Dr Vanesa Pesque-Cela
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: V.PesqueCela@ljmu.ac.uk
Dr Vanesa Pesqué-Cela is a Senior Lecturer in International Business Management and a China specialist at Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University. She is also a Research Associate at the School of Finance and Management, SOAS University of London, and an Affiliated Researcher at the Stockholm China Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics.
Prior to joining LJMU, she held a lectureship at King’s College London, and a senior teaching fellowship at SOAS University of London, where she taught in the areas of international business management, entrepreneurship and corporate governance. She also held various research positions at the Stockholm School of Economics and SOAS University of London, where she conducted research on China’s fiscal and financial systems.
Her current research interests are in the fields of international business, development economics, public economics and political economy. Much of her recent work has focused on financial inclusion and income inequality in developing countries. Her research has been published in outlets such as the Journal of Comparative Economics and the European Journal of Finance.
She holds a PhD in Finance and Management from SOAS University of London, an MSc in International Management for China also from SOAS, and a BA in Politics and Public Management from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Pesqué-Cela V, Li J, Kim YK. 2024. Overcoming the liability of foreignness in US capital markets: the case of Alibaba and Coupang E-Commerce and Financial Services in Asia :57-83 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Pesque-Cela V. 2018. Corruption in China Warf B. Handbook on the Geographies of Corruption :313-330 Edward Elgar Publishing. Cheltenham, Massachusetts DOI Publisher Url
Journal article
Bustamante J, Oughton C, Pesque-Cela V, Tobin D. 2023. Resolving the patents paradox in the era of COVID-19 and climate change: Towards a patents taxonomy Research Policy, 52 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Pesque-Cela V, Li J, Kim YK. 2022. Overcoming the liability of foreignness in US capital markets: the case of Alibaba and Coupang Asia Pacific Business Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Pesque-Cela V, Tian L, Luo D, Tobin D, Kling G. 2021. Defining and measuring financial inclusion: A systematic review and confirmatory factor analysis Journal of International Development, :1-26 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kling G, Pesqué-Cela V, Tian L, Luo D. 2020. A theory of financial inclusion and income inequality The European Journal of Finance, :1-21 DOI Publisher Url
Demir A, Pesqué-Cela V, Altunbas Y, Murinde V. 2020. Fintech, financial inclusion and income inequality: a quantile regression approach The European Journal of Finance, :1-22 DOI Publisher Url
Pesqué-Cela V, Tao R, Liu Y, Sun L. 2009. Challenging, complementing or assuming ‘the Mandate of Heaven’? Political distrust and the rise of self-governing social organizations in rural China Journal of Comparative Economics, 37 :151-168 DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Oughton C, Bustamante J, Pesque-Cela V, Tobin D. 2021. Resolving the Patents Paradox in the Era of Covid-19 and Climate Change: Towards a Patents Taxonomy International Centre for Economic Analysis 2021 Conference on Public Policy Lessons from the Pandemic DOI
Oughton C, Pesque-Cela V, Tobin D. The evolution of the financial system in China: A diversity index The 2018 European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Conference
Pesque-Cela V, Tian L, Luo D, Kling G. Defining and measuring financial inclusion: Evidence from cross-country datasets and China The Stockholm School of Economics and Peking University 2018 Joint Conference on Finance, Trade and Political Economy
Pesque-Cela V. Decentralization and accountability in authoritarian regimes: Evidence from rural China The 2017 European Public Choice Society Conference
Other invited event:
Expert Panel Discussion on "Alternative Finance and Financial Inclusion". International Conference on Alternative Finance Research., Krems, Austria, Expert panel discussion member. 2024
Financial Inclusion in China: Conceptual, Methodological and Policy Issues, SOAS Centre for Global Finance Seminar, SOAS University of London, Invited seminar. 2018
The Political Economy of Decentralization in China: Implications for Government Accountability, Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics Seminar, Stockholm School of Economics, Invited seminar. 2017
Conference presentation:
Resolving the Patents Paradox in the Era of Covid-19 and Climate Change: Towards a Patents Taxonomy, 21st Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet International Conference in Public Economics, Marseille, France/Online, Oral presentation. 2022
Resolving the Patents Paradox in the Era of Covid-19 and Climate Change: Towards a Patents Taxonomy, International Centre for Economic Analysis Conference on Public Policy Lessons from the Pandemic, Online, Oral presentation. 2021
Fintech, Financial Inclusion and Income Inequality: A Quantile Regression Approach, SOAS University of London and Nankai University Joint Conference on Financial Inclusion and Fintech, SOAS, London, Oral presentation. 2019
The Evolution of the Financial System in China: A Diversity Index, The European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Annual Conference, The University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France, Oral presentation. 2018
Defining and Measuring Financial Inclusion: Evidence from Cross-Country Datasets and China, The Stockholm School of Economics and Peking University Joint Conference on Finance, Trade and Political Economy, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden, Oral presentation. 2018
Decentralization and Accountability in Authoritarian Regimes: Evidence from Rural China, The European Public Choice Society Annual Conference, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, Oral presentation. 2017
Fellow, Higher Education Academy. 2021
Visiting Research Fellow, Stockholm China Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics. 2016
Conference organisation:
SOAS University of London and Nankai University Joint Conference on Financial Inclusion and Fintech, SOAS University of London. 2019