Image of Colette Ankers De Salis

Colette Ankers De Salis

School of Education

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

As a member of the Initial Teacher Education in the School of Education at Liverpool John Moores University, I have responsibility for the English programme on both the Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes leading to Qualified Teacher Status at Primary level and am Head of Year 3 (final year) on the Undergraduate programme. I teach on all Primary Programmes including School Direct Programmes and am module leader for both English and Professional Studies Modules.

I am a former Primary Teacher and gained both my PGCE and MEd from the University of Liverpool. have worked across the key stages in schools here in Liverpool and in Austrailia. My school-based experience includes a secondment working for the then Family Literacy Project. More recently I have worked closely with the former National Strategies national and regional co-ordinators. My current research interest is partnership and peer mentoring programmes for trainee teachers and newly qualified teachers (NQTs) and effective teaching of Primary English. I am an external examiner for Nottingham Trent University.


University of Liverpool, England, MEd
Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PGCERT (HE)
University of Liverpool, England, PGCE
University of Liverpool, England, BA (Hons)History and Politics


Higher Education Academy, Fellow

Academic appointments

Senior Lecturer in Primary English, Liverpool John Moores University, 2004 - present
