Image of Prof Triestino Mariniello

Prof Triestino Mariniello

School of Law

Faculty of Business and Law

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Triestino has published a considerable number of peer-reviewed articles, books and book chapters in (international) criminal law and human rights law. He has been consulted as an expert in international criminal justice and human rights by several governmental and non-governmental organizations. He has been awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers to conduct research in international criminal law at the Humboldt University of Berlin (2021-2023). Currently. he is Co-Investigator of the AHRC funded project on 'Palestinian Bedouin at Risk of Forced Displacement: IHL Vulnerabilities, ICC Possibilities' ( He is a qualified barrister in Italy and member of the legal team representing Gaza victims before the International Criminal Court. He has also served as a Visiting Professional and Associate Legal Officer at the Pre-Trial Division of the International Criminal Court.

Academic appointments

Professor of Law, Liverpool John Moores University, 2023 - present
