Dr Fiona Borthwick
School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: F.Borthwick@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2841
I am a professionally qualified Chartered Construction Manager (MCIOB) and have a PhD looking into the Strategic Market Decision Making of the UK Construction Materials Sector. I have a vast experience of Built Environment education and am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. I have taught at every level and all subject area’s offered whilst at LJMU and my main teaching specialism’s are in technology, surveying and project management (business and production). I have also worked at De Montfort University and have experience of other HEIs through my role as an External Examiner. I am a member of the Chartered Institute of Building accreditation panel which reviews and accredits Construction Management programmes in the UK and internationally. I have experience of research collaboration with industry and academia through a Knowledge Transfer Partnership. I was an Academic Support for the Marketing Associate in a project to help a National Building Services Engineering Consultancy start up a new service and to increase its market share. I have also been involved in successful MPhil/PhD Supervision Teams.
Subject areas of interest:
Construction Education, Project Management including strategic aspects of market analysis, managing people, risk management and change management, Construction Management including technological developments and commercial management.
Academic Reviewer for Construction Management and Economics 2006 - present
Academic Reviewer for Journal of the Higher Education Academy Engineering Subject Centre 2010 - present
2002, De Montfort University, United Kingdom, Doctor of Philosophy Title: The Impact of the European Construction Products Directive on UK Construction Product Manufacturers
1998, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education with SEDA Accreditation
1992, Coventry University, United Kingdom, BSc Honours Building Management with European Studies
Academic appointments
Programme Leader, School of the Built Environment, Liverpool John Moores University, 2009 - present
Senior Lecturer, School of the Built Environment, Liverpool John Moores University, 1997 - 2009
Journal article
Heaton R, Martin H, Chadee A, Milling A, Dunne S, Borthwick F. 2022. The Construction Materials Conundrum: Practical Solutions to Address Integrated Supply Chain Complexities Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 148 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shah R, Kraidi L, Matipa W, Borthwick F. 2022. Investigation of the Risk Factors Causing Safety and Delay Issues in Oil and Gas Pipeline Construction Projects Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 335 LNNS :313-326 DOI Publisher Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2021. An Investigation of mitigating the Safety and Security Risks allied with Oil and Gas Pipeline Project: a case study in Iraq Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering, 1 :349-359 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shah RK, Layth K, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2021. Analysing Delay Impact from Potential Risk Factors on Project Delivery of Oil and Gas Pipeline: A Case Study in Iraq Journal of Construction Research, 2 :42-55 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shah RK, Al Shereiqi K, Borthwick F. 2021. A Study of Challenges and Benefits of Lean Construction (LC) Principles in Omani Construction Industry Journal of Construction Research, 2 :16-29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2020. Using stakeholders’ judgement and fuzzy logic theory to analyze the risk influencing factors in oil and gas pipeline projects: Case study in Iraq, Stage II International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 28 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2019. Analyzing Stakeholders' Perceptions of the Critical Risk Factors in Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects Periodica Polytechnica Architecture, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2018. Analysing the Critical Risk Factors associated with Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects in Iraq International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 24 :14-22 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shah RK, McMann O, Borthwick F. 2017. Challenges and prospects of applying asset management principles to Highway maintenance: A case study of the UK Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 97 :231-243 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. Investigation of the Risk Factors Causing Safety and Delay Issues in Oil and Gas Pipeline Construction Projects Procedia Manufacturing, Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Shah RK, Kraidi L, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2022. A Model for Delay Analysis Impact at Planning Phase of Oil & Gas Pipeline Projects: A case of Iraq EPiC Series in Built Environment: ASC 2022, 58th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference:, ASC2022: 58th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference 3 :299-307 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shah R, Kraidi L, Matipa W, Borthwick F. 2022. Investigation of the Risk Factors Causing Safety and Delay Issues in Oil and Gas Pipeline Construction Projects Conference Proceedings GCMM 2021 Advances in Manufacturing Processes, Intelligent Methods and Systems in Production Engineering, Advances in Manufacturing Processes, Intelligent Methods and Systems in Production Engineering 335 :313-326 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah R, Matipa W, Borthwick F. 2020. Quantitative Analysis of the Delay Factors in Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects EPiC Series in Built Environment, Associated Schools of Construction Proceedings of the 56th Annual International Conference 1 :356-363 DOI Publisher Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa W, Borthwick F, Hashim KS. 2019. Development of Risk Optimisation Model for Oil and Gas Transportation Pipeline Routes IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, The International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering Technologies (ICCEET) DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2018. Application of Fuzzy Based Model to Manage the Critical Risk Factors in Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects CIDM 2018 – 5th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2018 – 5th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2018. An Analysis of the Critical Risk Factors in Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects using a Comprehensive Risk Management Framework ARCOM Conference Proceedings, Association of Researchers in Construction Management 34th (ARCOM 4th) :360-369 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2018. The Development of a Questionnaire Survey to Investigate the Critical Risk Factors in Oil and Gas Pipelines Projects Skibniewski MJ, Hajdu M. CCC 2018 - Proceedings, Creative Construction Conference 2018 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2018. Analyzing the Critical Risk Factors in Oil and Gas Pipelines Projects Regarding the Perceptions of the Stakeholders Skibniewski MJ, Hajdu M. CCC 2018 - Proceedings, Creative Construction Conference 2018 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2018. Analysing the Critical Risk Factors of Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects in Iraq Pinnington A, Taleb H. The 3rd BUiD Doctoral Research Conference 2017 Proceedings, The3rd BUiD Doctoral Research Conference :133-148 Publisher Url Public Url
Borthwick FA, Fearon D. 2014. Dealing with Transition – the BUE Case 2 Years On LJMU Annual Teaching and Learning Conference
Borthwick FA, McAndrew P. 2012. Cultural Interpretation of Health and Safety and its Appropriateness in the United Arab Emirates Smith SD. Procs 28th Annual ARCOM Conference, Association of Researchers in Construction Management :487-494
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. Application of Fuzzy Logic Theory on Risk Assessment in Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects. ASC 2019 International Conference, ASC 2019 International Conference Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shah R, Kraidi L, Matipa W, Borthwick F. Analyzing the Critical Risk Factors in Oil and Gas Pipelines Projects Regarding the Perceptions of the Stakeholders Skibniewski MJ, Hajdu M. Proceedings of the Creative Construction Conference (2018), Creative Construction Conference 2018, CCC 2018 :304-311 DOI Author Url
Membership of professional bodies:
MEMBER, Chartered Institute of Building. 2007
Incorporate Member, Chartered Institute of Building. 1992