Image of Prof Jim Stewart

Prof Jim Stewart

Liverpool Business School

Faculty of Business and Law


Sambrook S, Stewart J. 2024. Critical HRD Rocco TS, Morris ML, Poell RF. The Sage Handbook of Human Resource Development Sage. London 9781529672541 Publisher Url Public Url

Stewart J, Jones J, Kah S, Hamlin B, Poell RF, Lundgren H, Scully-Russ E. 2024. HRD Practitioner Roles in Organizations: Challenges, Congruence and Changes Rocco TS, Morris ML, Poell RF. The Sage Handbook of Human Resource Development Sage. London 9781529672541 Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2024. The Philosophy and Ethics of Time: Implications for HRD Russ-Eft DF, Alizadeh A. Ethics and Human Resource Development :431-448 Palgrave Macmillan Cham 978-3-031-38726-5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Stewart J. 2024. The Philosophy and Ethics of Time: Implications for HRD Ethics and Human Resource Development :431-448 Springer International Publishing 9783031387265 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2023. Off-the-job learning Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management, Second Edition :280-281 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2023. Apprenticeship Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management: Second Edition :16-17 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2023. Distance learning Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management, Second Edition :83-84 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2020. Providing research supervision: A personal polemic Modern Day Challenges in Academia: Time for a Change :152-167 DOI Publisher Url

Antoniadou M, Crowder M, Stewart J. 2020. Exploring perceptions of academic management roles in the undergraduate student experience Modern Day Challenges in Academia: Time for a Change :99-119

Zhang C, Stewart J. 2017. Talent Management and Retention The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Recruitment, Selection and Employee Retention :473-493 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2016. E-learning for Managers and Leaders Gower Handbook of Leadership and Management Development :441-456 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Harte V. 2015. Chapter 16: Now you see them, now you don’t: using online surveys in HRD longitudinal research Handbook of Research Methods on Human Resource Development :231-242 Edward Elgar Publishing DOI

Stewart J, Harte V. 2015. Now you see them, now you don’t: using online surveys in HRD longitudinal research Handbook of Research Methods on Human Resource Development :231-242 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Sambrook S. 2014. Critical perspectives on workforce development Workforce Development: Perspectives and Issues :329-349 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2014. Strategic HRD The Routledge Companion to Human Resource Development :203-211

Gold J, Holden R, lles P, Stewart J, Beardwell J. 2013. The Future of Human Resource Development Human Resource Development :413-427 Macmillan Education UK 9780230367159 DOI Publisher Url

Blackburn M, Stewart J, Gold J. 2013. Talent and Career Development Human Resource Development :313-337 Macmillan Education UK 9780230367159 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Gold J, Holden R, Rodgers H. 2013. Strategic HRD and the Learning and Development Function Human Resource Development :25-48 Macmillan Education UK 9780230367159 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Beardwell J, Gold J, IIes P, Holden R. 2013. The Scope of HRD and National HRD Policies and Practice Human Resource Development :3-24 Macmillan Education UK 9780230367159 DOI Publisher Url

Sun W, Stewart J, Pollard D. 2011. Introduction: Rethinking corporate governance – lessons from the global financial crisis Corporate Governance and the Global Financial Crisis :1-22 DOI Publisher Url

Palmer J, Hill R, Stewart J. 2007. The dynamics of organizational commitment and management development Management Development: Perspectives from Research and Practice :251-270 DOI Publisher Url

Palmer J, Hill R, Stewart J. 2007. The dynamics of organizational commitment and management development MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT: PERSPECTIVES FROM RESEARCH AND PRACTICE 16 :251-270

Hill R, Stewart J. 2007. Parameters of management development MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT: PERSPECTIVES FROM RESEARCH AND PRACTICE 16 :5-8

Hill R, Stewart J. 2007. Impact of management development MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT: PERSPECTIVES FROM RESEARCH AND PRACTICE 16 :155-158

Sambrook S, Stewart J. 2007. HRD in health and social care HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR: THE CASE OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE 15 :3-14 978-0-203-96831-4


Stewart J, Hill R. 2007. Researching and practising management development MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT: PERSPECTIVES FROM RESEARCH AND PRACTICE 16 :1-4

Hill R, Stewart J. 2007. Management development The holy grail of HRD? MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT: PERSPECTIVES FROM RESEARCH AND PRACTICE 16 :319-328

Stewart J, Sambrook S. 2007. HRD in health and social care The emerging challenges HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR: THE CASE OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE 15 :409-417 978-0-203-96831-4

Hill R, Stewart J. 2007. Aspects of management development MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT: PERSPECTIVES FROM RESEARCH AND PRACTICE 16 :227-229

Stansfield LM, Stewart J. 2007. A stakeholder approach to the study of management education MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT: PERSPECTIVES FROM RESEARCH AND PRACTICE 16 :120-133

Stewart J, Sambrook S. 2006. Human resource development in the public sector: The case of health and social care :1-426 DOI Publisher Url

Sambrook S, Stewart J. 2005. A critical review of researching Human Resource Development: The case of a pan-European project Critical Thinking in Human Resource Development :67-84 DOI Publisher Url

McGoldrick J, Stewart J, Watson S. 2004. Philosophy and theory in HRD Routledge Studies in Human Resource Development Routledge 9780415312370 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Beaver G. 2003. HRD in small organisations: Research and practice :1-317 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2003. The ethics of HRD Routledge Studies in Human Resource Development Routledge 9780415310130 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2003. The ethics of HRD HRD in a Complex World :83-99 DOI Publisher Url

McGoldrick J, Stewart J, Watson S. 2003. Postscript: The future of HRD research Understanding Human Resource Development: A Research-Based Approach :395-398 DOI Publisher Url

McGoldrick J, Stewart J, Watson S. 2003. Researching HRD: Philosophy, process and practice Understanding Human Resource Development: A Research-Based Approach :1-17 DOI Publisher Url

Holden RJ, Stewart J, Beardwell J, Gold J. Looking Our: Macro Considerations of HRD Gold J, Holden RJ, Stewart J, Iles P, Beardwell J. Human Resource Development: Theory & Practice

Holden RJ, Stewart J. E-Learning Human Resource Development: Theory & Practice DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. The ethics of HRD HRD in a Complex World :83-99 Taylor & Francis DOI Publisher Url

Sambrook S, Stewart J. A critical review of researching Human Resource Development Critical Thinking in Human Resource Development :67-84 Taylor & Francis DOI Publisher Url

Sambrook S, Stewart J. Reflections and discussion HRD and Learning Organisations in Europe :178-187 Taylor & Francis DOI Publisher Url

Conference publication

Kagher L, Otaye-Ebede L, Stewart J. 2024. Understanding Psychosocial Functions as an Innovative Practice for Diversity and Inclusion Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2024 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Shaffakat S, Vongswasdi P, Stewart J, Otaye-Ebede L. 2024. Exploring Organizational Processes that Enable Contrapower Harassment in Academia Academy of Management Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2024 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Otaye L, Loon M, Stewart J, Nachmias S. 2023. How can organisations support and maximise the contribution of neurodiverse employees? A conceptual model. Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management Annual Meeting 23 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mills S, Stewart J. 2015. The Doctoral Research of Doctoral Researchers; Experiences of Being an Insider Researcher Cassar V. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 14TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES (ECRM 2015), 14th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies :437-441 Author Url

Younes A, Stewart J, Kyriakidou N. 2014. MTDP needs assessment in Libya: A case of international and joint venture organisation World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 10 :296-311 DOI Publisher Url



Edwards C, Sarmiento T, Harte V, Stewart J. 2010. Bringing Enterprise Alive - Two 'International' Case Studies in the Innovative use of Simulation Based Entrepreneurship Education Kakouris A. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP, 5th European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation :162-172 Author Url

Harte V, Stewart J. 2009. A Longitudinal Approach to Evaluating Undergraduate Students Studying 'Enterprise Education' Modules: Pitfalls, Problems and Struggles 8TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FOR BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES, :151-159

Journal article

Lundgren H, Stewart J, Kah S, Jones J, Poell R, Hamlin R, Scully-Russ E. 2023. Mind the Gap – A Comparative Analysis of (In-)Congruences in HRD Role Perception Human Resource Development International, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Stewart J, Gold J, Jolliffe P, Glaister C, Halliday S. 2022. Futures and Foresight Learning in HRD European Journal of Training and Development, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ross C, Stewart J, Nichol L, Elliott C, Sambrook S. 2022. Sustaining the critical in CHRD in higher education institutions: the impact of new public management and implications for HRD Human Resource Development International (RHRD), :1-22 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Stewart J, Ross C, Nichol L, Elliott C, Sambrook S. 2021. Discourses of Practice: an examination of KEF and its effects on the AL/HRD community Action Learning: research and practice, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Stewart J, Loon M, Nachmias S. 2020. Introduction to volume one: Future of human resource development-disruption through digitalisation The Future of HRD, 1 :1-12 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Akobo LA. 2020. Contextualising work-life balance; a case of women of African origin in the UK Industrial and Commercial Training, 52 :133-153 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Stewart J, Plotnikof M, Pullen A. 2020. Catching a glimpse: Corona-life and its micro-politics in academia Gender, Work and Organization, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Stewart J. 2020. Stop the rot: reframing governance for directors and politicians Action Learning: Research and Practice, 17 :250-252 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ross C, Nichol L, Elliott C, Sambrook S, Stewart J. 2020. From chain to net: assessing interdisciplinary contributions to academic impact through narrative case studies Studies in Higher Education, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Loon M, Otaye L, Stewart J. 2020. Thriving in the New Normal: The HR Microfoundations of Capabilities for Business Model Innovation. An Integrated Literature Review. Journal of Management Studies, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ross C, Nichol L, Elliott C, Sambrook S, Stewart J. 2019. The role of HRD in bridging the research-practice gap: the case of learning and development. Human Resource Development International (RHRD), DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Stewart J, Sambrook S. 2019. Analysing HRD research in the UK research excellence framework Human Resource Development International, 22 :140-157 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Stewart JD, Shirmohammadi M, Beigi M. 2018. Understanding Skilled Migrants’ Qualification-Matched Employment in the Host Country: A Multidisciplinary Review and a Conceptual Model International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30 :93-121 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Beigi M, Shirmohammadi M, Stewart J. 2018. Flexible Work Arrangements and Work-Family Conflict: A Metasynthesis of Qualitative Studies Among Academics Human Resource Development Review, 17 :314-336 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Crowder M, Antoniadou M, Stewart J. 2018. To BlikBook or not to BlikBook: Exploring student engagement of an online discussion platform Innovations in Education and Teaching International, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Groves CJ, White GDO, Panya F, Stewart J. 2018. Can business schools increase student employability by embedding action learning into undergraduate management education? An account of practice Action Learning: Research and Practice, 15 :258-266 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Loon M, Otaye-Ebede LE, Stewart J. 2018. The paradox of employee psychological well-being practices: An integrative literature review and new directions for research International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30 :156-187 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Stewart J. 2017. Managing & organizations: an introduction to theory and practice (4th edition) Action Learning: Research and Practice, 14 :287-288 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Stewart J, Mills S, Sambrook S. 2015. HRD Programs in the United Kingdom Advances in Developing Human Resources, 17 :162-179 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Stewart J. 2015. Work-applied learning for change ACTION LEARNING, 12 :244-247 DOI Publisher Url

Mills S, Trehan K, Stewart J. 2014. Academics in pursuit of the part-time doctorate: Pressures and support issues associated with the career development of business and management academics Human Resource Development International, 17 :438-458 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Stewart J, Callahan J, Rigg C, Sambrook S, Trehan K. 2014. Realizing the critical in CHRD: Strategies for research and practice Human Resource Development International, 17 :379-383 DOI Publisher Url

Calver J, Gold J, Stewart J. 2013. Action learning and the creative industries: The efficacy of an action learning set in building collaboration between a university and creative industries Action Learning: Research and Practice, 10 :25-38 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Sambrook S. 2012. The Historical Development of Human Resource Development in the United Kingdom HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW, 11 :443-462 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Doloriert C, Sambrook S, Stewart J. 2012. Power and emotion in doctoral supervision: Implications for HRD European Journal of Training and Development, 36 :732-750 DOI Publisher Url

Harte V, Stewart J. 2012. Evaluating enterprise education: Issues in current practice Education + Training, 54 :77-95 DOI Publisher Url

Harte V, Stewart J. 2012. Develop.evaluate.embed.sustain: Enterprise education for keeps Education and Training, 54 :330-339 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2012. Making sense of the learning organization: What is it and who needs it? MANAGEMENT LEARNING, 43 :237-238 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2012. Learning and Talent Development Human Resource Management International Digest, 20 :177-181 DOI Publisher Url

Kang D-S, Stewart J, Kim H, Lim J-C. 2012. Unravelling the impact of Psychological empowerment on customer service behaviours as a consequence of 'Leader-Member Exchange' SERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL, 32 :1791-1809 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Gold J, Hamlin B, Stewart J. 2011. What is HRD? A definitional review and synthesis of the HRD domain Journal of European Industrial Training, 35 :199-220 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Gold J. 2011. Theorising in HRD: Building bridges to practice Journal of European Industrial Training, 35 DOI Publisher Url

Trehan K, Rigg C. 2011. Theorising critical HRD: a paradox of intricacy and discrepancy Stewart J. Journal of European Industrial Training, 35 :276-290 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Harte V, Sambrook S. 2011. What is theory? Journal of European Industrial Training, 35 :221-229 DOI Publisher Url

Kang D-S, Stewart J, Kim H. 2011. The effects of perceived external prestige, ethical organizational climate, and leader-member exchange (LMX) quality on employees' commitments and their subsequent attitudes PERSONNEL REVIEW, 40 :761-784 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Gold J, Walton J, Cureton P, Anderson L. 2011. Theorising and practitioners in HRD: The role of abductive reasoning. Journal of European Industrial Training, 35 :230-246 DOI Publisher Url

Harte V, Stewart J. 2010. Undertaking HRD research in higher education: A longitudinal approach to evaluating undergraduate "enterprise education" modules Education and Training, 52 :679-693 DOI Publisher Url

Sambrook S, Stewart J. 2010. Teaching, learning and assessing HRD: Findings from a BMAF/UFHRD research project Journal of European Industrial Training, 34 :710-734 DOI Publisher Url

Breen J, Chesterman D, Coghlan D, Learmonth A, Oliver J, Peters K, Stewart J. 2010. BOOK REVIEWS Action Learning: Research and Practice, 7 :99-110 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Harte V. 2010. The implications of talent management for diversity training: An exploratory study Journal of European Industrial Training, 34 :506-518 DOI Publisher Url

Sun W, Stewart J, Pollard D. 2010. Reframing corporate social responsibility Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability, 1 :3-19 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Keegan A, Stevens P. 2008. Postgraduate education to support organisation change: A reflection on reflection Journal of European Industrial Training, 32 :347-358 DOI Publisher Url

Sambrook S, Stewart J. 2008. Developing critical reflection in professional focused doctorates: A facilitator's perspective Journal of European Industrial Training, 32 :359-373 DOI Publisher Url

Rigg C, Trehan K, Stewart J. 2008. Critically reflective practice in human resource development Journal of European Industrial Training, 32 :99-102 DOI Publisher Url

Lawless A, McQue L. 2008. Becoming a community of critically reflective HR practitioners: challenges and opportunities within an MA partnership programme practitioners: a partnership approach Journal of European Industrial Training, :323-335 DOI Publisher Url

Sambrook S, Stewart J, Roberts C. 2008. Doctoral supervision. A view from above, below and the middle! Journal of Further and Higher Education, 32 :71-84 DOI Publisher Url

Kang DS, Stewart J. 2007. Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership and HRD: Development of units of theory and laws of interaction Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 28 :531-551 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2007. The future of hrd research: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and actions Human Resource Development International, 10 :93-97 DOI Publisher Url

Trehan K, Rigg C, Stewart J. 2006. Critical Human Resource Development International Journal of Training and Development, 10 :2-3 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2005. The current state and status of HRD research Learning Organization, 12 :90-95 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2005. The uk research assessment exercise Human Resource Development International, 8 :489-494 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Shaw S. 2005. Guest editorial Journal of European Industrial Training, 29 :393-395 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2004. Book reviews International Journal of Training and Development, 8 :289-291 DOI Publisher Url

Trehan K, Rigg C, Stewart J. 2004. Guest editorial Journal of European Industrial Training, 28 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2004. Book reviews International Journal of Training and Development, 8 :170-171 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. 2004. Book reviews International Journal of Training and Development, 8 :90-91 DOI Publisher Url

Yadapadithaya PS, Stewart J. 2003. Corporate training and development policies and practices: a cross-national study of India and Britain International Journal of Training and Development, 7 :108-123 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Knowles V. 2003. Mentoring in undergraduate business management programmes Journal of European Industrial Training, 27 :147-159 DOI Publisher Url

Prince C, Stewart J. 2002. Corporate universities – an analytical framework Journal of Management Development, 21 :794-811 DOI Publisher Url

McGoldrick J, Stewart J, Watson S. 2002. Understanding HRD: a research based approach International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2 :17-30 DOI Publisher Url

McGoldrick J, Stewart J, Watson S. 2001. Theorizing human resource development Human Resource Development International, 4 :343-356 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Knowles V. 2001. Graduate recruitment: Implications for business and management courses in HE Journal of European Industrial Training, 25 :98-108 DOI Publisher Url

McGoldrick J, Stewart J, Watson S. 2001. Theorizing human resource development Human Resource Development International, 4 :343-356 DOI Publisher Url

Prince C, Stewart J. 2000. The dynamics of the corporate education market and the role of business schools Journal of Management Development, 19 :207-219 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Knowles V. 2000. Graduate recruitment and selection: Implications for HE, graduates and small business recruiters Career Development International, 5 :65-80 DOI Publisher Url

Hill R, Stewart J. 2000. Human resource development in small organizations Journal of European Industrial Training, 24 :105-117 DOI Publisher Url

Sambrook S, Stewart J. 2000. Factors influencing learning in European learning oriented organisations: Issues for management Journal of European Industrial Training, 24 :209-219 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Knowles V. 2000. Graduate recruitment and selection practices in small businesses Career Development International, 5 :21-38 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Knowles V. 1999. The changing nature of graduate careers Career Development International, 4 :370-383 DOI Publisher Url

Hill R, Stewart J. 1999. Investors in People in small organizations: Learning to stay the course? Journal of European Industrial Training, 23 :286-299 DOI Publisher Url

Hill R, Stewart J. 1999. Human resource development in small organizations Human Resource Development International, 2 :103-124 DOI Publisher Url

Franklin Myra Hodgkinson P, Stewart J. 1998. Towards universities as learning organisations The Learning Organization, 5 :228-238 DOI Publisher Url

Sambrook S, Stewart J. 1998. No, I didn't want to be part of HR Human Resource Development International, 1 :171-188 DOI Publisher Url

Hamlin B, Reidy M, Stewart J. 1998. Bridging the HRD research-practice gap through professional partnerships: A case study Human Resource Development International, 1 :273-290 DOI Publisher Url

Stephens J, Hall R, Knowles V, Stewart J. 1998. Exploring business skills: An innovative approach to promoting lifelong learning Journal of Further and Higher Education, 22 :329-341 DOI Publisher Url

Beaver G, Stewart J, Fisher C. 1997. Strategic change, special conference edition Strategic Change, 6 :433-434 DOI Publisher Url

Beaver G, Stewart J, Fisher C. 1997. Strategic change, special conference edition Strategic Change, 6 :433-434 DOI Publisher Url

Beaver G, Stewart J. 1996. Editorial: HRM: the essential ingredient for successful strategic change Strategic Change, 5 :307-308 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Sambrook S. 1995. The Role of Functional Analysis in National Vocational Qualifications: A Critical Appraisal British Journal of Education & Work, 8 :93-106 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Hamlin B. 1994. Competence-based Qualifications — A Reply to Bob Mansfield Journal of European Industrial Training, 18 :27-30 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Hamlin B. 1993. Competence-based Qualifications: A Way Forward Journal of European Industrial Training, 17 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Page C. 1992. Competences - are they useful to trainers? Industrial and Commercial Training, 24 :32-35 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Hamlin B. 1992. Competence-based Qualifications: The Case against Change Journal of European Industrial Training, 16 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Hamlin B. 1992. Competemce- based Qualifications: The Case for Established Methodologies Journal of European Industrial Training, 16 DOI Publisher Url

Hamlin B, Stewart J. 1990. Approaches to Management Development in the UK Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 11 :27-32 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart JD. 1989. Bringing about organisation change — A framework Journal of European Industrial Training, 13 :31-35 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J. The Ethics of PI: A Polemical Overview Performance Improvement Quarterly, 16 :90-104 DOI Publisher Url

Editorial/letter to the editor

Stewart J. 2023. International research: a polemic on what counts Human Resource Development International, 26 :241-245 DOI Publisher Url

Loon M, Nachmias S, Stewart J. 2020. Preface The Future of HRD, 1 :v-vi

Loon M, Nachmias S, Stewart J. 2020. Preface The Future of HRD, 2 :v-vi

Lawless A. 2018. Scholarly Practice: re-connecting the l, p and q. Action Learning: Research and Practice, DOI Publisher Url

Elliott C, Stewart J. 2017. What are the (C)HRD implications of brexit? a personal reflection? Human Resource Development International, 20 :1-8 DOI Publisher Url

Books (edited)

2020. The Future of HRD, Volume I Innovation and Technology Stewart J, Nachmias S, Loon M. Palgrave Macmillan 978-3-030-52412-8 Publisher Url

2020. The Future of HRD, Volume II Change, Disruption and Action Stewart J, Loon M, Nachmias S. Palgrave Macmillan 978-3-030-52461-6 Publisher Url

2015. Realising Critical HRD: Stories of Reflecting, Voicing, and Enacting Critical Practice Stewart JD, Callahan J, Rigg C, Sambrook S, Trehan K. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Newcastle-upon-Tyne Publisher Url

2015. Realising Critical HRD: Stories of Reflecting, Voicing, and Enacting Critical Practice Stewart JD, Callahan J, Rigg C, Sambrook S, Trehan K. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Newcastle-upon-Tyne Publisher Url

Books (authored)

Loon M, Nachmias S, Stewart J. 2020. The Future of HRD 1 :1-156 DOI Publisher Url

Loon M, Nachmias S, Stewart J. 2020. The Future of HRD 2 :1-270 DOI Publisher Url

Stewart J, Rogers P. 2017. Studying Learning and Development Context, Practice and Measurement Kogan Page Publishers 9781843984603

Anderson L, Gold J, Stewart J, Thorpe R. 2015. A Guide to Professional Doctorates in Business and Management SAGE 9781473933439

Anderson L, Gold J, Stewart J, Thorpe R. 2015. A Guide to Professional Doctorates in Business and Management SAGE 9781473933422

Cureton PJ, Stewart J. 2014. Designing, Delivering and Evaluating Learning and Development: essentials for practice Stewart J, Cureton P. CIPD. London 9781843983606

Gold J, Iles P, Stewart J, Beardwell J. 2013. Human Resource Development: Theory and Practice Holden RJ. Palgrave Macmillan DOI Publisher Url

Sun W, Stewart J, Pollard D. 2011. Corporate governance and the global financial crisis: International perspectives :1-400 DOI Publisher Url

Woodall J, Lee M, Stewart J. 2004. New frontiers in HRD :1-199 DOI Publisher Url

Asonov D. 2004. Introduction 3128 :3-+ SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN Author Url

McGoldrick J, Stewart J, Watson S. 2003. Understanding human resource development: A research-based approach :1-407 DOI Publisher Url


Stewart J, Sambrook S. The Historical Development of Human Resource Development in the United Kingdom DOI Publisher Url


Distinctive Contribution Award, University Forum for HRD. 2023

Monica M. Lee Research Excellence Award, Academy of Human Resource Development, 2023

2023 AHRD Cutting Edge Award, Academy of Human Resource Development. 2023

Alan Moon Memorial Prize for Best Conference Paper, University Forum for HRD. 2009

Emerald Award for Excellence 2004, Outstanding Paper in Journal of Industrial Training., Emerald Publishing. 2004

Emerald Award for Excellence 2000, Outstanding Paper in Career Development International Journal, Emerald Publishing. 2000

External committees:

Ethics Panel, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, Member. 2016

Other Professional Activity:

Appointed CIPD Chief Examiner for L&D in 2008-2017.

Appointed CIPD External Quality Advisor in 2010-2018.

Appointed CIPD Visiting Panel Chair in 2003-2017.

CIPD Chief Examiner for L&D 2008-2017.

Founding Member of the University Forum for HRD, a network bringing together academics and others concerned with developing HRD as an area of professional practice and academic enquiry. Vice Chair, Research of the University Forum for HRD – 1996-2001. Elected Chair, University Forum for HRD – May 2001 – June 2014. Appointed Executive Secretary, University Forum for HRD, June 2014 –2018. Elected President of UFHRD June 2018-Present..
