2025/26 entry

COPD Senior People Professional - Senior Organisation Development (OD) Professional Duties

Start date(s):
Study mode:
Course duration:
24 months
General enquiries:
0151 231 5090
International admissions

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About this course

Join this Senior People Professional Organisational Development programme to enhance and develop your knowledge, skills and behaviour required for organisational development at a senior level.

The Senior People Professional Degree Apprenticeship is a dynamic, part-time programme designed for both aspiring and current senior managers and leaders.

Structured into three distinct pathways, apprentices have the flexibility to specialise in an area aligned with their organisation's needs and their personal development goals. The three pathways include Human Resource Management (HRM), Learning and Development (L&D), and Organisational Development (OD). 

This level 7 Apprenticeship programme is fully funded by the apprenticeship Levy and includes a PG Dip and Chartered Membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), and the completion of an MSC in Human Resources, or Learning and Development or Organisational Development.

By the end of the programme learners will have extended their knowledge through:   

  • Contributing to the development and implementation of strategy in a range of organisational contexts 
  • Critically evaluating organisational strategy and practice within complex and rapidly changing business environments   
  • Critical appraisal of the added value of policies and practices within contemporary organisations 
  • Analysis of complex information from a variety of sources and a critical evaluation of its relevance 
  • Critical reflection on experience and learning, leading to skills development and engagement with lifelong learning 

Upon successful End Point Assessment completion, you will be eligible to apply for Chartered Membership with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). 

Following the conclusion of your apprenticeship, you will advance your educational journey  by completing a professional enquiry report that will culminate in the attainment of an MSC in Human Resource Management/Learning and Development/Organisational Development. 

During your first year, you will develop your learning on: 

  • Personal Effectiveness as a Senior Professional  
  • Work and Working Lives in a changing Business Environment 
  • The Future of Work  
  • People Management and Development Strategies for Performance  

During your second year, you will develop your learning on: 

  • Applied Business Research  
  • Strategy Implementation 
  • Organisational Design and Process Improvement 
  • Culture Change 

Fees and funding

There are many ways to fund postgraduate study for home and international students


The fees quoted at the top of this page cover registration, tuition, supervision, assessment and examinations as well as:

  • library membership with access to printed, multimedia and digital resources
  • access to programme-appropriate software
  • library and student IT support
  • free on-campus wifi via eduroam

Additional costs

Although not all of the following are compulsory/relevant, you should keep in mind the costs of:

  • accommodation and living expenditure
  • books (should you wish to have your own copies)
  • printing, photocopying and stationery
  • PC/laptop (should you prefer to purchase your own for independent study and online learning activities)
  • mobile phone/tablet (to access online services)
  • field trips (travel and activity costs)
  • placements (travel expenses and living costs)
  • student visas (international students only)
  • study abroad opportunities (travel costs, accommodation, visas and immunisations)
  • academic conferences (travel costs)
  • professional-body membership
  • graduation (gown hire etc)


There are many ways to fund postgraduate study for home and international students. From loans to International Scholarships and subject-specific funding, you’ll find all of the information you need on our specialist postgraduate funding pages.

Please be aware that the UK’s departure from the EU may affect your tuition fees. Learn more about your fee status and which tuition fees are relevant to you.

Degree Apprenticeships are funded courses, with learning costs being paid to the university by the employer, through the Degree Apprenticeship levy, if a large company, or with the help of the government’s co-investment model, if a smaller company.

If you aren’t already employed by a company that is willing to sponsor you through an apprenticeship, you’ll need to find one. You can do this by regularly checking the Government’s Find an apprenticeship website.

You can also approach an employer yourself to find out whether they would be interested in offering Degree Apprenticeships and ask them to contact us. Our team will be able to explain to them how they can access the correct funding and the next steps.

Information for potential employers

If an employer has a wage bill of over £3 million, it would automatically pay the Government levy and would use this to fund learning via the company Apprenticeship Service Account.

Non- Levy companies can access funding via the Government co-investment model, whereby the Government will fund 95% of the learning costs and the company will fund the remaining 5%.

To access the Government funds, non-levy paying employers are required to set up an account on the Apprenticeship Service and reserve funding for apprentices, no earlier than three months before the course start date.  Information regarding setting up an account can be found here. LJMU will still invoice non-levy paying companies for their contribution, but without this account LJMU will be unable to draw down the Government co-investment funding for the apprentices. 


Further your career prospects

LJMU has an excellent employability record with 96% (HESA 2018) of our postgraduates in work or further study six months after graduation. Our applied learning techniques and strong industry connections ensure our students are fully prepared for the workplace on graduation and understand how to apply their knowledge in a real world context.

Our applied learning techniques ensure our learners can apply knowledge to real world contexts. 

It is expected that Senior People Professional Apprentices will use the confidence and skills they have developed on the programme to achieve their aspirations and move more quickly up the career ladder within their organisations. 

By studying with Liverpool Business School, you join a network of senior professionals. This enables you to continue building meaningful, long-term relationships beyond the classroom. 

The student experience

Discover life as a postgraduate student at LJMU.

Course modules

Discover the building blocks of your programme

Your programme is made up of a number of core modules which are part of the course framework. Some programmes also have optional modules that can be selected to enhance your learning in certain areas and many feature a dissertation, extended report or research project to demonstrate your advanced learning.

Core modules

Senior People Professional - Senior Organisational Development (OD) Professional Duties
0 credits

This module aims to explore and apply knowledge, skills and behaviours relating to Organisational Development specialism.



An insight into teaching on your course

We adopt an active blended learning approach, meaning you will experience a combination of face-to-face and online learning during your time at LJMU. This enables you to experience a rich and diverse learning experience and engage fully with your studies. Our approach ensures that you can easily access support from your personal tutor, either by meeting them on-campus or via a video call to suit your needs.

Support for students

There is a high level of support for students on this course and the needs of part-time students and degree apprentices are thought through. You will be appointed a Personal Tutor when you are inducted onto the course. They will be responsible for assisting you and providing guidance and care on academic and pastoral matters and also on the development of your Personal Development Plans (PDPs) which form an integral part of your programme and development.

In addition each member of staff has surgery hours which allow you to 'drop in' to discuss academic issues on a one to one basis.

Study Hours

Learners will attend a 2-day induction at the start of their programme and modules will normally be delivered in blended format, the equivalent of e.g., four full days per 10 credit module, however, days will be broken down into 2–3-hour workshops sessions. 

Apprenticeship learners are required to spend a minimum of 6 hours of their working time (conditioned hours) on learning activities. Attending university classes will take up around 40% of this time for a full-time working learner. They should also complete all their university assignments within their normal working hours if possible. 

Teaching methods

A strong emphasis is placed on recognising that the workplace is an important place to learn; utilising flipped learning, learners will integrate key concepts and theories, assessing the impact of these on their own working environment and reporting back on their findings. Action learning will be adopted as the key supportive and collaborative approach to learning. Issues and challenges and good practice from the workplace can be discussed and peer reviewed by tutors and colleagues on the course, providing a forum to bring ideas, thoughts, issues, and actionable remedies to the fore. 

Applied learning

An essential element of the programme is the opportunity it provides for participants to apply their learning to organisational situations. The fact that learning is applied, rather than being purely theoretical, is of critical importance to learners, since their roles empower them to contribute to, and impact on, their organisation. In addition to learners producing course work which links theory to practice, the application of learning is also achieved through case-study analysis and a sharing of understanding which draws on the group experience. Furthermore, the programme’s pedagogical approach has been designed to align with and support the objectives and structure of the degree apprenticeship framework. Opportunities to apply learning to address real organisational issues and develop both the learner and their parent organisation, are provided at every stage of the programme. 


How learning is monitored on your programme

To cater for the wide-ranging content of our courses and the varied learning preferences of our students, we offer a range of assessment methods on each programme.

The predominant assessment methodology is one piece of individual coursework per module, which will require participants to relate their learning to an organisational setting. These assessments will normally be developed from their own experience or setting by each individual learner through the module activities with the application of theory to practice being a key element of the programme.  

There are two parts to the apprenticeship final assessment: 

  • Assessment Method 1 – Professional discussion underpinned by portfolio of evidence (complied over 2 years from specific yearlong modules and ongoing assignments and workplace projects) 
  • Assessment Method 2 – Project proposal, presentation and questioning 

The emphasis will be on a portfolio of evidenced work, bringing together different facets of learning activities enabling them to develop a broad understanding of themselves and their overall objectives for the duration of the programme. During all modules formative feedback, which supports the summative assessments, is on-going both within and outside the formal sessions in conjunction with working with their Mentors. 

The assessment methodology, as set out above, provides the opportunities for participants to demonstrate knowledge and skills. Masterclasses, where keynote speakers address current issues, emerging practice and thought leadership will also be employed on the programme, fostering intellectual skills, and addressing the ever-changing nature of a senior people professional in the real world. Knowledge and skills are assessed through individual work-related assessments, which may be supplemented with group activities. 

Course tutors

Our staff are committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning

I am delighted to announce the launch of The Senior People Professional Apprenticeship. This is a dynamic, part-time apprenticeship programme designed for both aspiring and current senior managers and leaders.

School facilities

What you can expect from your School

Liverpool Business School is based in the Redmonds Building and 4-6 Rodney Street, in the heart of the bustling Mount Pleasant Campus and Liverpool 's growing Knowledge Quarter. The building is home to high quality lecture theatres and seminar rooms, social spaces, and a café. It is only a short walk from LJMU 's Student Life Building and Aldham Robarts Library, which contains all the resources you will require for your studies. 

Entry requirements

You will need:

Qualification requirements

GCSEs and equivalents

Given the general nature of assessment, candidates will have at least 3 years managerial experience and have one of the following:

  • A degree from a recognised University or equivalent awarding institution at second class honours level or above;
  • A professional qualification recognised as equivalent to the above; or
  • An award which the University has agreed to accept as equivalent to the above.

Further information

  • Extra Requirements

    Additional apprenticeship requirements

    Due diligence of potential apprentice employers must be undertaken during the admissions process in line with the requirements of the ESFA. During the application phase, applicants must have an initial meeting with relevant staff and undertake a skill scanning exercise (LJMU Apprenticeship Policy, 2022)

    Mature entry

    The programme team has a strong commitment to widening participation and positively welcomes non-standard applicants. Candidates with some management experience or those who are about to enter a managerial role and have demonstrated an aptitude for study can be accepted without previous experience of higher education.



  • RPL

    In line with the UK Quality Code (2018) fairness and reliability are embedded principles within admissions and recruitment, and inclusivity pervades throughout the process from outreach activity to processes and practices to enrolment. 

    Recognition of prior learning for apprenticeship applications to the programme will be in alignment with the present LJMU Recognition of Prior (Experiential) Policy acknowledging: 

    • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) 
    • Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) 

    However not excluding other details from the policy for the purposes of this document it is important to note that the policy will be used for application for credit to be awarded and Apprentices may be awarded credits at the appropriate level and when suitably mapped against the programme and/or module learning outcomes. In addition, Apprentices joining the programme the award of Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience (RPLE), a new category for Apprenticeship programmes only, is permitted after assessment but the award of RPLE will not result in the release of credit (LJMU Apprenticeship Policy, 2022). 

    The process, which will include apprenticeship applicants undertaking a self-assessment followed by an interview with the LJMU tutor, will compare the individual’s existing knowledge, skills, and behaviours with those required in the relevant apprenticeship standard to achieve occupational competence. The finalised agreement on the amount of RPLE to be awarded must be endorsed by the apprentice employer. It will then result in an individual training plan (ILP) that accounts for relevant prior learning and experience, reducing the content, duration, and cost where training is not required (LJMU Apprenticeship Policy, 2022). 

Application and selection

Securing your place at LJMU

To apply for this programme, you are required to complete an LJMU Degree Apprenticeship form. You will need to provide details of previous qualifications and a personal statement outlining why you wish to study this programme.

If you aren’t already employed by a company that is willing to sponsor you through an apprenticeship, you’ll need to find one. You can do this by regularly checking the Government’s Find an apprenticeship website

You can also approach an employer yourself to find out whether they would be interested in offering Degree Apprenticeships and ask them to contact us. Our team will be able to explain to them how they can access the correct funding and the next steps.

Just like any other job application, you’ll go through a recruitment process with the employer. Check out our interview tips to help you prepare for your Degree Apprenticeship interview. You’ll also need to meet the entry requirements to attend Liverpool John Moores University just like any other student. To do this, find your course and make sure you meet the requirements of the particular course associated with your Degree Apprenticeship.

To apply for a Degree Apprenticeship course complete the online application form.

Once you have applied you are required to complete and return a skills scan document that is automatically sent to you upon receipt of your application.  The skills scan enables the programme team to carry out an initial assessment of the knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) that you have acquired through your previous experience and study.

Following consideration of your skills scan, you and your employer contact will be invited to attend a meeting with the Programme Leader to further discuss the requirements of the apprenticeship, including the KSBs set out within the applicable Apprenticeship Standard.

If your application is successful, you’ll enter into an employment/apprenticeship contract with your employer which will set out the obligations of all parties involved in the apprenticeship.

Please upload a CV with your application, detailing your leadership experience. 

The University reserves the right to withdraw or make alterations to a course and facilities if necessary; this may be because such changes are deemed to be beneficial to students, are minor in nature and unlikely to impact negatively upon students or become necessary due to circumstances beyond the control of the University. Where this does happen, the University operates a policy of consultation, advice and support to all enrolled students affected by the proposed change to their course or module.

Further information on the terms and conditions of any offer made, our admissions policy and the complaints and appeals process.