Image of Dr Dean Marshall

Dr Dean Marshall

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

I graduated with my PhD in Psychology from the University of York in 2021, my thesis focused on the development of probabilistic decision-making, focusing on the conjunction fallacy, and using heuristics and biases in social judgements.

My research interests lie in cognitive psychology, specifically decision-making, executive functioning, and problem-solving. My teaching and work experience is varied, covering music, online education, clinical trials, and experimental psychology.


2021, University of York, United Kingdom, PhD Psychology
2014, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, MSc Psychology
2013, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons) Psychology


2023, Arden University, United Kingdom, PG Cert Digital Pedagogies in Practice

Journal article

Marshall D, Fisk J, Rogers P, Stock R. 2023. An evaluation of the role of inductive confirmation in relation to the conjunction fallacy Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 35 :422-440 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Marshall D, Fisk J, Rogers P, Stock R. An account of subjective probability judgment for joint events: Conjunctive and disjunctive Scandinavian Journal of Psychology,
