Have you seen or experienced something that made you feel uncomfortable? Report it.

Report and Support is LJMU's harassment and sexual misconduct reporting platform.

Have you seen or experienced something that made you feel uncomfortable? 

We encourage all students, staff and visitors to report bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct or discrimination using our quick and easy to use reporting tool. 

The Report and Support tool offers two ways to tell the university what happened, either by reporting and getting support, or reporting anonymously. 

What will happen if I 'Report and Get Support'

If you select Report and Get Support via the tool, you will be asked to input your contact details so that a member of the Report and Support team either from Student Advice and Wellbeing, Student Governance or HR can get in touch with you and offer support following your report. 

What will happen if I 'report anonymously'

If you select to make a Report Anonymously, the incident will be reviewed immediately to see if any action should be taken to keep staff and students safe. Information provided within anonymous reports is also used to understand what is happening and to inform proactive prevention work. The Report and Support team will work with those areas of the university identified in reports to address any concerning trends. 

Report and Support is not an emergency service 

The Report and Support tool is not an emergency service. If there is an immediate risk of serious harm please call the emergency services on 999.  

You can also contact the University security team on (0151) 231 2222 (or 2222 from an internal phone). 

Report an incident 


A compilation of the logos of four charities that support people in the Liverpool City Region: Local Solutions, The Girls Network, Claire House Childrens Hospice and Micah Liverpool

LJMU partners with four charities making a difference in the region


LJMU drugs expert on UK Advisory Council


Contact Us

Get in touch with the Press Office on 0151 231 3369 or