Black History Month: Celebrating local Black artists

Black artists shared their experiences of the arts industry at the Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies.

Actors, dancers, writers, fine artists and filmmakers shared their personal journeys with staff and students at a day-long event 'Celebrating Local Black Artists' for Black History Month.

“The idea is to share on campus a deeper understanding of the challenges, triumphs, and contributions of Black artists in today's world,” explained Head of Education Studies Ange Garden, who co-organised the event with lecturer and PhD researcher Chantelle Lunt in collaboration with the School of Art and Design.

The day featured the work of artist and Hip-Hop performer Nikki Blaze, whose fusion of fine art and hip-hop has made a name for herself in New York and Liverpool, and Ami Zanders, a Bermudan performance artist and LJMU alum.  

Speakers included Vice-Chancellor Professor Mark Power; Moni Akinsanya, Associate Director of Diversity and Inclusion; Dr Graham Downes, Associate Dean EDI, APSS; Ange Garden and Chantelle Lunt.

Discussions were held with a panel of local artists on their experiences and insights on what it means to be Black in the arts industry. They included actor Paislie Reid, dancer Emma Thomas, writer Melanie John, filmmaker Bea Freeman and poet Gerry Clarkson.

Chantelle Lunt said: “We were keen to hold space for local Black artists and members of Liverpool’s Black community, the oldest Black community in Europe.

“To highlight our commitment to teaching and celebrating Black History and culture beyond Black History Month, we have made arrangements for Nikki’s artwork to be displayed throughout November.”

It will be on show at the School of Education from 6 to 24 November.


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