvarč J, Verheijen M, Steele I, Stuik R, Kroes G, Tromp N, Kragt J, Lesman D, Mottram C, Bates S, Gribbin F, Burgal JA, Herreros JM, Delgado JM, Martin C, Cano D, Navarro R, Irwin M, de Arriba LP, O'Mahony N, Bianco A, Molaeinezhad A, ter Horst R, Molinari E, Lodi M, Guerra J, Baruffolo A, Carrasco E, Farcas S, Schallig E, Hughes S, Hill V, Smith D, Drew J, Poggianti B, Iovino A, Pieri M, Jin S, Palmero LD, Fariña C, Martín A, Worley C, Murphy D, Guest S, Morris H, Elswijk E, de Haan M, Hanenburg H, Salasnich B, Mayya D, Izazaga-Pérez R, Gafton E, Caffau E, Horville D, Chinchón FP, Falcón-Barosso J, Gänsicke B, Juan JS, Hernandez N. 2020. Integration and early testing of WEAVE: The next-generation spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 11447 DOI Publisher Url
Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Bode MF, Clay NR, Collins CA, Jermak HE, Knapen JH, Marchant JM, Mottram CJ, Piascik AS, Smith RJ. 2018. Liverpool telescope 2: A new robotic telescope for transient follow-up Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10015
Dalton G, Trager S, Abrams DC, Bonifacio P, Aguerri JAL, Vallenari A, Middleton K, Benn C, Dee K, Sayede F, Lewis I, Pragt J, Pico S, Walton N, Rey J, Allende Prieto C, Lhome E, Terrett D, Brock M, Gilbert J, Ridings A, Verheijen M, Tosh I, Steele I, Stuik R, Kroes G, Tromp N, Kragt J, Lesman D, Mottram C, Bates S, Gribbin F, Alonso Burgal J, Miguel Herreros J, Miguel Delgado J, Martin C, Cano D, Navarro R, Irwin M, Lewis J, Solares EG, O'Mahony N, Bianco A, Zurita C, ter Horst R, Molinari E, Lodi M, Guerra J, Baruffolo A, Carrasco E, Farcas S, Schallig E, Hill V, Smith D, Drew J, Poggianti B, Pieri M, Jin S, Dominguez Palmero L, Farina C, Martin A, Worley C, Murphy D, Hidalgo A, Mignot S, Bishop G, Guest S, Elswijk E, de Haan M, Hanenburg H, Salasnich B, Mayya D, Izazaga-Perez R, de Arriba LP. 2018. Construction progress of WEAVE: the next generation wide-field spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope Evans CJ, Simard L, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY VII, Conference on Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII 10702 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bates SD, Steele IA, Mottram CJ, Jermak HE, Tromp N, Kragt J, Elswijk E, Pragt J, Stuik R, Barnsley R, Monroe C, Dalton G, Trager S, Lopez Aguerri JA, Bonifacio P, Vallenari A, Carrasco E, Carlos Abrams D, Middleton K. 2018. Thermal and mechanical design and test of the CCD mount for the WEAVE spectrograph cryostats Holland AD, Beletic J. HIGH ENERGY, OPTICAL, AND INFRARED DETECTORS FOR ASTRONOMY VIII, Conference on High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VIII 10709 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Bode MF, Clay NR, Collins CA, Jermak HE, Knapen JH, Marchant JM, Mottram CJ, Piascik AS, Smith RJ. 2016. Liverpool Telescope 2: beginning the design phase Hall HJ, Gilmozzi R, Marshall HK. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE TELESCOPES VI, Conference on Ground-Based and Airborne Telescopes VI 9906 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dalton G, Trager S, Carlos Abrams D, Bonifacio P, Aguerrig JAL, Middleton K, Benn C, Dee K, Sayede F, Lewis I, Pragt J, Pico S, Walton N, Rey J, Allende Prieto C, Penate J, Lhome E, Agocs T, Alonso J, Terrett D, Brock M, Gilbert J, Schallig E, Ridings A, Guinouard I, Verheijen M, Tosh I, Rogers K, Lee M, Steele I, Stuik R, Tromp N, Jasko A, Carrasco E, Farcas S, Kragt J, Lesman D, Kroes G, Mottram C, Bates S, Gribbin F, Fernando Rodriguez L, Miguel Delgado J, Miguel Herreros J, Martin C, Cano D, Navarro R, Irwin M, Lewis J, Solares EG, Murphy D, Worley C, O'Mahony N, Bassom R, Bianco A, Zurita C, ter Horst R, Molinari E, Lodi M, Guerra J, Martin A, Vallenari A, Salasnich B, Baruffolo A, Jin S, Hill V, Smith D, Drew J, Poggianti B, Pieri M, Dominguez Palmero L, Farina C. 2016. Final design and build progress of WEAVE: the next generation wide-field spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope Evans CJ, Simard L, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY VI, Conference on Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI 9908 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Clay NR, Jermak H, Marchant JM, Mottram CJ, Piascik A, Smith RJ. 2016. LIVERPOOL TELESCOPE AND LIVERPOOL TELESCOPE 2 CaballeroGarcia MD, Pandey SB, Hiriart D, CastroTirado AJ. IV WORKSHOP ON ROBOTIC AUTONOMOUS OBSERVATORIES, 2015, 4th Workshop on Robotic Autonomous Observatories 48 :48-53 Author Url
Dalton G, Trager S, Abrams DC, Carter D, Bonifacio P, Aguerri JAL, MacIntosh M, Evans C, Lewis I, Navarro R, Agocs T, Dee K, Rousset S, Tosh I, Middleton K, Pragt J, Terrett D, Brock M, Benn C, Verheijen M, Cano D, Bevil C, Steele I, Mottram C, Bates S, Gribbin F, Rey J, Fernando Rodriguez L, Miguel Delgado J, Guinouard I, Walton N, Irwin M, Jagourel P, Stuik R, Gerlofsma G, Roelfsma R, Skillen I, Ridings A, Balcells M, Daban J-B, Gouvret C, Venema L, Girard P. 2012. WEAVE: the next generation wide-field spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope McLean IS, Ramsay SK, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY IV, Conference on Ground-Based and Airborne Telescopes IV 8446 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Steele IA, Bates SD, Guidorzi C, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, Smith RJ. 2010. RINGO2: an EMCCD-based polarimeter for GRB followup McLean IS, Ramsay SK, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY III, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III 7735 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dominik M, Horne K, Allan A, Rattenbury NJ, Tsapras Y, Snodgrass C, Bode MF, Burgdorf MJ, Fraser SN, Kerins E, Mottram CJ, Steele IA, Street RA, Wheatley PJ, Wyrzykowski L. 2008. ARTEMS (Automated Robotic Terrestrial Exoplanet Microlensing Search): A possible expert-system based cooperative effort to hunt for planets of Earth mass and below ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN, Workshop on Hot-Wiring the Transient Universe 329 :248-251 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mottram CJ, Fraser SN. 2008. Robonet-1.0 ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN, Workshop on Hot-Wiring the Transient Universe 329 :317-320 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Steele IA, Bates SD, Gibson N, Keenan F, Meaburn J, Mottram CJ, Pollacco D, Todd I. 2008. RISE: a fast-readout imager for exoplanet transit timing McLean IS, Casali MM. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY II, PTS 1-4, Conference on Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy II 7014 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Guidorzi C, Monfardini A, Gomboc A, Mundell CG, Steele IA, Carter D, Bode MF, Smith RJ, Mottram CJ, Burgdorf MJ, Tanvir NR, Masetti N, Pian E. 2008. The afterglow of the gamma-ray Burst 050502a: First case of an Early (<1hr) multi-colour detection ESO Astrophysics Symposia, 2008 :384-387 DOI Publisher Url
Melandri A, Gomboc A, Mundell CG, Guidorzi C, Steele IA, Carter D, Kobayashi S, Bersier D, Monfardini A, Bode MF, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ. 2007. Early-time observations of GRBs afterglow with 2-m robotic telescopes AIP Conference Proceedings, 924 :66-71 DOI Publisher Url
Dominik M, Horne K, Allan A, Rattenbury NJ, Tsapras Y, Snodgrass C, Bode MF, Burgdorf MJ, Fraser SN, Kerins E, Mottram CJ, Steele IA, Street RA, Wheatley PJ, Wyrzykowski Ł. 2007. ARTEMiS (Automated Robotic Terrestrial Exoplanet Microlensing Search) - Hunting for planets of Earth mass and below Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 3 :35-41 DOI Publisher Url
Guidorzi C, Gomboc A, Mundell CG, Melandri A, Monfardini A, Bersier D, Bode MF, Carter D, Kobayashi S, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ, Steele IA. 2006. Insights into the properties and circumburst environment of GRBs from early-time optical follow-ups NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA B-BASIC TOPICS IN PHYSICS, Workshop on Swift and GRBs - Unveiling the Relativistic University 121 :1257-1260 DOI Author Url
Gomboc A, Guidorzi C, Mundell CG, Melandri A, Monfardini A, Bersier D, Bode MF, Carter D, Kobayashi S, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ, Steele IA. 2006. A review of early-time optical follow-ups with 2 m robotic telescopes NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA B-BASIC TOPICS IN PHYSICS, Workshop on Swift and GRBs - Unveiling the Relativistic University 121 :1303-1306 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Steele IA, Bates SD, Carter D, Clarke D, Gomboc A, Guidorzi C, Melandri A, Monfardini A, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, Scott AB, Smith RJ, Swindlehurst J. 2006. RINGO: a novel ring polarimeter for rapid GRB followup - art. no. 62695M Mclean IS, Iye M. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy, Pts 1- 3, Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy 6269 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Steele IA, Clay NR, Cohen J, Lee W, Mottram CJ. 2006. A free market in telescope time II: a test implementation - art. no. 62700M Silva DR, Doxsey RE. Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems, Conference on Observatory Operations 6270 :M2700-M2700 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Guidorzi C, Monfardini A, Gomboc A, Mundell CG, Steele IA, Carter D, Bode MF, Smith RJ, Mottram CJ, Burgdorf MJ, Tanvir NR, Masetti N, Pian E. 2006. The early (< 1 hr) multi-colour afterglow of GRB 050502a with the 2-m Liverpool telescope CHINESE JOURNAL OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, 14th International Carotenoid Symposium 6 :330-334 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Allan A, Hessman F, Bischoff K, Burgdorf M, Cavanagh B, Christian D, Clay N, Dickens R, Economou F, Fadavi M, Fraser S, Granzer T, Grosvenor S, Jenness T, Koratkar A, Lehner M, Mottram C, Naylor T, Saunders E, Solomos N, Steele I, Tuparev G, Vestrand T, White R, Yost S. 2006. A protocol standard for heterogeneous telescope networks ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN, 1st Workshop on Heterogeneous Telescope Networks 327 :744-750 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mottram C. 2006. High level interfaces to the Robonet-1.0 homogeneous telescope network ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN, 1st Workshop on Heterogeneous Telescope Networks 327 :806-810 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gomboc A, Monfardini A, Guidorzi C, Mundell CG, Mottram CJ, Fraser SN, Smith RJ, Steele IA, Carter D, Bode MF, Newsam AM. 2005. The Liverpool Telescope automatic pipeline for real-time GRB afterglow detection NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA C-COLLOQUIA ON PHYSICS, 4th Workshop on Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era 28 :727-730 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gomboc A, Mundell CG, Guidorzi C, Monfardini A, Mottram CJ, Priddey R, Smith RJ, Pak S, Steele IA, Tanvir N, Carter D, Fraser SN, Bode MF, Newsam AM, Hughes M. 2005. Early GRB optical and infrared afterglow observations with the 2-m Robotic Liverpool Telescope NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA C-COLLOQUIA ON PHYSICS, 4th Workshop on Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era 28 :723-726 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Etherton J, Steele IA, Mottram CJ. 2004. A free market in telescope time? Quinn PJ, Bridger A. OPTIMIZING SCIENTIFIC RETURN FOR ASTRONOMY THROUGH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, Conference on Optimizing Scientific Return for Astronomy through Information Technologies 5493 :90-96 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Steele IA, Smith RJ, Rees PC, Baker IP, Bates SD, Bode MF, Bowman MK, Carter D, Etherton J, Ford MJ, Fraser SN, Gomboc A, Lett RDJ, Mansfield AG, Marchant JM, Medrano-Cerda GA, Mottram CJ, Raback D, Scott AB, Tomlinson MD, Zamanov R. 2004. The Liverpool telescope: Performance and first results Oschmann JM. GROUND-BASED TELESCOPES, PTS 1 AND 2, Conference on Ground-based Telescopes 5489 :679-692 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mottram CJ, Steele LA, Morales L. 2004. Design of low cost and reliable instrumentation for robotic telescopes Moorwood AFM, Iye M. GROUND-BASED INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY, PTS 1-3, Conference on Ground-based Instrumentation for Astronomy 5492 :677-688 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Steele IA, Naylor T, Allan A, Etherton J, Mottram CJ. 2002. e-STAR: a distributed telescope network Kibrick RL. ADVANCED GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES FOR ASTRONOMY II, Conference on Advanced Global Communications Technologies for Astronomy II 4845 :13-24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Steele IA, Newsam AM, Mottram CJ, McNerney P. 2000. Enabling schools and public access to the Liverpool Robotic Telescope Kibrick RL, Wallander A. ADVANCED GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES FOR ASTRONOMY, Conference on Advanced Global Communications Technologies for Astronomy 4011 :133-144 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Steele IA, Marchant JM, Jermak HE, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Clay NR, Fitzsimmons A, Jehin E, Jones G, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ, Snodgrass C, Val-Borro MD. 2016. LOTUS: A low cost, ultraviolet spectrograph Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Barnsley RM, Jermak HE, Steele IA, Smith RJ, Bates SD, Mottram CJ. 2016. IO:I, a near-infrared camera for the Liverpool Telescope Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 2 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Copperwheat CM, Steele IA, Barnsley RM, Bates SD, Bersier D, Bode MF, Carter D, Clay NR, Collins CA, Darnley MJ, Davis CJ, Gutierrez CM, Harman DJ, James PA, Knapen JH, Kobayashi S, Marchant JM, Mazzali PA, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, Newsam A, Oscoz A, Palle E, Piascik AS, Rebolo R, Smith RJ. 2015. Liverpool telescope 2: a new robotic facility for rapid transient follow-up EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY, 39 :119-165 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Piascik AS, Steele IA, Bates SD, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ, Barnsley RM, Bolton B. 2014. SPRAT: Spectrograph for the Rapid Acquisition of Transients Ramsay SK, McLean IS, Takami H. Proceedings of SPIE GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY V, 9147 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Steele IA, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ, Barnsley RM. 2014. Using dummy and pseudo-dummy amplifiers to correct for common mode CCD noise Holland AD, Beletic JW. SPIE Proceedings: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VI, 9154 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Guidorzi C, Mundell CG, Harrison R, Margutti R, Sudilovsky V, Zauderer BA, Kobayashi S, Cucchiara A, Melandri A, Pandey SB, Berger E, Bersier D, D'Elia V, Gomboc A, Greiner J, Japelj J, Kopač D, Kumar B, Malesani D, Mottram CJ, O'Brien PT, Rau A, Smith RJ, Steele IA, Tanvir NR, Virgili FJ. 2014. New constraints on gamma-ray burst jet geometry and relativistic shock physics MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 438 :752-767 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Barnsley RM, Steele IA, Bates SD, Mottram CJ. 2014. An update on the development of IO:I: a NIR imager for the Liverpool Telescope Ramsay SK, McLean IS, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY V, 9147 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dalton G, Trager S, Abrams DC, Bonifacio P, Aguerri JAL, Middleton K, Benn C, Dee K, Sayede F, Lewis I, Prag J, Pico S, Walton N, Rey J, Prieto CA, Penate J, Lhome E, Agocs T, Alonsog J, Terretta D, Brock M, Gilbert J, Ridings A, Guinouard I, Verheijen M, Tosh I, Rogers K, Steele L, Stuike R, Tromp N, Jaskok A, Kragt J, Lesman D, Mottram C, Bates S, Gribbin F, Rodriguez LF, Delgado JM, Martin C, Cano D, Navarro R, Irwin M, Lewis J, Solares EG, O'Mahony N, Bianco A, Zurita C, Ter Horst R, Molinari E, Lodi M, Guerram J, Vallenari A, Baruffolo A. 2014. Project overview and update on WEAVE: the next generation wide-field spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope Ramsay SK, McLean IS, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY V, 9147 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Virgili FJ, Mundell CG, Pal'shin V, Guidorzi C, Margutti R, Melandri A, Harrison R, Kobayashi S, Chornock R, Henden A, Updike AC, Cenko SB, Tanvir NR, Steele IA, Cucchiara A, Gomboc A, Levan A, Cano Z, Mottram CJ, Clay NR, Bersier D, Kopac D, Japelj J, Filippenko AV, Li W, Svinkin D, Golenetskii S, Hartmann DH, Milne PA, Williams G, O'Brien PT, Fox DB, Berger E. 2013. GRB 091024A and the nature of ultra-long gamma-ray bursts DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bachelet E, Fouqué P, Han C, Gould A, Albrow MD, Beaulieu JP, Bertin E, Bond IA, Christie GW, Heyrovský D, Horne K, Jørgensen UG, Maoz D, Mathiasen M, Matsunaga N, McCormick J, Menzies J, Nataf D, Natusch T, Oi N, Renon N, Tsapras Y, Udalski A, Yee JC, Batista V, Bennett DP, Brillant S, Caldwell JAR, Cassan A, Cole A, Cook KH, Coutures C, Dieters S, Dominik M, Dominis Prester D, Donatowicz J, Greenhill J, Kains N, Kane SR, Marquette JB, Martin R, Pollard KR, Sahu KC, Street RA, Wambsganss J, Williams A, Zub M, Bos M, Dong S, Drummond J, Gaudi BS, Graff D, Janczak J, Kaspi S, Kozłowski S, Lee CU, Monard LAG, Muñoz JA, Park BG, Pogge RW, Polishook D, Shporer A, Abe F, Botzler CS, Fukui A, Furusawa K, Hearnshaw JB, Itow Y, Korpela AV, Ling CH, Masuda K, Matsubara Y, Miyake N, Muraki Y, Ohnishi K, Rattenbury NJ, Saito T, Sullivan D, Sumi T, Suzuki D, Sweatman WL, Tristram PJ, Wada K, Allan A, Bode MF, Bramich DM, Clay N, Fraser SN, Hawkins E, Kerins E, Lister TA, Mottram CJ, Saunders ES, Snodgrass C, Steele IA, Wheatley PJ, Bozza V, Browne P, Burgdorf MJ, Calchi Novati S. 2012. A brown dwarf orbiting an M-dwarf: MOA 2009-BLG-411L Astronomy and Astrophysics, 547 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Arnold DM, Steele IA, Bates SD, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ. 2012. RINGO3: a multi-colour fast response polarimeter McLean IS, Ramsay SK, Takami H. GROUND-BASED AND AIRBORNE INSTRUMENTATION FOR ASTRONOMY IV, 8446 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Miyake N, Udalski A, Sumi T, Bennett DP, Dong S, Street RA, Greenhill J, Bond IA, Gould A, Kubiak M, Szymański MK, Pietrzyński G, Soszyński I, Ulaczyk K, Wyrzykowski L, Abe F, Fukui A, Furusawa K, Holderness S, Itow Y, Korpela A, Ling CH, Masuda K, Matsubara Y, Muraki Y, Nagayama T, Ohnishi K, Rattenbury N, Saito T, Sako T, Sullivan DJ, Sweatman WL, Tristram PJ, Yock PCM, Allen W, Christie GW, Depoy DL, Gaudi BS, Han C, Lee CU, McCormick J, Monard B, Natusch T, Park BG, Pogge RW, Allan A, Bode M, Bramich DM, Clay N, Dominik M, Horne KD, Kains N, Mottram C, Snodgrass C, Steele I, Tsapras Y, Albrow MD, Batista V, Beaulieu JP, Brillant S, Burgdorf M, Caldwell JAR, Cassan A, Cole A, Cook KH, Coutures C, Dieters S, Prester DD, Donatowicz J, Fouqué P, Jorgensen UG, Kane S, Kubas D, Marquette JB, Martin R, Menzies J, Pollard KR, Sahu KC, Wambsganss J, Williams A, Zub M. 2012. A possible binary system of a stellar remnant in the high-magnification gravitational microlensing event OGLE-2007-BLG-514 Astrophysical Journal, 752 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Choi J-Y, Shin I-G, Park S-Y, Han C, Gould A, Sumi T, Udalski A, Beaulieu J-P, Street R, Dominik M, Allen W, Almeida LA, Bos M, Christie GW, Depoy DL, Dong S, Drummond J, Gal-Yam A, Gaudi BS, Henderson CB, Hung L-W, Jablonski F, Janczak J, Lee C-U, Mallia F, Maury A, McCormick J, McGregor D, Monard LAG, Moorhouse D, Munoz JA, Natusch T, Nelson C, Park B-G, Pogge RW, Tan T-GTG, Thornley G, Yee JC, Abe F, Barnard E, Baudry J, Bennett DP, Bond IA, Botzler CS, Freeman M, Fukui A, Furusawa K, Hayashi F, Hearnshaw JB, Hosaka S, Itow Y, Kamiya K, Kilmartin PM, Kobara S, Korpela A, Lin W, Ling CH, Makita S, Masuda K, Matsubara Y, Miyake N, Muraki Y, Nagaya M, Nishimoto K, Ohnishi K, Okumura T, Omori K, Perrott YC, Rattenbury N, Saito T, Skuljan L, Sullivan DJ, Suzuki D, Suzuki K, Sweatman WL, Takino S, Tristram PJ, Wada K, Yock PCM, Szymanski MK, Kubiak M, Pietrzynski G, Soszynski I, Poleski R, Ulaczyk K, Wyrzykowski L, Kozllowski S, Pietrukowicz P, Albrow MD, Bachelet E, Batista V, Bennett CS, Bowens-Rubin R, Brillant S, Cassan A, Cole A, Corrales E, Coutures C, Dieters S, Prester DD, Donatowicz J, Fouque P, Greenhill J, Kane SR, Menzies J, Sahu KC, Wambsganss J, Williams A, Zub M, Allan A, Bramich DM, Browne P, Clay N, Fraser S, Horne K, Kains N, Mottram C, Snodgrass C, Steele I, Tsapras Y, Alsubai KA, Bozza V, Burgdorf MJ, Novati SC, Dodds P, Dreizler S, Finet F, Gerner T, Glitrup M, Grundahl F, Hardis S, Harpsoe K, Hinse TC, Hundertmark M, Jorgensen UG, Kerins E, Liebig C, Maier G, Mancini L, Mathiasen M, Penny MT, Proft S, Rahvar S, Ricci D, Scarpetta G, Schaefer S, Schoenebeck F, Skottfelt J, Surdej J, Southworth J, Zimmer F. 2012. CHARACTERIZING LENSES AND LENSED STARS OF HIGH-MAGNIFICATION SINGLE-LENS GRAVITATIONAL MICROLENSING EVENTS WITH LENSES PASSING OVER SOURCE STARS ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 751 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Arcavi I, Gal-Yam A, Yaron O, Sternberg A, Rabinak I, Waxman E, Kasliwal MM, Quimby RM, Ofek EO, Horesh A, Kulkarni SR, Filippenko AV, Silverman JM, Cenko SB, Li W, Bloom JS, Sullivan M, Nugent PE, Poznanski D, Gorbikov E, Fulton BJ, Howell DA, Bersier D, Riou A, Lamotte-Bailey S, Griga T, Cohen JG, Hachinger S, Polishook D, Xu D, Ben-Ami S, Manulis I, Walker ES, Maguire K, Pan Y-C, Matheson T, Mazzali PA, Pian E, Fox DB, Gehrels N, Law N, James P, Marchant JM, Smith RJ, Mottram CJ, Barnsley RM, Kandrashoff MT, Clubb KI. 2011. SN 2011dh: DISCOVERY OF A TYPE IIb SUPERNOVA FROM A COMPACT PROGENITOR IN THE NEARBY GALAXY M51 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 742 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Skowron J, Udalski A, Gould A, Dong S, Monard LAG, Han C, Nelson CR, McCormick J, Moorhouse D, Thornley G, Maury A, Bramich DM, Greenhill J, Kozlowski S, Bond I, Poleski R, Wyrzykowski L, Ulaczyk K, Kubiak M, Szymanski MK, Pietrzynski G, Soszynski I, Gaudi BS, Yee JC, Hung L-W, Pogge RW, Depoy DL, Lee C-U, Park B-G, Allen W, Mallia F, Drummond J, Bolt G, Allan A, Browne P, Clay N, Dominik M, Fraser S, Horne K, Kains N, Mottram C, Snodgrass C, Steele I, Street RA, Tsapras Y, Abe F, Bennett DP, Botzler CS, Douchin D, Freeman M, Fukui A, Furusawa K, Hayashi F, Hearnshaw JB, Hosaka S, Itow Y, Kamiya K, Kilmartin PM, Korpela A, Lin W, Ling CH, Makita S, Masuda K, Matsubara Y, Muraki Y, Nagayama T, Miyake N, Nishimoto K, Ohnishi K, Perrott YC, Rattenbury N, Saito T, Skuljan L, Sullivan DJ, Sumi T, Suzuki D, Sweatman WL, Tristram PJ, Wada K, Yock PCM, Beaulieu J-P, Fouque P, Albrow MD, Batista V, Brillant S, Caldwell JAR, Cassan A, Cole A, Cook KH, Coutures C, Dieters S, Prester DD, Donatowicz J, Kane SR, Kubas D, Marquette J-B, Martin R, Menzies J, Sahu KC, Wambsganss J, Williams A, Zub M. 2011. BINARY MICROLENSING EVENT OGLE-2009-BLG-020 GIVES VERIFIABLE MASS, DISTANCE, AND ORBIT PREDICTIONS ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 738 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
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Steele IA, Bates SD, Guidorzi C, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, Smith RJ. 2010. RINGO2: An EMCCD-based polarimeter for GRB followup Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7735 DOI
Gould A, Dong S, Gaudi BS, Udalski A, Bond IA, Greenhill J, Street RA, Dominik M, Sumi T, Szymanski MK, Han C, Allen W, Bolt G, Bos M, Christie GW, DePoy DL, Drummond J, Eastman JD, Gal-Yam A, Higgins D, Janczak J, Kaspi S, Kozlowski S, Lee C-U, Mallia F, Maury A, Maoz D, McCormick J, Monard LAG, Moorhouse D, Morgan N, Natusch T, Ofek EO, Park B-G, Pogge RW, Polishook D, Santallo R, Shporer A, Spector O, Thornley G, Yee JC, Kubiak M, Pietrzynski G, Soszynski I, Szewczyk O, Wyrzykowski E, Ulaczyk K, Poleski R, Abe F, Bennett DP, Botzler CS, Douchin D, Freeman M, Fukui A, Furusawa K, Hearnshaw JB, Hosaka S, Itow Y, Kamiya K, Kilmartin PM, Korpela A, Lin W, Ling CH, Makita S, Masuda K, Matsubara Y, Miyake N, Muraki Y, Nagaya M, Nishimoto K, Ohnishi K, Okumura T, Perrott YC, Philpott L, Rattenbury N, Saito T, Sako T, Sullivan DJ, Sweatman WL, Tristram PJ, von Seggern E, Yock PCM, Albrow M, Batista V, Beaulieu JP, Brillant S, Caldwell J, Calitz JJ, Cassan A, Cole A, Cook K, Coutures C, Dieters S, Prester DD, Donatowicz J, Fouque P, Hill K, Hoffman M, Jablonski F, Kane SR, Kains N, Kubas D, Marquette J-B, Martin R, Martioli E, Meintjes P, Menzies J, Pedretti E, Pollard K, Sahu KC, Vinter C, Wambsganss J, Watson R, Williams A, Zub M, Allan A, Bode MF, Bramich DM, Burgdorf MJ, Clay N, Fraser S, Hawkins E, Horne K, Kerins E, Lister TA, Mottram C, Saunders ES, Snodgrass C, Steele IA, Tsapras Y, Jorgensen UG, Anguita T, Bozza V, Novati SC, Harpsoe K, Hinse TC, Hundertmark M, Kjaergaard P, Liebig C, Mancini L, Masi G, Mathiasen M, Rahvar S, Ricci D, Scarpetta G, Southworth J, Surdej J, Thone CC. 2010. FREQUENCY OF SOLAR-LIKE SYSTEMS AND OF ICE AND GAS GIANTS BEYOND THE SNOW LINE FROM HIGH-MAGNIFICATION MICROLENSING EVENTS IN 2005-2008 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 720 :1073-1089 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fouque P, Heyrovsky D, Dong S, Gould A, Udalski A, Albrow MD, Batista V, Beaulieu J-P, Bennett DP, Bond IA, Bramich DM, Novati SC, Cassan A, Coutures C, Dieters S, Dominik M, Prester DD, Greenhill J, Horne K, Jorgensen UG, Kozlowski S, Kubas D, Lee C-H, Marquette J-B, Mathiasen M, Menzies J, Monard LAG, Nishiyama S, Papadakis I, Street R, Sumi T, Williams A, Yee JC, Brillant S, Caldwell JAR, Cole A, Cook KH, Donatowicz J, Kains N, Kane SR, Martin R, Pollard KR, Sahu KC, Tsapras Y, Wambsganss J, Zub M, DePoy DL, Gaudi BS, Han C, Lee C-U, Park B-G, Pogge RW, Kubiak M, Szymanski MK, Pietrzynski G, Soszynski I, Szewczyk O, Ulaczyk K, Wyrzykowski L, Abe F, Fukui A, Furusawa K, Gilmore AC, Hearnshaw JB, Itow Y, Kamiya K, Kilmartin PM, Korpela AV, Lin W, Ling CH, Masuda K, Matsubara Y, Miyake N, Muraki Y, Nagaya M, Ohnishi K, Okumura T, Perrott Y, Rattenbury NJ, Saito T, Sako T, Sato S, Skuljan L, Sullivan D, Sweatman W, Tristram PJ, Yock PCM, Allan A, Bode MF, Burgdorf MJ, Clay N, Fraser SN, Hawkins E, Kerins E, Lister TA, Mottram CJ, Saunders ES, Snodgrass C, Steele IA, Wheatley PJ, Anguita T, Bozza V, Harpsoe K, Hinse TC, Hundertmark M, Kjaergaard P, Liebig C, Mancini L, Masi G, Rahvar S, Ricci D, Scarpetta G, Southworth J, Surdej J, Thone CC, Riffeser A, Seitz S, Bender R. 2010. OGLE 2008-BLG-290: an accurate measurement of the limb darkening of a galactic bulge K Giant spatially resolved by microlensing ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 518 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pandey SB, Swenson CA, Perley DA, Guidorzi C, Wiersema K, Malesani D, Akerlof C, Ashley MCB, Bersier D, Cano Z, Gomboc A, Ilyin I, Jakobsson P, Kleiser IKW, Kobayashi S, Kouveliotou C, Levan AJ, McKay TA, Melandri A, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, O'Brien PT, Phillips A, Rex JM, Siegel MH, Smith RJ, Steele IA, Stratta G, Tanvir NR, Weights D, Yost SA, Yuan F, Zheng W. 2010. GRB 090902B: Afterglow Observations and Implications The Astrophysical Journal, 714 :799-804 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gould A, Udalski A, Monard B, Horne K, Dong S, Miyake N, Sahu K, Bennett DP, Wyrzykowski L, Soszynski I, Szymanski MK, Kubiak M, Pietrzynski G, Szewczyk O, Ulaczyk K, Allen W, Christie GW, DePoy DL, Gaudi BS, Han C, Lee C-U, McCormick J, Natusch T, Park B-G, Pogge RW, Allan A, Bode MF, Bramich DM, Burgdorf MJ, Dominik M, Fraser SN, Kerins E, Mottram C, Snodgrass C, Steele IA, Street R, Tsapras Y, Abe F, Bond IA, Botzler CS, Fukui A, Furusawa K, Hearnshaw JB, Itow Y, Kamiya K, Kilmartin PM, Korpela A, Lin W, Ling CH, Masuda K, Matsubara Y, Muraki Y, Nagaya M, Ohnishi K, Okumura T, Perrott YC, Rattenbury N, Saito T, Sako T, Skuljan L, Sullivan DJ, Sumi T, Sweatman WL, Tristram PJ, Yock PCM, Albrow M, Beaulieu JP, Coutures C, Calitz H, Caldwell J, Fouque P, Martin R, Williams A. 2009. THE EXTREME MICROLENSING EVENT OGLE-2007-BLG-224: TERRESTRIAL PARALLAX OBSERVATION OF A THICK-DISK BROWN DWARF ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 698 :L147-L151 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Guidorzi C, Clemens C, Kobayashi S, Granot J, Melandri A, D'Avanzo P, Kuin NPM, Klotz A, Fynbo JPU, Covino S, Greiner J, Malesani D, Mao J, Mundell CG, Steele IA, Jakobsson P, Margutti R, Bersier D, Campana S, Chincarini G, D'Elia V, Fugazza D, Genet F, Gomboc A, Kruehler T, Yoldas AK, Moretti A, Mottram CJ, O'Brien PT, Smith RJ, Szokoly G, Tagliaferri G, Tanvir NR, Gehrels N. 2009. Rise and fall of the X-ray flash 080330: an off-axis jet? ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 499 :439-U108 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tsapras Y, Street R, Horne K, Snodgrass C, Dominik M, Allan A, Steele I, Bramich DM, Saunders ES, Rattenbury N, Mottram C, Fraser S, Clay N, Burgdorf M, Bode M, Lister TA, Hawkins E, Beaulieu JP, Fouque P, Albrow M, Menzies J, Cassan A, Dominis-Prester D. 2009. RoboNet-II: Follow-up observations of microlensing events with a robotic network of telescopes ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN, 330 :4-11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gomboc A, Kobayashi S, Guidorzi C, Melandri A, Mangano V, Sbarufatti B, Mundell CG, Schady P, Smith RJ, Updike AC, Kann DA, Misra K, Rol E, Pozanenko A, Castro-Tirado AJ, Anupama GC, Bersier D, Bode MF, Carter D, Curran P, Fruchter A, Graham J, Hartmann DH, Ibrahimov M, Levan A, Monfardini A, Mottram CJ, O'Brien PT, Prema P, Sahu DK, Steele IA, Tanvir NR, Wiersema K. 2008. MULTIWAVELENGTH ANALYSIS OF THE INTRIGUING GRB 061126: THE REVERSE SHOCK SCENARIO AND MAGNETIZATION ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 687 :443-455 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Melandri A, Mundell CG, Kobayashi S, Guidorzi C, Gomboc A, Steele IA, Smith RJ, Bersier D, Mottram CJ, Carter D, Bode MF, O'Brien PT, Tanvir NR, Rol E, Chapman R. 2008. THE EARLY-TIME OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF GAMMA-RAY BURST AFTERGLOWS ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 686 :1209-1230 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Curran PA, van der Horst AJ, Beardmore AP, Page KL, Rol E, Melandri A, Steele IA, Mundell CG, Gomboc A, O'Brien PT, Bersier DF, Bode MF, Carter D, Guidorzi C, Hill JE, Hurkett CP, Kobayashi S, Monfardini A, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ, Wijers RAMJ, Willingale R. 2007. The prompt to late-time multiwavelength analysis of GRB060210 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 467 :1049-1055 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mundell CG, Melandri A, Guidorzi C, Kobayashi S, Steele IA, Malesani D, Amati L, D'Avanzo P, Bersier DF, Gomboc A, Rol E, Bode MF, Carter D, Mottram CJ, Monfardini A, Smith RJ, Malhotra S, Wang J, Bannister N, O'Brien PT, Tanvir NR. 2007. The remarkable afterglow of GRB 061007: Implications for optical flashes and GRB fireballs ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 660 :489-495 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mundell CG, Steele IA, Smith RJ, Kobayashi S, Melandri A, Guidorzi C, Gomboc A, Mottram CJ, Clarke D, Monfardini A, Carter D, Bersier D. 2007. Early optical polarization of a gamma-ray burst afterglow. Science, 315 :1822-1824 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
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Allan A, Adamson A, Cavanagh B, Economou F, Fraser S, Jenness T, Mottram C, Naylor T, Saunders ES, Steele IA, Vestrand WT, White RR, Wozniak PR. 2006. What do telescopes, databases and compute clusters have in common? Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 6274 DOI Publisher Url
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Monfardini A, Kobayashi S, Guidorzi C, Carter D, Mundell CG, Bersier DF, Gomboc A, Melandri A, Mottram CJ, Smith RJ, Steele IA. 2006. High-quality early-time light curves of GRB 060206: Implications for gamma-ray burst environments and energetics ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 648 :1125-1131 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Guidorzi C, Monfardini A, Gomboc A, Mottram CJ, Mundell CG, Steele IA, Carter D, Bode MF, Smith RJ, Fraser SN, Burgdorf MJ, Newsam AM. 2006. The automatic real-time gamma-ray burst pipeline of the 2 m Liverpool Telescope PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC, 118 :288-296 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Guidorzi C, Monfardini A, Gomboc A, Mundell CG, Steele IA, Carter D, Bode MF, Smith RJ, Mottram CJ, Burgdorf MJ, Tanvir NR, Masetti N, Pian E. 2005. The early multicolor afterglow of GRB 050502a: Possible evidence for a uniform medium with density clumps ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 630 :L121-L124 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Allan A, Naylor T, Steele I, Jenness T, Cavanagh B, Economou F, Saunders E, Adamson A, Etherton J, Mottram C. 2004. eSTAR: Intelligent observing and rapid responses Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5496 :313-322 DOI Publisher Url