Image of Prof Andros Gregoriou

Prof Andros Gregoriou

Liverpool Business School

Faculty of Business and Law

I have joined Liverpool Business School in 2023 as a Professor of Finance. I am also the Head of Research at Liverpool Business School. I have held senior academic positions at various universities including the University of Brighton, University of Hull, Brunel University, Bournemouth University and the University of East Anglia. A world leading authority in finance, I have published extensively in leading finance journals, have generated a vast mount of research income and supervised numerous PhD students to completion.

I am very interested in supervising students in the fields of liquidity, financial modelling, SMEs and cryptocurrencies. In particular, I am keen on developing new measures of financial stability that can be applied to the impacts of Brexit and the Coronavirus on financial markets. Panel econometrics and computational finance including bootstraping and monte carlo simulations are also of interest.

I have extensive knowledge of teaching finance at undergraduate and postgraduate level. I have delivered courses in financial management, derivatives, market microstructure, financial econometrics and financial institutions. I have also taught professional courses to executives working in the financial sector. I believe in research led teaching, where I use my research papers to demonstrate expert knowledge of financial markets, and apply this information to real world empirical examples.


2003, Brunel University, United Kingdom, PhD Finance
1999, Brunel University London, United Kingdom, MSc Business Finance
1998, Brunel University London, United Kingdom, BSc Economics and Finance

Academic appointments

Professor of Finance, Liverpool John Moores University, 2023 - present
Head of Research, Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, 2023 - present
Professor of Finance (REF Lead Business and Management), University of Brighton, 2014 - 2023
Professor of Finance (Head of Accounting and Finance), University of Hull, 2012 - 2014
Professor of Finance (Deputy Dean), Bournemouth University, 2010 - 2012
Professor of Finance, University of East Anglia, 2008 - 2010

Journal article

Healy JV, Gregoriou A, Hudson R. 2024. Automated Machine Learning and Asset Pricing Risks, 12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Liasidou A, Gregoriou A. 2024. A systematic literature review of intersectionality and disability in education British Journal of Sociology of Education, :1-25 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Zhang S, Gregoriou A, Wu H. 2024. Asymmetric post earnings announcement drift and order flow imbalance: The impact on stock market returns International Review of Financial Analysis, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Le VP, Nguyen AN, Gregoriou A. 2024. Insider trading, gender diversity within the board room, CEO pay gap, and stock price crash risk International Journal of Finance and Economics, 29 :1378-1400 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Le H, Nguyen T, Gregoriou A, Healy J. 2024. Natural disasters and corporate innovation European Journal of Finance, 30 :144-172 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Balding C, Gregoriou A, Tarzia D, Zhang X. 2023. Carry Trade Dynamics Under Capital Controls: The Case of China Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Gofran RZ, Liasidou S, Gregoriou A. 2023. Liquidity effects of COVID-19 in the European tourism industry Current Issues in Tourism, 26 :2235-2249 DOI Publisher Url

Haar L, Gregoriou A. 2023. Regulation and De-Risking: Theoretical and Empirical Insights Risks, 11 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Dimitriadou A, Gregoriou A. 2023. Predicting Bitcoin Prices Using Machine Learning Entropy, 25 :777 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Le H, Gregoriou A, Nguyen T. 2023. Advertising, product market competition and stock returns Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 60 :1605-1628 DOI Publisher Url

Kim DS, Luo L, Tarzia D, Vittorino G, Gregoriou A. 2023. Spillover effects of corruption: evidence from China's anti-corruption campaign Journal of Economic Studies, 50 :752-772 DOI Publisher Url

Liu G, Li J, Gregoriou A, Bo Y. 2023. Which Market Enhances Market Efficiency by Improving Liquidity? Evidence of Market Liquidity in Relation to Returns of Stocks Asian Economic Papers, 22 :33-61 DOI Publisher Url

Ahmed R, ullah S, Hudson R, Gregoriou A. 2023. The implications of liquidity ratios: Evidence from Pakistan stock exchange limited Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 87 :235-243 DOI Publisher Url

Ahmed R, Chen Y, Benjasak C, Gregoriou A, Nahar Falah Alrwashdeh N, Than ET. 2023. The performance of bidding companies in merger and acquisition deals: An empirical study of domestic acquisitions in Hong Kong and Mainland China Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 87 :168-180 DOI Publisher Url

Chen H, Tarzia D, Vittorino G, Gregoriou A. 2022. Volatility Spillovers During the Chinese Stock Market Crisis: A MEM-Based Approach Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 25 DOI Publisher Url

Le H, Gregoriou A. 2022. Liquidity and asset pricing: evidence from a new free-float-adjusted price impact ratio Journal of Economic Studies, 49 :751-771 DOI Publisher Url

Gofran RZ, Gregoriou A, Haar L. 2022. Impact of Coronavirus on liquidity in financial markets Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 78 DOI Publisher Url

Haar L, Gregoriou A. 2021. Risk management and market conditions International Review of Financial Analysis, 78 DOI Publisher Url

Gregoriou A, Nguyen BD, Nguyen TD, Le H, Hudson R. 2021. Economic policy uncertainty and cross-border mergers and acquisitions International Review of Financial Analysis, 78 DOI Publisher Url

Liasidou A, Gregoriou A. 2021. A Longitudinal Analysis of Disability-Related Interpersonal Violence and Some Implications for Violence Prevention Work Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36 :NP8687-NP8705 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Zhang S, Gregoriou A. 2021. The impact of order flow on event study returns: New evidence from zero-leverage firms Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 80 :627-634 DOI Publisher Url

Wang A, Hudson R, Rhodes M, Zhang S, Gregoriou A. 2021. Stock liquidity and return distribution: Evidence from the London Stock Exchange Finance Research Letters, 39 DOI Publisher Url

Gregoriou A, Hudson R. 2021. Market frictions and the geographical location of global stock exchanges. Evidence from the S&P Global Index Journal of Economic Studies, 48 :354-366 DOI Publisher Url

Li S, Liu GS, Gregoriou A. 2021. Do more mergers and acquisitions create value for shareholders? Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 56 :755-787 DOI Publisher Url

Le H, Gregoriou A. 2020. HOW DO YOU CAPTURE LIQUIDITY? A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ON LOW-FREQUENCY STOCK LIQUIDITY Journal of Economic Surveys, 34 :1170-1186 DOI Publisher Url

Zhang S, Gregoriou A. 2020. The price and liquidity impact of China forbidding initial coin offerings on the cryptocurrency market Applied Economics Letters, 27 :1695-1698 DOI Publisher Url

Zhang S, Gregoriou A. 2020. Post earnings announcement drift, liquidity and zero leverage firms: Evidence from the UK stock market Journal of Business Research, 116 :13-26 DOI Publisher Url

Zhang S, Gregoriou A. 2020. Cryptocurrencies in portfolios: return–liquidity trade-off around China forbidding initial coin offerings Applied Economics Letters, :1-5 DOI Publisher Url

Liu G, Gregoriou A, Bo Y. 2020. How do markets value stock liquidity? Comparative evidence from the UK, the US, Germany and China Economics Letters, 186 DOI Publisher Url

Zhang S, Gregoriou A. 2019. The price behavior around initial loan announcements: Evidence from zero-leverage firms in the UK Research in International Business and Finance, 50 :191-200 DOI Publisher Url

Zhang S, Gregoriou A. 2019. Initial bank loans, zero-leverage firms and stock market liquidity: New empirical evidence from the UK Journal of Economic Studies, 46 :1028-1051 DOI Publisher Url

Gregoriou A, Healy JV, Le H. 2019. Prospect theory and stock returns: A seven factor pricing model Journal of Business Research, 101 :315-322 DOI Publisher Url

Gregoriou A. 2019. Cryptocurrencies and asset pricing Applied Economics Letters, 26 :995-998 DOI Publisher Url

Georgellis Y, Garcia SM, Gregoriou A, Ozbilgin M. 2019. Pay Referents and Satisfaction with Pay: Does Occupational Proximity Matter? British Journal of Management, 30 :578-592 DOI Publisher Url

Eliwa Y, Gregoriou A, Paterson A. 2019. Accruals quality and the cost of debt: the European evidence International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 27 :333-351 DOI Publisher Url

Becam A, Gregoriou A, Gupta J. 2019. Does size matter in predicting hedge funds' liquidation? European Financial Management, 25 :271-309 DOI Publisher Url

Gregoriou A, Liasidou S. 2019. Liquidity effects on travel and tourism stocks following global financial crises Journal of Hospitality Financial Management, 27 :98-108 DOI

Gupta J, Gregoriou A, Ebrahimi T. 2018. Empirical comparison of hazard models in predicting SMEs failure Quantitative Finance, 18 :437-466 DOI Publisher Url

Healy JV, Gregoriou A, Hudson R. 2018. Test of recent advances in extracting information from option prices International Review of Financial Analysis, 56 :292-302 DOI Publisher Url

Gupta J, Gregoriou A. 2018. Impact of market-based finance on SMEs failure Economic Modelling, 69 :13-25 DOI Publisher Url

Ashton JK, Gregoriou A. 2017. Does an Overdraft Facility Influence the Customer Costs of Using a Personal Current Account? International Journal of the Economics of Business, 24 :1-26 DOI Publisher Url

Gregoriou A, Rhodes M. 2017. The accuracy of spread decomposition models in capturing informed trades: Evidence from the London Stock Exchange and behavioural implications Review of Behavioral Finance, 9 :2-13 DOI Publisher Url

Gregoriou A. 2017. Modelling non-linear behaviour of block price deviations when trades are executed outside the bid-ask quotes Journal of Economic Studies, 44 :206-213 DOI Publisher Url

Ibikunle G, Gregoriou A, Hoepner AGF, Rhodes M. 2016. Liquidity and market efficiency in the world's largest carbon market British Accounting Review, 48 :431-447 DOI Publisher Url

Ashton JK, Gregoriou A, Healy JV. 2016. The relative influence of price and non-price factors on short-term retail deposit quantities? European Journal of Finance, 22 :1086-1108 DOI Publisher Url

Gregoriou A. 2016. Does the London Stock Exchange require an upstairs market? Evidence from block trades Journal of Economic Studies, 43 :447-457 DOI Publisher Url

Gregoriou A, Gupta J, Healy J. 2016. Does Islamic banking increase the liquidity of stocks? An application to the Kingdom of Bahrain Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 42 :132-138 DOI Publisher Url

Gregoriou A. 2016. A simple behavioural model of investor holding periods under the presence of trading costs Applied Economics Letters, 23 :432-435 DOI Publisher Url

Game AM, Gregoriou A. 2016. Do brokers act in the best interests of their clients? New evidence from electronic trading systems Business Ethics, 25 :187-197 DOI Publisher Url

Ibikunle G, Gregoriou A, Pandit NR. 2016. Price impact of block trades: the curious case of downstairs trading in the EU emissions futures market European Journal of Finance, 22 :120-142 DOI Publisher Url

Gregoriou A, Healy J, Gupta J. 2015. Determinants of telecommunication stock prices Journal of Economic Studies, 42 :534-548 DOI Publisher Url

Hudson RS, Gregoriou A. 2015. Calculating and comparing security returns is harder than you think: A comparison between logarithmic and simple returns International Review of Financial Analysis, 38 :151-162 DOI Publisher Url

Gregoriou A, Healy J, Savvides N. 2014. Market efficiency and the basis in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme: New evidence from non linear mean reverting unit root tests Journal of Economic Studies, 41 :615-628 DOI Publisher Url

Ashton JK, Gregoriou A. 2014. The Influence of Banking Centralization on Depositors: Regional Heterogeneities in the Transmission of Monetary Policy Regional Studies, 48 :1467-1482 DOI Publisher Url

Gregoriou A. 2014. Event studies correcting for nonnormality using the wild bootstrap Applied Economics Letters, 21 :1054-1056 DOI Publisher Url

Gupta J, Wilson N, Gregoriou A, Healy J. 2014. The effect of internationalisation on modelling credit risk for SMEs: Evidence from UK market Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 31 :397-413 DOI Publisher Url

Gregoriou A, Kontonikas A, Montagnoli A. 2014. Aggregate and regional house price to earnings ratio dynamics in the UK Urban Studies, 51 :2916-2927 DOI Publisher Url

Baruch Y, Sayce S, Gregoriou A. 2014. Retirement in a global labour market: A call for abolishing the fixed retirement age Personnel Review, 43 :464-482 DOI Publisher Url

Gupta J, Wilson N, Gregoriou A, Healy J. 2014. The value of operating cash flow in modelling credit risk for SMEs Applied Financial Economics, 24 :649-660 DOI Publisher Url

Thi Nguyen DT, Diaz-Rainey I, Gregoriou A. 2014. Determinants of the Capital Structure of Listed Vietnamese Companies Southeast Asian Economies, 31 :412-412 DOI Publisher Url

Gupta J, Gregoriou A, Healy J. The Correct Use of Hazard Models: A Comparison Employing Different Definitions of SMEs Financial Distress SSRN Electronic Journal, DOI Publisher Url

Hayward R, Gregoriou A. International Capital Flows and Speculation Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14 :197-197 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Haar L, Elharidy A, Gregoriou A. Marking-to-market IAS 37 provisions using options: an empirical demonstration Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, DOI Publisher Url

Books (authored)

Ibikunle G, Gregoriou A. 2018. Carbon markets: Microstructure, pricing and policy :1-234 DOI Publisher Url
