Intelligence and surveillance

Extensive experience in various data sets

Providing data collection and monitoring systems to support public health reporting, evidence review, evaluation and research.

The Public Health Intelligence Unit supports the work of the Public Health Institute through the provision of secure data collection and data storage systems. The team have extensive experience across various data sets which contribute to our surveillance systems.

Our surveillance systems

Integrated Monitoring System (IMS)
IMS is an established system for monitoring the provision of Needle and Syringe Programmes (NSP),  it also captures details of brief interventions and other non-structured treatment activity delivered by a variety of providers including syringe exchanges and substance misuse services across Cheshire & Merseyside. IMS also corporates a dedicated Drug Related Deaths (DRD) dashboard, for the monitoring and review of DRD and mortality in-treatment, used by local authorities across Cheshire, Merseyside, and Greater Manchester.

Trauma and Injury Intelligence Group (TIIG)
Established to look at access to quality and reliable injury information. A major element of TIIG is the ongoing development of an Injury Surveillance System (ISS) across the North West of England. The TIIG ISS collects and reports on injury data from local emergency departments (EDs) across Merseyside, Cheshire, Cumbria, Lancashire and Greater Manchester. TIIG also warehouses data collected by the North West Ambulance Service.

Drug Interventions Programme (DIP)
DIP’s aim is to identify and engage with drug using offenders at every stage of the criminal justice system. At each stage the intention is to provide services tailored to clients’ specific needs, addressing issues such as housing, education, employment, finance, family relationships and health as well as offending behaviour and drug use. DIP aims to provide a beginning-to-end support system that can direct drug using offenders out of crime and into treatment.


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