Image of Dr David McIlroy

Dr David McIlroy

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

See My Tutor



Hanlon C, Chopra J, Boland J, McIlroy D, Poole H, Saini P. 2024. A mixed methods longitudinal case study exploring the impact of a community-based, brief psychological intervention for men experiencing suicidal crisis. DOI Public Url

Journal article

Tajeiro R, Mcllroy D, Palace M, Paulo RM, González Álvarez JL. 2024. The top tier of the Big Five does not predict police decisions in ambiguous and high-pressure situations Cogent Social Sciences, 10 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Caba-Machado V, Mcilroy D, Padilla-Adamuz FM. 2024. Night-time use of electronic devices, fear of missing out, sleep difficulties, anxiety, and well-being in UK and Spain: a cross-cultural comparison Current Psychology, 43 :21134-21145 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Hanlon C, Saini P, Boland J, McIlroy D, Poole H, Chopra J. 2024. Psychological risk factors predictive of suicidal distress in men receiving a community-based brief psychological intervention Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviour, :1-11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hanlon CA, Chopra J, Boland J, McIlroy D, Poole H, Saini P. 2023. A mixed-methods evaluation of the acceptability and fidelity of the James’ Place model for men experiencing suicidal crisis Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 11 :1-18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hanlon C, McIlroy D, Poole H, Chopra J, Saini P. 2022. Evaluating the role and effectiveness of co‐produced community‐based mental health interventions that aim to reduce suicide among adults: A systematic review Health Expectations, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Dietzel D, Kewley S, McIlroy D, Synnott J. 2022. Prison Mental Health Screening tools: Updated Choices and Sensitivity Forensic Update, 140 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Caba Machado V, McIlroy D, Adamuz FMP, Murphy RC, Palmer-Conn S. 2022. The associations of use of social network sites with perceived social support and loneliness Current Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hanlon C, Chopra J, Boland JE, McIlroy D, Poole H, Saini P. 2022. The James’ Place model: Application of a novel clinical, community-based intervention for the prevention of suicide among men Journal of Public Mental Health, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Hutchinson L, Forshaw MJ, McIlroy D, Poole H. 2021. The role of lifestyle on NHS ambulance workers’ wellbeing Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health: employee assistance practice and research, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Camadan F, Reisoglu I, Ursavas ÖF, Mcilroy D. 2018. How teachers’ personality affect on their behavioral intention to use tablet PC International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 35 :12-28 DOI Publisher Url

McIlroy D, Palmer-Conn S, Lawler B, Poole K, Ursavas OF. 2017. Secondary level achievement: non-intellective factors implicated in the process and product of performance. Journal of Individual Differences, 38 :102-112 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Denton P, McIlroy D. 2017. Response of students to statement-bank feedback: The impact of assessment literacy on performances in summative tasks Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, :1-10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

McIlroy D, Palmer-Conn SE. 2016. Students’ self-reflections on their personality scores applied to the processes of learning and achievement Psychology Learning and Teaching, 15 :351-369 DOI Publisher Url

David Mcilroy D, McIlroy D. 2016. Intra-Pair Similarity of Computer Self-Efficacy in Turkish Adolescent Twins Journal of Educational Computing Research, 54 :840-862 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Ursavas OF, Kabakc  Yurdakul I, Tu rk M, McIlroy D. 2016. Measurement Invariance of the Digital Natives Assessment Scale Across Gender in a Sample of Turkish University Students Journal of Educational Computing Research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Yalin HI, Teo T, Yurdakul IK, McIlroy D, Ursavaş ÖF. 2016. From editor Egitim ve Bilim, 41 :i

McIlroy D, Poole K, Ursavas OF, Moriarty A. 2015. Distal and proximal associates of academic performance at secondary level: A mediation model of personality and self-efficacy Learning and Individual Differences, 38 :1-9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ursavas OF, Sahin S, McIlroy D. 2014. The Role of Discipline in Determining Turkish Pre-Service Teachers' Behavioral Intentions to Use ICT EGITIM VE BILIM-EDUCATION AND SCIENCE, 39 :136-153 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

McIlroy D, Todd VJ. 2014. Application of formalised developmental feedback for feed-forward to foster student ownership of the learning process Psychology Learning and Teaching, 13 :137-143 DOI Publisher Url

McIlroy D, USAVAS OF, Sahin S. 2011. Comparing United Kingdom and Turkish University students’ computer phobia levels. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, :1271-1290

McIlroy D, Todd VT, Bunting BB. 2009. Individual Differences in Education: What do we know beyond ability? The Irish Journal of Psychology, 30 :147-161 DOI Publisher Url

Hulbert-Williams NJ, Hulbert-Williams SL, McIlroy D, Bunting B. 2008. Anxiety in recovery from severe burn injury: an experimental comparison. Psychol Health Med, 13 :162-167 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Mcilroy D, Sadler C, Boojawon N. 2007. Computer phobia and computer self-efficacy: their association with undergraduates' use of university computer facilities COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 23 :1285-1299 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Gordon M, Killey M, Shevlin M, McIlroy D, Tierney K. 2003. The factor structure of the Computer Anxiety Rating Scale and the Computer Thoughts Survey COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 19 :291-298 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

McIlroy D, Bunting B. 2002. Personality, behavior, and academic achievement: Principles for educators to inculcate and students to model CONTEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, 27 :326-337 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

McIlroy D, Bunting B, Tierney K, Gordon M. 2001. The relation of gender and background experience to self-reported computing anxieties and cognitions COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 17 :21-33 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

McIlroy D, Bunting B, Adamson G. 2000. An evaluation of the factor structure and predictive utility of a test anxiety scale with reference to students' past performance and personality indices. Br J Educ Psychol, 70 ( Pt 1) :17-32 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

McIlroy D, Robbins M, Francis L, Clarke R, Pritchard L. Three religious orientations and five personality factors: an exploratory study among adults in England Mental, Health, Religion & Culture, 13 :771-775 DOI Publisher Url

McIlroy D. Technology acceptance model for teachers: T-TAM Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, DOI

Hanlon C, Chopra J, Boland J, McIlroy D, Poole H, Saini P. A qualitative mixed methods case study exploring the impact of a community-based, brief psychological intervention for men experiencing suicidal crisis PLOS Mental Health,

McGeough J, McIlroy D, Palmer-Conn S. A Study Exploring the Effect of Social Comparison and Categorisation by Undergraduates International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education, 7 :2799-2806 DOI Publisher Url

Conference publication


McIlroy D. Title: Cognition and Emotionality in Test Anxiety: Debilitative and Facilitative impact on Academic Performance. STAR

McIlroy D. Title: The association of personality-related measures with academic performance in two Asian secondary schools (UK and Pakistan). Psychological Society of Ireland

McIlroy D. Title: Personality-related measures and academic performance in secondary students: The value of a mediation model. British Psychological Society of Wales

Poole K, McIlroy D. The role of personality-related constructs in secondary education experience International STAR Conference

Poole K, McIlroy D. Test Anxiety: Its unique impact on secondary level students’ performance at subject specific level International STAR Conference

Poole K, Mcilroy D. Emotional Intelligence assessment in sophomore students: A strategy to inform and challenge personal growth planning

McIlroy D. Countering Test Anxiety through Playfulness

McIlroy D. Applications of Test Anxiety and Academic Self-efficacy to learning and achievement.

McIlroy D. Academic self-efficacy: An inner resource for learning and achievement Internation Federation of National Teaching Fellows: World Summit

McIlroy D, Todd V. Construction and validation of an Academic Impostor Syndrome Measure for students Biennial International Symposium for the Teaching of Psychological Science

Editorial/letter to the editor

Yalin HI, Teo T, Yurdakul IK, McIlroy D, Ursavas OF. 2016. Untitled EGITIM VE BILIM-EDUCATION AND SCIENCE, 41 :I-I Author Url


Blundell M, Richards K, Roberts S, McIlroy D, Reeves MJ. 2014. Measuring women and girls sport behaviour and attitude change in Bury :1-75


McIlroy D. 2009. Study, writing and revision skills for International business students. International Business SAGE 9781446202685

McIlroy D. 2008. Study, writing and revision skills for human resource management students. Human Resource Management SAGE 9781412945103

McIlroy D. 2008. Study, writing and revision skills for strategic management students. Strategic Management SAGE 9780857023148

McIlroy D. 2008. Study, writing and revision skills for financial accounting students. Financial Accounting SAGE Publications Limited 9781412935036

McIlroy D. 2008. Study, writing and revision skills for penology students. Penology SAGE 9781412948104

McIlroy D. 2007. Study, writing and revision skills for policing students. Policing SAGE 9781848605343

McIlroy D. 2007. Study, writing and revision skills for child protection students. Child Protection SAGE 9781412911795

McIlroy D. 2006. Study, writing and revision skills for criminology students. Criminology Sage Publications Ltd

McIlroy D. 2006. Study, writing and revision skills for cognitive psychology students. Cognitive Psychology Sage Publications Limited 9781412918398

McIlroy D. 2006. Study, writing and revision skills for cognitive psychology students. Cognitive Psychology Sage Publications Limited 9781412918398

McIlroy D. 2006. Study, writing and revision skills for travel and tourism students. Travel and Tourism SAGE Publications Limited 9781412922944

McIlroy D. 2006. Study, writing and revision skills for criminal justice students. Criminal Justice SAGE 9781412907071

McIlroy D. 2006. Study, writing and revision skills for Criminology students. Criminology SAGE 9781412911337

McIlroy D. 2006. Study, writing and revision skills for management accountant students. Management Accounting SAGE 9781412918855

McIlroy D. 2006. Study, writing and revision skills for marketing students. Marketing Sage Publications Limited

McIlroy D. 2006. Study, writing and revision skills for social psychology students. Social Psychology SAGE 9781412918411

Books (authored)

McIlroy D. 2008. Study, writing and revision skills :121 DOI Publisher Url

McIlroy D. 2005. Exam Success SAGE 9781848600768

McIlroy D. 2003. Studying at University How to be a Successful Student SAGE 9781847876584

McIlroy D, Stittle J, Wearing R. Financial Accounting

McIlroy D, Greasley A. Operations Management Sage Publications, London


Denton P, mcilroy D. Student assessment literacy: One element of successful transition? LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference 2016.
